Four Down, One to Go

2848 Words

Rose- My stomach was in knots and I didn’t know why.  Every time I thought about Jeremy coming for the week, I began to sweat.  I guess it was because of all the dreams I seemed to have about him ever since we met that day in the forest.  I had no idea why and I would wake up panting, feeling exhilarated and flustered.  I found myself thinking about that day all the time and was beginning to get annoyed.  The fact that he was the last one to come to my pack was even more frustrating because I wanted to meet him and get it over with.  Once I saw what a man-w***e he was, I would be disgusted and no longer have these disgusting thoughts about him.  I also knew that he had a girlfriend as Aria had told me and that he did not bother her the week he was at her pack.  I both hoped he left me alo

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