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DEVARA “Doctor, tell her. You stated previously that I was merely a week and some days pregnant, right?”, I glared at the doctor in desperation, believing that she would say the truth, and it was simply a mix-up. Maybe mama hadn't heard her properly. I convinced myself that it was a sheer error. The doctor seemed nice. There was no way she would become a cohort with Jason. The doctor gave me a pathetic glance. Her eyes clogged with guilt, she shook her head, and there and thus I was certain that the words coming out of her mouth afterward would be nothing but lies. “I am sorry Miss Devara, I couldn't do as you requested”, she replied straight-faced. “What did I ask of you?”I asked her, wowed by the performance she was putting on. “Your parents are good people. I was unable to lie to them about your pregnancy. I had to speak the truth. I am sorry”, she said, acting as if she meant well to me. She had just lied about how long I had been pregnant but she was sorry? This was the lady in whose arms I had wept, and she comforted me with her kind words. What has changed? Where had this cruel personality of hers emerged from? “You are lying! Where is the man who knocked me down with his truck? He and his partner were there when you told me about my pregnancy”. I lost it as it seemed I was being turned into a liar yet again. I haven't even cleared my name from Jason's lies and now this is happening? I turned over to Star and begged her to believe me that the doctor was lying about the duration of my pregnancy. “Dev, settle down, I am sure there has been some misunderstanding”, Star stated. I knew she would understand me, she knew me better than anyone. She knew I wasn't reckless with my body. “Star, don't allow Devara to delude you into believing her lies. You should know better”, Jason commented, grinning. The venom he vomited out every time he opened his mouth was affecting me. “That will be all for now, doctor, thank you for your honesty”, Jason continued. I was bewildered. What was going on? Thank you for your honesty. What honesty? Why were they doing this to me? “[You are going to let her walk out of this room unscathed after what she did?]”, Xena voiced in awe that I was letting her go. Hell no, I would not let this b***h step out of here without giving her the beating she deserved. I beamed sheepishly and asked her to come closer to me. Jason solicited to stop her. It was like he perceived that I was up to no good, but she preferred to act cool and insisted on coming to me. “Jason, don't fret, they have already caught me in my lies. I just need her to fix the IV bag”, I replied wistfully. “Could you bend down? I can't quite reach up to you”, I told her as she stood beside the bed. “What are you trying to do, Devara? We are here, and yet you are trying to persuade her to change her words?”, Mama assumed. If only she could just keep silent, that evil witch. I overlooked mama's remarks and kept on with my phony smile. “[Gut out her eyes and gnaw off her tongue]”, Xena sneered. She was very much my wolf. She understood how I felt. “What is it, Devara?”, The doctor bent down and leaned forward, not aware of what awaited her. “You evil b***h”, I growled at her and used my fingers to poke into her left eye. She hollered out and called for help, but I refused to let go until I saw blood. Everyone kept yelling at me to let go, but I feigned obliviousness and continued spitting curse words at her. Jason ran closer and attempted to pull me off her, but he couldn't. Who did he think he was? I am an Iris she-wolf, although my bond with her wasn't that strong. It doesn't mean that when we are aligned, anyone could overpower us. Only an Alpha can do that. I pulled her off the ground and onto the bed, jumping on top of her. I placed my hand over her neck, strangling her while my finger was still inside her eyes. I was loaded with fury and blinded by her treachery. All I could visualize was Jason's face, and my anger intensified. “You will kill her, Dev, let go of her”, Star yelled, endeavoring to stop me from doing something she knew I would regret later. “Why should I?”, I rebutted to Star. “Devara, let go of her!”Papa yanked me off her with maximum force. Only he could do that. His rumble alone had an impact on my wolf. It frightened her, and she locked herself out from me. “Someone, take her out of here and get her treated.”, Papa ordered. Jason rushed over to the doctor and carried her out of the room. “And Jason, make sure she is willing to settle, I can't afford another scandal, the council meeting is coming up. I do not want this to be the topic of the day”, Papa relayed to Jason. I began to laugh as I had done what I wanted. She had lost an eye, that alone would be a reminder for her to never lie against an innocuous soul. Mama and Papa stared at me in fear. It was almost like they didn't recognize who was in front of them. “Mama, Papa”, I called out quietly, regretting what I had done immediately. How was I supposed to prove my innocence if I was tearing out my eyes? Now, it only looked like I had done that because she had not agreed to lie to me. I knew I had screwed up. I should have held in my anger. What were they going to think of me? The look in mama's eyes was a different look that I had not seen before. It wasn't her usual hate. I was used to the hate in her eyes, but this time it was strange. She was frightened of me and, at the same time, disgusted with everything she had in her. “Devara, I prefer not to hear another sound from you”, Papa declared vigorously. “Papa, if you don't believe me, then we can have the pack physician test on me, and you will discover that I am speaking the truth”, I opposed him. I didn't know where I had picked up such boldness from. I was one to whimper at the mere presence of my papa, but here I was talking back to him. I was astounded at the amount of bravery I was displaying. “Have you no shame? Do you want to announce to the entire clan about you being with a child?”, Mama shot down my idea within a split second, without even considering it. She cared more about herself and Papa's reputation than her daughter. “Oh yes, mama, I have got no shame. I am so shameless that I will go to any length to prove that Jason and the doctor are lying”, I exclaimed at her. Star took my hands and asked me to calm down because we were at the hospital and, regardless of what Mama was saying, she was still my Mama and Luna of the pack. “But, Star…”, before I could finish what I wanted to say, Papa bellowed at me and used his authority as the Alpha to shut me up. “You will speak no more of this, do you understand?”, Papa growled and walked out of the room. I kept shut and obeyed the words of the Alpha. “Get yourself ready. We are living in five minutes. I can't stand this place and its smell”, Mama expressed with a frown smudged on her face. I did as they had asked of me. I knew it was better to leave this place and go back to the Pack Villa. That way I could come up with a plan to unmask Jason and prove my innocence. After I was done getting ready. I sat down on the bed lost in my thoughts. Why should I, the victim, set out to prove my innocence? I was the one who was violated, yet I was the one being persecuted. I lifted my head and caught Star staring at me. Her expression said it all. She had something to tell me, but she didn't know how to, so I decided to ask her myself. “Star, what is it you have to say? “, I inquired. “I don't think you should go back to the pack villa”, she let out a heavy sigh. “Why?”, I asked. “I wasn't supposed to say anything to you, but I can't watch you walk into a trap after what I have seen here”, she stated, but she wasn't making much sense to me. What did she mean by a trap? “Star, you are not making any sense”, I told her, wanting her to explain further. “ Jason was able to convince the Alpha and Luna to send you to camp picaroon”, she revealed. Hearing that had left me dazed. Camp picaroon? That's for wolves who have gone rogue. Going there was like condemning me to death. Why would they agree to that? That place was the worst of the worst, a dreadful place. I wouldn't wish that on my enemy. Any werewolf who went there came back as a freak, and that was only if they had let them go. It usually took years for one to be able to leave camp picaroon. Their masters were devils walking in human form. They tortured their campers with everything that was forbidden to be used on werewolves. How could they think of sending their only surviving child there? Were they implying that I had gone rogue? I was frustrated and overwhelmed with my sentiments, as I didn't know how to assert this information Star had just shared with me. “Star, I can't go back there, I have to leave this place”, I finally uttered. “I know, which is why I went into your chamber and took your secret stash of cash because I know you will need them”, Star replied. Oh, goddess, what would I have done without her? How did she know I was going to think about running? “Here”, she handed me the little pouch. “I will go outside and distract Alpha and Luna so that you can run without them noticing”, she offered. How did I get so lucky with her? She was the only one who didn't ask if I was lying about Jason. She knew I would never lie about such a painful matter. I smiled, acknowledging her words. As she was about to leave, I called her and ran into her arms, giving her a tight embrace, tears trailing down my cheeks. Everything about her was going to be missed; our bond, our friendship, she was the sister I didn't have, she was my companion. I would have asked her to come with me, but I was not that selfish. She had her life to live and so did I. “I love you, Star. Thank you for everything”, I told her tenderly. Even though this might be our last time together, I just had to express to her how much she meant to me and thank her for everything she had done for me. “I love you too, my Dev”, she replied and left the room. I sat down on the bed, fidgeting, swinging back and forth, anxious about being caught by my parents or Jason. Star needed to succeed with her plans. I muttered as I checked the clock in the room. My five minutes were almost over and soon, mama would send Jason or one of their guards to come to check on me. “Pardon me miss”, I bolted up, alarmed by the voice who called out to me. I placed my palm on my chest, attempting to calm myself down a bit. “You startled me”, I responded, still placing my palms on my chest and breathing deeply. “I am sorry, I didn't mean to, but one Miss Star asked me to inform you that the coast is clear, or something akin to that”, he informed me. I got up from bed and thanked the gentleman whom Star had sent, and ran out of the room searching for the back exit. It was easy to find the back exit since they had labeled it with a giant EXIT sign. As soon as I took it, I was out and running as fast as I could. I kept on looking back, expecting men from our pack to chase after me, but I could not find anyone, but that didn't still mean I was safe. We were werewolves after all and they could catch up with me in a minute. I recognized a coming Ford truck and when the driver slowed down in front of me, it turned out to be the man who had given me a ride in the back of his truck a week ago. He smiled when he recognized me. “I was just on my way to see you. I heard you got into an accident”, he said. I hurriedly rushed into the passenger's seat. “I'm sorry for bothering you yet again, but I need a ride, urgently”. The man nodded and floored the accelerator, driving faster than I had anticipated. The man peeped through slightly at me. “Where is your destination?”, he asked. I had not even thought of that. Where was I going to go? Nowhere seemed to be far enough. “I don't know, I just want to go very far away”, I stated. The man puzzled over it for a second before he smiled gently, “I know the perfect place”. A/N Hello, how are you all doing? I believe you all are enjoying the book as I am enjoying writing it? Please express your views on this chapter in the comment section, so I can improve better in my writing. I will update this book three times a week, for now, the reason being that I have to update my other books as well. I hope you understand and be patient with me. Thank you for reading my book and have a delightful weekend.
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