2: A plan

2067 Words
AVALON I know when Ace falls asleep, his breathing levels out and the usual crease between his eyebrows loosens up. My eyes can’t help but stare at him. He’s perfect. No one should be perfect but Ace is. Even though he has his flaws, those are what makes him perfect to me. His dark complexion, and strangely light brown eyes. I call them strange because from a far glance, he looks to have grey eyes. Its one of the things that draws a flock of women towards him. His chiseled jawline, beautiful cheek bones and enchanting features keep those women around like a bunch of pest. God, he’s so f*****g gorgeous. My fingers haven't stopped running through his soft dark brown curls, they itch to grip onto them but I force that urge away. I saw the fight. He needs all the rest he can get. And a visit to the doctor, I say to myself, spotting the bandages around his knuckles. They're different from the wraps he normally wears under his gloves. Just watching him beat someone does something to my insides. It makes them flutter with a butterfly feeling, and turns my legs to mush- unable to hold me up. Today he was gorgeous, he was the most handsome I’d ever seen him. With sweat dripping down his toned, ripped, six foot six figure. My mouth was watering, I wanted so badly to lick the salty taste off him. Ace is like one of those crushes that you never grow out of. The way he swung his fist with a fearless righteousness just had my blood roaring in delight. Every punch he blocked or threw, displayed his skill. Showing that age doesn’t have anything to do with experience. Edison has been in the boxing game much longer than Ace, with him being almost sixty and Ace being Thirty four. But my man, grew up with my dad. In the barricaded fight ring of the underground, he knows his way with his fist. My cheeks heat up to a different temperature. That sounds so lewd but it’s true in both ways. Ace has a been know for having a huge s****l appetite, it’s almost insatiable- don't ask me how I know this, or who I questioned to get this information. But women have said they couldn’t walk for months after he was done with them, but he never f***s the same woman twice. I intend on changing that, his resolve is just so damn strong. I know he wants me to submit, he won’t admit it out loud, but he does. Unfortunately for me, the way he wants me to submit and the way I want are two different things. Her wants my brattiness to end because he's protective, he thinks about my safety and feels a girl like myself should be respectful, and blah blah. Very different from I want. I sighed internally, I want him as mine and me as his, but he still sees me as a kid. He sometimes reacts to the things I do, but then he goes blank. Unreadable, I hate that. In a week, I will be eighteen. I’m going to turn the heat up, if he thought I was a teasing brat before he’s gonna be in for a major surprise. I will claim him as mine, no girl gets to have him anymore. Whatever they enjoyed before, they should be grateful because they will only ever see his d**k from the outline of his pants. Never in the flesh again. I’ll make sure of that. Even if I have to…give them a friendly warning. I'm nice. Ace snuggles his head further against my chest, the beat of my heart increases, and I cross my fingers hoping it doesn’t wake him up. He’s not a light sleeper, but he’s not a heavy sleeper either. I have to be careful. He’s had a tough day. As I think that, pride fills me whole, nearly swallowing me up with its intensity. Today he became the unified champion, his dream has finally come true. How can I not be proud? The man I love has made his dreams come true, he's at the point where he can say he has completed his main goal. He can check this off that bucket list of life, and smile. Sure it’s not over, he’ll have to defend all four titles but damn the world if he goes down without a fight. He’ll keep his hard earned victory for as long as he can. I know it. I know him. I feel a strong hand wrapping itself around my waist, and pulling me closer to him. My soft, chubby body, presses gallantly against his hard one causing my skin to heat up. My thigh is nudge in between his leg now, pressing to his hard shaft. I nearly moan from the feel of it. I know the adrenaline drives him nuts, he has to get it out of his system. He wants too, but this fight- it took alot out of him but gave him just as much back. My eyes are probably sparkling from the images I saw on TV, Ace is a sight to behold when he's in the ring. And I can't help that my heart skips an indefinite amount of beats whenever I see him. So what if he’s older and my dad’s best friend? That doesn’t bother me and it shouldn’t bother him either. I’ve got a plan anyways. My smirk returns, and I lightly- just lightly- rub my thick thigh against his d**k. I can feel it throb, Ace groans in his sleep. The deep sounds enters my ears heading downwards, right into my core, making my body sing with a pleasure filled happiness. His fingers dig into my sides, and his hips move a bit, humping my thigh a couple of times. Feeling his c**k grinding against a part of me, sends a shot of blood to my cheek heating them up again. I was not expecting him to do that. He stopped, relaxing further. Obviously unaware of this movement he just made, otherwise it never would have happened. I chose not to do that again, it’s difficult for me to stop myself. I want him badly, I always do. But I know for now that he needs rest. I would make a great wife to him, look at me putting his needs before mine. I remained still, my fingers twinge with pain from running through his locks for so long. I give them a break, but I don’t remove them. A low buzzing echoes off the walls of the bedroom. I know who’s texting, and chose to ignore it. She knows where I am, she shouldn’t be bugging me at the moment. But knowing J, she's probably going to say I hurt her ‘meow meow’ for not replying. To most people, they’d think she was referring to her private kitty part, but really she’s talking about her heart or feelings. Makes no sense, I know, I love her anyways. She’s the best person in the world to me. Besides Ace. And dad. The door makes no sound as it's pushed open, my eyes are staring at a field of light strawberry blonde hair as a slim woman walks in. Cassia Valentine. One of Ace’s closest friends. Her blue eyes swirl with amusement as she notices me and the position I'm in. I raise my finger to press firmly against my lips, whispering a soft shush. She nods. “Food’s ready, wake him up.” Her tone is soft, and I’m grateful for that. She understands, not as much as I do, that Ace is exhausted. But he also needs to eat. Coach Bazler told me he didn’t eat all day, that’s nothing new. Ace doesn't eat on the day of a fight, sometimes he doesn’t eat for days before it. It’s not healthy and thankfully he has me to remind him about that. Cassia walks out as quietly as she came in, leaving the waking of Ace to me. I sigh a little, taking in the peaceful edges of his faces. His eyes are closed and he looks so at peace. I hate to disturb that, but this is for his own good. My fingers slip out from his hair, and to avoid him acting all fudgy- I slide my thighs away from his throbbing flesh. How does he sleep peacefully with a hard-on? I chuckle inwardly. My lips hover above his ear, “Wake up, Sir. You need to eat.” His grip around my waist tightens, I giggle to myself. Calling him Sir or Master does wonders to him, even in his sleepy state, its effects still stands. The day I discovered this beautiful information.... ha! Ace still curses that day with his life. I lean back staring at his face, admiring his striking good looks. His eyes flutter open, light brown orbs stare at me, scanning my face and trying to figure out who I am. Once it clicks, he groans in dismay. I roll my eyes at his dramatic behavior. “Avalon.” He calls, my heart cartwheels in my throat. I’ve always loved the way he says my name. It holds so many emotions behind it, and it sounds even better in his sleep drenched voice. “Yes, sir?” I repeat the last part to get another reaction out of him. His inhale is loud, he pulls away and I know I’ve got him buzzing with annoyance. It wouldn't be the first time he has reacted this way, why is it so hard to get a good reaction from him? Ace throws his legs over the other end of the bed, and stands. I do the same. He looks at me for a minute, under the hot rays of the mini crystal chandeliers, I can see the question in his eyes. And the need almost hidden in there as well. His hot gaze runs through me, scrutinizing everything. From my exposed thighs to my short black dress. He eyes my t**s with a blank emotion, I give my eyes another roll. “Don’t call me Sir, it doesn't feel appropriate. And you shouldn't be wearing that, my friends are here.” He sounds so out of breath, and still very exhausted. Like those words were forced out, and his throat tightens. “Don't be such a square, now come-on. Let’s eat and celebrate.” My hands slips around his elbow, and he doesn’t stop me. He does nothing as I pull him towards the dining area, where his friends are chatting loud about something. “Ayoooo, my winning man.” One of Ace’s friends, Jacob, hollers out. Clapping Ace on the back. I take this as my cue to separate from him, only so he can enjoy his time with his friends. Throughout the night, I watch the group talk about everything. From sports to clubs. They laugh and sing ‘Fearless Ace’ in horrid voices over and over again. The smile planted on Ace’s face, doesn’t leave for a second. He's happy, and I’m happy for him. Tomorrow, we’ll return back to the mansion. Once he’s done with his doctor visit of course, his wellbeing comes first before anything. My heart riots happily, I feel lucky that he let’s me share these happy moments with him. I mean sure, he's doing it because dad asked but it's still nice. He sneaks a glance at me, and his eyes darken. My lips twitch into a smile, which he returns. He's happy and I don't wanna spoil it, but that smile he gave me makes my blood boil in a gleeful way. Ace goes back to chatting with Marcus, another one of his friends, sparing little glances at me every now and then. I'm sure he's just making sure I don't feel off, or out of place. As the night comes to an end, I find myself smirking whilst staring out the wall sized window. Peering down at the city lights below. Vehicles zoomed by quickly , we're so high up they almost looked like ants. Tomorrow is a new day, Ace. I’ve got one week before I begin my plans to make your wall of self control shatter into a thousand pieces. I hope you're ready to give in.
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