Phone teasing

1620 Words

Riley’s P.O.V I had enjoyed my day with Denny but now I was back at my dorm and just in time for Chloe joining the world again. "Hey sleepy head." I laughed "What time is it? And where have you been?" she asked "It's 6pm and I was spending the day with Denny. Now get your hungover ass out if bed, get showered and your pjs on cause we have some things to talk about." I said smiling "So are you and Denny like dating?" she asked "Not quite. Go get showered and then I will tell you." I laughed She soon moved her ass out of bed and I phoned Thai food for us...yum love Thai food. After I got off the phone I lay down on my bed, replaying everything that had happened in the last 24 hours in my head. I never thought I would find myself agreeing to just a s****l relationship without everythin

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