The Shrew

2772 Words

Rose- After James left, it was Dean Ashbrooke who was next to stay the week.  He was the Beta from Grim Stone Pack and was as equally as insufferable as James.  During James’s visit, I had stopped shaving my legs and armpits, determined to be as detestable as possible.  I let my eye brows grow wild and stopped brushing my hair all together.  I wore the baggiest of clothes and even my parents had questioned my appearance from time to time.  At dinner, I made sure to eat like a pig and asked Griselda to serve me extra onions, no matter what the meal was.  I continued this charade during Dean’s visit and gained quite the reaction from him.  He had seen me at the Region Meeting and knew I didn’t always look this way which is why he continued nagging me.  During training, I wasn’t allowed to s

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