Chapter 9

1127 Words
Amelia If I had thought that the drinks reception was tough the actual meal is worse. I am sat beside Damian as always but the first seat along the table is Erik to my left and his beautiful wife. To Damian’s right as always is Nico his customary glower on his face. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife at our end of the table, sounds of normal and excited chatter drift up from further down the banqueting table but there is an awkward stony silence hanging over us. I feel myself pushing my food around my plate unable to face actually eating anything. I can’t even look up I don’t want to see the hate burning in Erik’s eyes for me. I know I did it to myself but every bit of love I have ever felt for him still burns inside of me. Damian’s cold voice finally breaks the silence “Doesn’t Amelia just look good enough to eat tonight Erik?” His question loaded with innuendo. Fuck! f**k him why does he always have to be such an antagonistic prick! Still I refuse to look up and instead just down my glass of champagne, I’m going to need plenty to get through this night. Erik clears his throat before speaking “She is always beautiful it’s just a shame what’s inside doesn’t match” this earns a amused snigger from my husband and I feel my fingers tighten around my glass. “Just as well you don’t need to like her to f**k her isn’t it” Nico’s voice adds to my torment, he sounds cold and cruel. I take in a deep breath and hold it trying to calm the rage bubbling inside. What I really want to do in this moment is shove my seat back and tell each one of them to go f**k themselves and run away from them all forever. In reality it will never work. I dare to lift my eyes and inadvertently catch Harlow’s, her eyes shine with pity, ah hell no! She can f**k off too with her puppy eyes all sad. If she looked smug, predatory or even jealous, anything along those lines I could take that all night long but she does not get to pity me. Closing my eyes for a moment to compose myself I hold out my glass indicting for a server to refill it. When I finally open them once more I feel the ice in them. I will not crack, not for anything in this world and especially in this company. I lift my freshly filled glass to my lips and finally allow my eyes to meet Erik’s over the rim of my glass. My ice meets his burning fire of hatred. Lowering my glass I find my voice still holding his eyes in challenge determined to make him look away before I do. I hear the coldness dripping from my every word “It’s just as well no one gives a f**k what you think Erik” I take in their multiple reactions as all once. My words seem to burn him even brighter but he looks away from my challenge first, victory number one. Harlow bless her delicate little heart gasps and I see a hardness as she looks at me now, victory number two. Damian rewards me with an indulgent chuckle and his hand slides over my thigh squeezing, his touch makes me want to vomit but I know this means he is pleased with me, victory number three. I have my armour in place once more, I can do this, who’d have thought Harlow’s pity would be the catalyst I needed. I risk a quick glance in Nico’s direction but his face is an unreadable mask, he seems to be studying Erik’s every movement. I am curious why he is so interested in him, I know he knows the basic history part but I have never confided in him how my heart still yearns for Erik, I’m unsure if it’s because he can read more than I want to give away or if there is something more in his fascination. Talk turns to something easier to follow as Erik probes for Damian’s actual intentions on the pretence he invited him here upon. “So Damian, you said you wanted me to work with some of your scientists at your lab on the bio-weapon, tell me more?” Watching Damian light up at another opportunity to make Erik feel awkward he gives his cruel smile “Well really it’s Amelia you should be discussing that with, she is the head of the lab. I don’t care much for that side of things I have more important matters to oversee. You’ll be working very closely together in New York” Keeping my ice in place I look straight at him and I see the anger there and confusion. “I’ve been running the research arm of our business for decades. I started it initially to look at alternative blood sources, synthesising blood that could help us to live in greater harmony with the humans and to gain a greater understanding of our differences at a cellular level to the humans. Then when this bio-weapon came about I switched a team to focus on how we can nullify its effects on us.” His face looks genuinely surprised and seems to soften for a moment as he looks at me “I had no idea that your side was even interested in any of this let alone so deep into it. I always assumed you were fine with your losses” I prickle at that, genuinely, that’s a bit of an asshole assumption from him. I’m about to tell him exactly what I think to his attitude when Damian cuts me off with a hearty laugh “We really could care less but it keeps Amelia amused and out of trouble” and the condescending prick pats my hand like I’m an unruly child he needs to indulge. I can’t help wonder what would happen if I take my fork and stab it through his hand. A sneaky smile works it’s way over Nico’s face “Yes it keeps her entertained and out of the way of the real business of ruling” I can’t help the snarl that I direct his way “f**k off Nico” His smile is cruel “Oh I’ll be f*****g off plenty later” And he winks at me “Asshole” I spit out. “I hate you too” his tone sounds like venom and he blows me what appears to be an antagonistic kiss with his words but his secret meaning gives me a little thrill inside.
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