Let the Primping Begin

1085 Words
I was mixed into a flurry of movement and excitement when Glory and I reached the center of the containment camp. Girls and nonviables were busy completing their assigned chores and going about their daily routines. I, on the other hand, was taken to a building near the edge of the camp. Entering, I joined three other wide-eyed girls who looked how I felt. Overwhelmed, terrified, and filled with anticipation all at the same time. The other girls had started their beautifying routine hours before me. Each girl had their hair styled using flowers from the island scattered within their braids, and each was wearing a dress fit for a wedding. Even though today’s ceremony was not a wedding; it was the closest thing to a wedding any of us, Purous People, would ever get. It also looked and smelled like each girl had been scrubbed in a bath filled with tropical flowers. Damn it, how long was I on that damn beach. Glory still fuming pulled me to the back of the building and out the back door, she took me to a small pond, where a waterfall gently flowed. It was a calming sight until Glory began tugging at my clothes and insisting I get undressed. “Honestly Addison, out of all of the days to pull this stunt, you would choose today.” Mindlessly I began assisting Glory with the removal of my clothes. I was encouraged aggressively to get into the water, and the primping began. I was scrubbed, plucked, shampooed, shaved, and anything else imaginable that could be done to a girl to make her seem shiny and new. I don’t think I have ever been this clean. “For crying out loud Glory! I want to keep some of my skin for the ceremony. I don’t think showing up with patches of my skin missing will be very enticing to my new mate,” I said mockingly, as Glory roughly scrubbed my back. “Don’t start with your smart mouth today, Addison. If you would have been here on time, then maybe you could have kept all of your skin.” Pulling me out of the water, Glory wrapped a dry towel around me while pushing me back inside. “Get dried!”. Then it was command after command. “Drop the towel on the floor!” No time to be modest, I guess. I did as Glory demanded as she went to a door and pulled out a beautiful dress that I assumed was for me. The other girls and their nonviables sat amused in their chairs grinning at my naked body and the show happening before them. I’m glad my scenario is comical to these girls. That was exactly my plan for today. I planned on being late so I could be dragged all over the place, spending the last few moments in the only home I have known being primped, and scrubbed, and pushed and pulled. Ugh. One of the girls trying to be polite turned her head away and pretended to be interested in something outside the window. I didn’t mind being naked in front of the girls you see living with girls your whole life helps you get over that quite quickly, but I still appreciated the girl’s sign of feeling remotely bad for me. After I dressed, I was surrounded by all of the nonviables as they yanked, pulled, and quickly styled my hair. My straight auburn hair was placed into various braids that met into a larger single braid that hung on my right shoulder. “Of course, your hair doesn’t look as nice as the other girls because someone decided to be difficult on their last day here.” Glory said, shaking her head while placing another purple flower in my hair. “Well, that will have to do.” After placing her hands on my shoulders, she gave me a short, sweet smile and a nod of her head. “Up we go!” and again I was being shoved in another direction, but this time I wasn’t alone, the other girls were following behind me. “Where are we going?” looking up in the sky to see the sun’s position. “It’s not time for the ceremony already, is it?” I asked panicked. I didn’t’ even get a chance to say goodbye to any of the other girls or to visit my room one last time. It can’t be time already. No, I’m not ready. “I didn’t get to say goodbye to Alyssa or Kali.” I pleaded. “Well, you should’ve thought of that before you went into hiding this morning.” Glory tugged with more force on my arm, dragging me forward toward the gate. I pulled back on Glory’s hold and glanced over my shoulder. “Please, just a moment.” I was on the verge of tears as my home was vanishing behind me. “Addison!” I would recognize those voices anywhere. Thank goodness they came. Alyssa and Kali stood by the gate with their arms stretched out running over to me and pulling me close to their bodies. Glory released her hold and allowed me a few short moments to say my goodbyes. “I love you both so much. I don’t know what I am going to do without you.” Tears streamed from my eyes. “Don’t cry. Who knows maybe we’ll end up in the same mating group in a few years when Kali and I join the groupings!” I nodded my head. That was a possibility. Soon their words were coming out in a flurry. “You look gorgeous. I am going to miss you so much! What are we going to do without you here? Maybe you will get pregnant this year, and you’ll be back in camp before you know it! We can help you take care of the baby for the succulent year.” Kali pulled me into another hug. “Addison, we must be going now.” Glory looked stern but sympathetic. She had gone through this as a girl, and finally, I saw some sorrow in her eyes. She looked like she felt bad for me because she knew what my future held. “I love you both! I’ll never forget you!” I blew kisses their way and just like that Glory, and I walked out of the gate. The doors closed behind us, and they were gone.
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