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Sophia The date went well. It was surprisingly fun. I sucked at playing pool but loved playing it and was happy to make a fool out of myself. I was glad to see he didn’t mind messing around while playing pool. Some guys got too serious about playing pool and all about playing by the rules and whatnot. But with Jax, it was fun. But it was getting late, and I had a deadline, and since I decided to rewrite half my book, I was running out of time. So after losing for the fiftieth time, I excused myself to go to the lady's room before I made him take me home. Everything tonight had gone perfectly until I stepped out of the lady's room, and one of the guys that had been at the bar was standing there blocking my path. I knew he wasn’t trying to go to the bathroom because the men's room was at the end of the hall, and he had already passed it. “Hey, sweetheart, how about a kiss?” He was completely wasted. “No, thank you, I am here with someone.” He said a few more things, but I didn’t quite understand what he said. Then he started to reach out to grab me as he slurred out, “come on, sweetheart, just one kiss.” I didn’t think I only reacted as I thrust my knee up and nailed him right between his legs, making him double over.  Relief washed through me, though, as I noticed Jax standing right behind the guy and watched as he shoved the guy out of my way. I let Jax take my hand as he pulled me past the drunk guy. Just as I got to Jax's side, the guy seemed to recover enough from my knee to his groin, and I watched as he stood up and turned around, looking right at me. “You stupid cunt.” Oh, that he could say without slurring that’s nice. “Excuse me?” Jax's whole demeanor changed in a heartbeat. He was pissed, and I could tell he was pissed. Hell, you didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to tell he was pissed. The guy looked at him, and instant regret filled his face. It was almost comical. I watched as he exchanged a few words with Jax. But when Jax moved closer to the guy, I was sure Jax would punch him, and the guy was too drunk. I was sure if that happened, Jax would probably kill the guy. To my surprise, though, I didn’t have to do more than touch his back, and he simply gave the guy a warning and turned back to me, and we left. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t really know what to say, and I wanted to give Jax time to calm down.  To my surprise, though he didn’t pull into my driveway, he pulled into his, pulling his bike clear up by the house. Once he was parked, I climbed off the back of his bike and handed him back his helmet. He took it, but before I could pull my hand away, he grabbed it. “Sophia, I’m sorry.” I shook my head. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He sighed. “I shouldn’t have lost my cool.” I don’t know why but I found his comment funny. I took a step closer to him, with him still sitting on his bike, and with the inch or so my boots added to my height, I stood so I was able to look him right in the eyes. Which if I hadn’t mentioned it before, he had some damn nice hazel eyes you could get lost in. “Jax, even though I had the situation under control and could take care of myself. It is nice to know that I don’t have to when you’re around. So really, you have nothing to be sorry for. The guy was a jerk, but he was also drunk.” Carefully I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.  What I only meant to be a quick soft kiss quickly turned into a rough and very s****l kiss. But even though we were practically making out, he didn’t move his hand farther than my side, which turned me on more. But I was not one to put out on the first date, no I required more than that before putting out. So after a few minutes, I pulled away, ending the kiss gaining a slight grunt of disapproval from him. I smiled at him and shook my head. “You, sir, will have to work much harder if you want more than that. Now, walk me home so I can hopefully sleep this alcohol out of my system and not have a hangover tomorrow. I have a deadline, and I am already behind.” A large smile filled his face as he stood up. “Yes, ma’am.” I smiled at him, stepping back to give him room to get off his bike. Once off, he stepped in front of me. “So if I were to ask you out again, you would say yes?” I laughed, “Well, ask me tomorrow, and we will see what I say then.” Laughing, he took my hand and walked me across the street to my house and up to my door. He stood there and waited for me to unlock it and open it, but he stopped me before I could walk inside by grabbing my wrist lightly. I turned around to look at him, but the moment my head was turned, I was met with his lips connecting to mine again. God, could I kiss him forever? His lips were soft like pillows. His tongue ran across my bottom lip, requesting access to my mouth, which I gladly granted. Our tongues collided together as they began their own kind of dance as they fought for dominance, which he won easily. This time though, he broke the kiss earning him a slight grunt of disapproval of my own and me a smile from him. “Good night, beautiful.” I couldn’t stop the blush that filled my face, nor could I stop the blush from deepening when I realized I was blushing like a schoolgirl from him calling me beautiful. This only seemed to make his smile larger. “Night.” He let go of my wrist and let me walk inside this time and waited for me to close the door and lock it before he headed back across the street. I stood there and watched him from my window until he was inside his own house. Sighing, I made my way upstairs, where I didn’t even bother with pajamas for the night and stripped down to my underwear, and climbed in bed, letting the alcohol pull me into a dreamless sleep. 
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