My Hero

1890 Words

Riley’s P.O.V The weekend had come around once again and I have not seen or heard from Denny since our little conversation we had on Monday morning. I knew I should not have told him what he said to me when he was drunk, but I aint one for lying…hate it. As for Denny he doesn’t seem to be giving a single flying f**k, think I have seen him with about five different girls in the space of four days, nice to know he really didn’t give a damn in the slightest about me, I should not be surprised I guess. Yes it pissed me off at first…now I aint gonna let it bother me anymore, he isn’t worth it…I deserve better than that. And first thing to help me stop bothering is a party tonight…a huge party at that, one of the frat boys from one of my classes invited me, a very cute one at that if I may add.

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