Friends with benefits

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Riley’s P.O.V Denny and I headed to a small deli to grab some food for our lunch before heading into east Rock Park. I had not had a chance to see the place yet so I was looking forward to it. “So Riley…how are you?” he asked randomly as we walked “Um…fine. You?” I asked raising my brow I don’t think he is used to small talk or much talking at all, sure he is better at the teasing, touching, kissing and s*x. “Yeah I aint good at the full talking thing.” He laughed “I never noticed.” I said laughing He reached in pushing me softly but me being the klutz I am stumbled over my own feet and was heading towards the ground but before I could he grabbed me, pulling me into him, laughing loudly. “I think you do that on purpose just for me to catch you Riley.” He smirked “I told you before if you want to touch me just ask or go for It.” he added smugly And there is the Denny I have learned to like. I could feel my cheeks burning. I looked up at him, biting down on my lower lip and shrugged. “Don’t do that Riley.” He said looking at me with those dark eye again Seriously what is with men getting turned on with woman biting their lip? You do it on purpose Riley, just kiss him…kiss him hard Oh f**k she is back, that little voice in my head that I thought had finally went away. Why did she need to come back? “Do what?” I asked innocently doing it again Maybe that little voice is right, maybe I want him to kiss me after all. One of his hands stayed on my hip while the other landed in my hair, he was staring me straight in the eye causing me to swallow hard. What is he doing? Is he gonna kiss me? My question was soon answered when he inched closer to me and I found myself doing the same, closing the small space between us. As soon as his lips met mine I found myself whimper which caused him to smirk against my lips. He grabbed my arms, wrapping them around his neck as his found their way to my hips, pulling my body tight against his. He pressed his lips harder against mine, running his tongue along my bottom lip, wanting access into my mouth and I gave him it. Soon enough his tongue was massaging against mine, making us both groan loudly. He pushed me backwards, my back hitting the large tree behind me, trapping me between the tree and his very sexy…very toned…very muscular body. His hips ground against mine, making me moan loudly, making me remember last night. We got into a very heated make out session in the middle of the park, not caring who could see us. After about five minutes he pulled away from me, a little breathless. “Let’s go.” He smiled, walking away from me I stood there, trying to catch my breath before I decided to go catch up with him. It was like it never happened after that, nothing else was said about it but the tingling on my lips was making it hard for me to forget about it. We just continued walking around the park, finding things to talk about, anything and everything. It was like he was trying avoid what happened between us earlier…actually like he was trying to avoid the fact that anything happened between us. “So what is your plans with Chloe?” he asked me “Probably watch some movies, catch up and ordered take away.” I said smiling “What is your plans for tonight?” I added “Cool. I think I am meeting that waitress from last week, think she is coming over to mine.” he said smirking “Cool!” was all I said Hearing him say that bothered me but I knew it shouldn’t because I know what he is like. After that an awkward silence fell between us, neither of us knowing what to say. Since when did things get so awkward between us? Maybe I should never have had s*x with him then maybe it would not be so awkward today. “Riley you OK?” he asked, sitting down on a bench, pulling me down next to him I turned to face him, smiling and nodding my head. I had a feeling he never believed me. “Riley you are a terrible liar. Does it bother you that I have another girl coming over tonight?” he asked I was expecting him to smirk but he never, he kept a straight face, looking at me. I don’t know what he wants from me. I aint exactly gonna turn around and tell him yes it bothers me because I know he will just laugh and then say some crap to me. “No.” I said He raised his brow, placing his hand on my knee “Are you sure?” he asked “Yes sure. Why should it bother me? I know what happened between us last night was nothing more than s*x. I know what you are like Denny and how you work.” I said I was hoping I was not coming across as jealous because I knew he would use that to his advantage. “Ok then, just thought I would ask.” He said sounding a little disappointed What am I missing? Why does he seem bothered that I am not bothered that he has some other woman coming over? I looked at him, raising his brow and looking at him confused “Should it?” I asked He just shrugged his shoulder, turning away from me. I rested back in the chair, sighing and rubbing the back of my neck. Denny sighed too, running his hands through his hair and staring off into the distance. I had a feeling there was something more bothering him but I never wanted to ask. I reached in, placing my hand on his leg, making him look at me, giving me a small smile “Denny what is going on?” I asked “Nothing, its stupid.” He said shrugging I shifted my body around, him doing the same so he was looking at me. “Talk!” I said sternly “Riley the truth is, last night with you was amazing, actually some of the best s*x I have had in a while. It was that good I find myself wanting to do it again and again.” he said, rubbing the back of his neck Is he nervous? Since when did he get nervous? “I am sure you have had better s*x with many people than what it was with me Denny.” I said “Riley honestly you were the best s*x I have had in a while which brings me to my next point. I wanna do it again Riley. I find myself wanting you sexually and I was…um…hoping, maybe we could be like um…how can I put It.” he stuttered, seriously what is wrong with him? It took me as second but I finally realised what he was trying to say “You want us to be friends with benefits Denny is that what you are trying to say?” I asked looking at him and he nodded “Yes but I understand if you don’t want too Riley. I know you aint exactly that type of girl.” He said “I never used to be, no but where has relationships gotten me? Hurt, cheated on, lied to and my heart broken more than once so yes why not, could be fun.” I said You Go girl *happy dance* At least she was proud of me, as for myself I don’t know why I agreed to that but I am only 21 years old so why not have some fun? “Really?” he asked and I nodded “Riley you do realise it’s all we will ever be right? Friends with benefits because I won’t be able to give you any more than that. I want you to make sure you are 100% sure with this because I don’t want it ruining our friendship at all. Also it won’t be like an exclusive things. We can both hook up or your case date other people.” He said I acted like I was thinking about it for a few moments when really I had already made my mind up about it. The s*x was amazing, when I say amazing I mean AMAZING! So why wouldn’t I wanna do that again? And I am sure I can make sure I don’t fall for him in other ways too. “I know all this Denny but still yes.” I said With that his famous smirk appeared back on his face before he reached in kissing me roughly for a few moments before pulling away. He stood up, reaching his hands out for me to take which I did, pulling me to his feet “Come and I will show you the rest of the park before we leave.” He smiled He dropped my hand, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him and showed me the rest of the park. As we did we talked, laughed and flirted a little, our little arrangement not getting brought up again after that.
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