Chapter 11

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After a night of pleasure and pure bliss everything was going great except that the pack and it's new Luna was in danger and sins sunrise Jace ,Will ,the Alpha and some of the warriors and elders were having a meeting about every little detail about what is happening and The Alpha told his son that he must tell Maddie everything about what is going on and with in a month they must have worked out a plan. Difficult as it is Jace called Maddie trough mind link and even though she was a bit new to it all she responded like a true Luna and met him in the library were he explained everything to her and he knew hearing this after her secret was also out could scare her into running away or leave him or worse reject him. All this news was hard to swallow and she knew the moment her wolf appeared her life meant something more ,she had a true purpose in life , people that also need her like she would be needing them in the future. Maddie kept quiet and when Jace stopped she smiled at him knowing in her heart what she needs to do but for now help them and start her training with the best warriors in the pack and with her uncle, so she would be ready for the war that will surely come soon to their doorstep."I'm so sorry about Pieter and I know we're going to get him back Maddie says hugging him while Shanika says in her head so Fang can hear her trough mind link" We will get him back we would not let you down , tomorrow we start training and heaven behold that ass will feel our rage!!". "My father wants us to have the mating ceremony and also our initiation to become the Alpha and Luna of my pack tomorrow night,are you up for it Maddie? for a life into forever with me as your true mate?, please say yes Jace pleads going on his knees begging. "It's soon but Jace I have seen our future together and I didn't think it's possible to love someone so fast but I was wrong about you, and sosial media made you out to be something different ,and like you I have a past but you are my future Jace and this,all of this it's our destiny and I know there will be bad days but yes I accept it , I Maddie Brown child of the moon goddess herself accept you Jace Harding as my mate " she says happily . "Do you Know how much I adore you?,you are already talking like a true Luna and me and my pack are truly blessed by the moon goddess to have you in our life's ". Thanks for understanding and yes your training starts tomorrow but just go easy ok and promise me you I'll let me handle the rest, my brother will be found I know it and I will not let that bastered touch you, you are mine and I'll kill him before he even try to , that is my promise to you and tomorrow night everybody will know you're mine and mine alone and we shall be introduced and crowned the new Alpha and Luna of The Silver Stone pack." ,Jace says looking sad about Pieter but excited for the future as well, with this the two love birds go to lunch with Jace's mother, father and most of the pack and afterwards Diana shows Maddie all there family photos and talking about the pack and yes Jace's mother was getting sad talking about Pieter and Jace's two sisters being in different pack but happy. Soon after the Alpha ,Jace and Will went to the office to further talk to the warriors making plans to safely return Pieter but they had to figure out were these rogues are hiding and how they are planning on going straight to him before he comes back to them like a surprise attack because giving up Maddie is not a option neither losing Pieter or there land. Talking all night they're finally got a plan but knowing he's got a witch helping him doesn't make it any easier but at least they have uncle J Maddie's uncle , he's a warlock after all and back in the day quite good , maybe just the best and he will do everything for Maddie and protecting her was his life purpose,his destiny and to train her, because even though she is a wolf she also possess moon light magic and she is rightfully a princess so she must also get training from a warlock and werewolf's to become her true self and safe them from the Evil lurking in the shadows. Before the one month is over they must attack and first thing's first now trying to convince the rogue Alpha that they will comply with his wish but they will make him believe that Maddie is not fully recovered or a wolf as of yet and try to stall him while they infatuated his camp and destroy him and his witch friend and followers ,and they know he's watching their every move but what he doesn't know is that they sent a spy after him as he left that day and so far this spy is reporting back all their whereabouts because this spy is good friend's with the current Luna Diana and the spy being a Raven owes her his life after saving him from a rogue long ago ,even Ravens are extinct and only a few walk/fly this Earth looking for there own mates to pair up with. Living with Jace is turning out to be a true adventure and it's got to be the best feeling and even though Maddie misses the pub and everyone else she feels ok about it and told Jace that after the dust settles down she wants to keep working at the pub , Even though she will also be Luna and have luna duties. Tomorrow morning it's training and yes she joggs now and then and love to go circle but this will be intense like learning to fight though uncle J did also teach her stuff as she was growing up, he thought her some stuff just in case someone wants to mug her or something,so hopefully it will be okay in the end . She wants to prove to them she can , that she is good enough and of course a bit of magical stuff to explore her goddess side . Thinking about all of this she also drift off to sleep wondering what she needs to were to the mating ceremony. Hopefully Tina can help and Alice, they know she's not the biggest on fashion. Feeling Jace's warmth she closes her eyes drifting off to sleep. Threw the night the long awaited snow finally falls from the heavens creating the softest blanket out of snow,turning this beautiful forest into a wonderland even the pack house and some of the surrounding houses were the rest of the pack lives looks like a painting or a picture out of a fairy tale book.Winter is always welcome because it brings the hope of a new beginning,a new chapter and afterwards giving life again to spring and summer . Waking up Jace softly kisses his mate waking her up to come and look out the window to see this beautiful morning and while looking he hands her a hot cup of cocoa with this adorable little marshmallows to lift anyone's mood . "Thank you for this ,it's so special seeing the first snow it's a memory with you I'll always keep in my heart Jace", Maddie says kissing him ."now time to get ready for my first day of training,will you come too?" Maddie ads."Yes love " and it's, "My pleasure , anything for you mate!, and yes I'll check up on you later just have some stuff to do before tonight ,o !! yes and remember after lunch remember to meet Tina in our room , for your fitting I Mind linked Will and he said he'll let Tina Know what's up,o and also My mom asked Grace (the stylist) to bring some stuff so pick anything out you like but now I have to go" dad is waiting on me " , leaving her he kisses her softly and out the door he goes. After Maddie washed up she went downstairs to meet the head warriors and uncle J ."ready for me?" she asks. "Yes let's start ,I'm Andrew and this is Ben we will be showing you everything Luna and uncle J will help also" the warriors introduce themselves bowing down showing respect and in return I do the same just more ladylike. "Thanks Guys let's do this", heading to the training grounds. To some, training comes naturally and I must say to me it does to , like my body comes alive ,even though they don't go to easy on me they still show respect and as the sweat runs down my face I realized that they don't want me to go easy because I need to learn how to use my strength and courage to overcome anything, for this I'm grateful , Even though I know I would not be able to walk tomorrow from maby being to sore all over.But I just carry on. Thank goodness after two hours of work out and training Uncle J comes to take over and this was more intense training ,more like training your brain, your soul and letting your mind be clear,let's begin and then suddenly a light shown from out of me turning my eyes to silver.This feeling of power came over me but also a calmness, then uncle J's voice in my head saying that I must concentrate and find inner peace,my link to the light in me , suddenly the feeling grow strong enough ,so strong that uncle J had to shout at me to open my eyes because the light is to strong to handle .I comply but fell to the ground and then uncle J luckily catch me by the arm and takes me to the nearest bench telling me to breath and relax. "Maddie you did great my girl, really good work , your magic is strong already and this getting dizzy just now is just a reminder that when and if you use your magic it will drain your energy so be careful not to use it blindly only when needed !, tomorrow we will learn how you must use that light, how to manipulate it going were you need it almost like sending boltz to something ,ok?" uncle J says with pride in his eyes, knowing just how strong Maddie actually is even though she only started training today..... Before going to the house Will and Tina comes to Maddie and uncle J on the training field also talking to Maddie about there bond and we'll to come and escort her to her room to meet the fashion designer and pick a dress fit for the mating ceremony and even though tonight is for Jace and Maddie it's also for Will and Tina ,so now it's pampering time . As they talk, walking to the pack house Maddie and Tina describe what they want and that's when Will decided to leave these two and head to Jace and get themselves ready as well for tonight and to make sure the ballroom is ready and everything else acpesially the border security posts are as it should be . "O Maddie I'm so excited aren't you ? we are going to be the best pack and to think I thought this could never be this great to fall hopelessly in love but I did and with a wolf,and even you my best friend is a wolf to and I just want you to know that I love you Maddie and I am not going anywhere ok.,best friend forever!!", Tina says hugging me and while I hug her back I also say friends forever and I love you too Tina!". This night was going to be fabulous and I know it's going to be magical and I am glad I can share it with you. As they wait for the fashion diva they eat some lunch awaiting there party dresser and dresses.
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