Make me forget?

1491 Words

Riley’s P.O.V I woke up with a pounding headache, feeling exhausted, hoping once again last night was only a bad dream. I was soon disappointed when I felt the pain in both my wrists. I looked at them, they were now swollen and bruised badly. The thought of last night made me sick to my stomach and I had to stop myself from crying again. I reached over for Denny, remembering he was here last night…now though he was gone, the bed was empty. I was hoping he would still be here. I sighed, rolling over, my hand landing on a piece of paper. I picked it up, reading it Morning Sleepyhead, Way out to grab breakfast And coffee. Be back soon. Denny xox I smiled as I read it, glad that he hadn’t just up and left like I thought. I snuggled back up, too cold and too comfortable to get out of bed.

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