
Her Wicked Desire

age gap

When the love you crave is forbidden....how long can you resist?


I want her. I want her body, and her innocence. I want to claim everything about her as my own...but I can't.

God how I wish I could. I made a promise to my best friend, and I intend on keeping it. No matter how many times she begs for me. No matter how good her touches make me feel. Not even her slutty outfits can make me break that promise.

How long can I endure this torture before I snap?

**** Ace is a pro boxer and billionaire. A gorgeous dark skinned, tattooed Dom with a love for very submissive women. His best friend was the head of a deadly cartel, until he was caught and locked up. He made Ace promise that he would protect and watch over his sweet, little, innocent girl- Avalon with his life.

Sweet, little, and innocent, aren't the words Ace would use to describe the woman Avalon grew to be in just five years of her father being in prison.

Stunning, chubby, and seductive, are the right words. She wants Ace, she's made it clear that she wanted him and him alone. Now a power house of sexiness, she's doing everything possible to tempt Ace. The question isn't will she get him? An heiress can do so much if she's determined. The real question is....how hard are they willing to fight to ensure Avalon's thrown doesn't rip them apart? Both literally, and figuratively. Especially with secrets, and shocking revelations being thrown in their way.

It's seems like the world is against them ....Can they make it? Or will what started as mere desire, end up tearing a hole in their hearts and lives?

Read to find out✨

This is 2 books in 1. It's the first book, Her Wicked Desire and the second one, His Passionate Desire.

Trigger warnings: This contains violence and mature language. Age gap. Explicit scenes, b**m. torture, stalking and murder. Not your typical mafia romance, but trust me you might end up liking it.

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1: Winning
ACE Four. Three. Two. One. My head lowers, ducking under the attack thrown at me, and barely escaping. My ears have gone deaf, only filled with the heavy sound of blood pumping through my pounding heart. I trained for this, but he's smarter than I had anticipated. That uppercut had nearly placed me on my back, I know it could have done much worse. I'm glad I was able to hold myself up, how long can I keep up the fight...soon the world around me will start to spin. Sweat drips from the top of my forehead to my eyes, stinging them and adding to the numbing ache in my head. I need to end this quickly, I can’t lose my belts. I can't lose my title. So much is riding on me winning this match. If I'm able to succeed..... The thoughts of becoming the unified champion is enough to send a surge of adrenaline through me. I force my eyes open through the salty liquids, spotting Edison on the other side of the ring. He's leaning his back against one of the ropes, I can tell he's taking in deep breaths from the way his chest moves. He's woozy, much like me, but the difference is….I have steady control. I know how to fight through the dizziness. I wait, hopping from one feet to another, smacking my gloved hands together. Words of advice my coach once gave me, flows easily into raging skull. f**k that hurts. She said; Breathe once, before your opponent gets up. Breathe twice, while you analyze their next move. And finally, breathe in three times, don’t think just make the closing hit. I take in slow breaths. My right wrist stings just a bit, but the left is panged with pain. The hook I’d thrown at Edison affected me as well. I need to push this next hit to end it all. All my energy will go into it. Edison pushes off the edge of the ropes, leisurely approaching me with uneven steps. My bouncing comes to a halt, I brace myself for what’s about to happen next. I raise both my hands up, pushing them together so it looks like I’m trying to block his next hit. In his eyes, I see it too. He thinks that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Gotcha. His finishing technique is what he has left- double down. Two hard punches to both sides of the head. If you block one, the other will certainly get you. He's not doubt going to use it. I've seen this move end almost all of his fights, quite quickly. His opponents can't do anything after this, making him a sure winner. I know this, but fear isn’t in my veins. I don’t even know what that means at this moment, all I can process is; I’m not losing. I didn’t work to get to this point just to fail. A smirk graces my face, my skin is no doubt glistening with sweat. Edison side steps, swinging his right hand. I duck my head under like I did the last time, taking in three deep breaths of air. Time seems to slow down, I raise one black gloved hand up, landing a blow under his jaw. He stumbles back, coughing up some blood, and before he can react or get into a stance, my left hand is already on the move. Smacking him right in the side of his nose. Edison twirls, then drops down face first. A male ref runs in to check on him. I know his not dead, I hold back on my punches. The last thing I need is to kill an opponent, again. He waves his hand, folding his fingers together and sticking his thumb up, letting everyone know that Edison is okay. Just knocked out. My ears finally clear up enough to hear the loud barks of cheers, and chanter of my name. Ace. Some fans are screaming ‘Fearless’, my given nickname. I feel a sense of accomplishment for not only retaining my three World championship belts, but also for succeeding in getting one more. Four of them are now mine. Even as the victory settles within me, I know it’s up to the judges. If it’s a unanimous vote on me, then I win. If it’s not, there’s still a chance I win. But you never know. The loud pounding returns just as fans start clapping their hands together, and shouting praises. There are a few who are quiet, Edison fans probably, it doesn’t bother me. Today I outdid myself, I went toe-to-toe with a man who has held onto the WBO belt for six glorious years. I shake my head once trying to free my ears so I can hear the ring leader’s announcement, but my ears are clogged from the pain reverberating through my head. My lids slip close, and I don’t know how long I keep them like that before my hand is lifted up. I blink them open and turn, seeing the ref and the ring leader not too far from us, saying something into his mic. I picked up his lip movement. “-a knockout,” Oh, I misread my win. The judges decision isn’t needed if the competitor gets their opponent down through a knockout- If one competitor Is unable to move for reasons beyond their physical control, they lose. f*****g awesome. I would be jumping with pride and glee, if my head wasn't racked up with a shotgun of pain. I don’t get anything else from him as my vision turns to a blur. I set my body on autopilot, the belts are placed on my shoulders, and waist with one on my arm. Pride swells through me and the adrenaline doesn’t bow down. I am currently the heavyweight unified champion. This seemed so impossible a few years ago, like a childhood dream that might never be reality. Yet here I am. They would have been happy to see the man I've become. I did it. For years, I fought to earn three out of the four major sanctioning belts, and defend them, waiting for the day I would get to fight Edison. He proved to be quite the work, not going down that easy. But in the end, I'm the one standing victorious, with all four championship belts making me the f*****g Unified champion- I will never get tired of saying that. Hell to the mother f*****g yes! Today, my nickname feels more than perfect. Fearless Ace. No one else would take on Edison unless they were ready to have their balls sawed off, figuratively. But not me. f**k if I know what fear means, I’ll take on anyone. The aching increases as I raise my hands up, although I can’t hear the crowds cheering, I can feel it. ***** “That's exactly what I needed.” I sighed out, resting against one of the lockers. My body now drips of water instead of sweat. I’ve taken heavy pain medication, and coach has scheduled a doctor’s appointment for me tomorrow. I still have an interview to do in a week or two, we had to clear a path for me to get here. I can’t answer questions like; how does it feel to be a unified- THE- unified champion. The answer is obvious, I feel like the world is my b***h, but I can’t say that now. My head still spasm like its about to split in two. “Hey, hey, hey, champion!” I hear a feminine voice call out, at first my thoughts goes to a certain blonde female with delicious light brown skin, then I hear the relaxed tone. Cassia. I peel one of my eyes open, giving her the cockiest of smiles. “What’s up Valentine?” She snickers, her nose does a little wiggle like a squirrel would do when it's sniffing out something to eat. “Forget about me b***h, you are the world’s unified champion right now. That must feel f*****g great!” I can only nod to her words, the praises fill the glass of my ego up to the point where it's spilling out. I think I'm never going to stop loving being called that. “The gang’s thinking of celebrating at your penthouse. I’m cooking, so you know that’s gonna be amazing.” Coming from a world class chef, she has a valid reason to be this confident. Her Michelin stars give her the back bone to say such things. I’m proud of my friend, and dying to eat one of her meals again. After the grueling hours in the ring, what I want now is food, sleep, and Her- no I want to f**k something. Preferably her. I shake those thoughts out, they’re not good for me at the moment. With the leftover adrenaline still pumping in my veins, only God knows what I’ll do. Bringing my thoughts to the gang, a smile curves my cheekbones. My friends, my group, my circle of idiots. I could use some celebratory drinks with them. “When do we leave?” “When you decide to get dressed.” She laughs lightly. Once again, I’m shaking my head. Right, I’m just wrapped in a towel. My feet are dead, and my knuckles are still bandaged up. “Gimme a few minutes.” It takes an hour before I’m actually able to feel my legs enough to get up, throw on some sweats and a hoodie. Coach Bazler does her usual checks on me before agreeing to let me party the night away, as long as I’m not late for my appointment tomorrow. That green light is all I need to head back to my penthouse in Cassia’s car, with the rest of the group tailing after us. “I’m gonna get started on some barbeque fried chicken, you rest okay.” Cassia tells me as we cross from the hallway into the living area, her voice says I can’t argue. On any other day, the Dom in me would challenge her but today, I’m f*****g wiped. I feel a pat on my back, and turn to see Chen wiggling his eyebrows. I wanna smack him for that, his eyes are basically mocking me for winning. Unbelievable. Who mocks someone for winning? “Go rest, Ace you need it.” Killian’s soft voice is what shoves away the thoughts of putting Chen in chokehold. I nod once, my head feels heavy. Any other movement and I might crash. My feet move gently to the master bedroom, the door is open when I get there. My heart races as a thought sneaks in, is she….I don’t get to finish that when the woman in question steps out into my line of sight. Her uniquely sapphire blue eyes run from the top of my head to my toes. Her full pink lips quirk up to form what I know is her wicked smirk, one that does wonders- sinful wonders- to my body. Her head tilts to the side, a long luxurious line of silky blonde hair slides off the blades of her shoulders. “Congratulations Fearless. Sorry I couldn’t be there though, I was buying ingredients for Cassia, and you know, I had some other things to do.” She says. Her voice holds a smoky tone to it, one that sneaks its way up my spine, almost forcing a shudder out of me. She pats the bed, then raises her right index finger, calling me over. My body moves on its own, following the commands of this stunning devil. When I get to where she is, her fingers reach for my face. Thumbing my cheeks, and stroking it. I’m nearly turned to jelly in her hands, I’m not normally like this. But after a match, I want to eat, sleep, and f**k the remaining adrenaline out of my body. I haven’t done that in a hot minute. I’m half expecting her to try something s****l, so I can remind myself that she’s only seventeen, and my best friend’s daughter. But she does nothing like that. Of course she doesn’t. Avalon is smart, she’s playing this at her own pace. “Come, rest. I’ll wake you when the food is ready.” Her octave holds nothing but adoration, and love. My heart clenches from that, I’m forced to tell myself that she doesn’t know what love truly is, and neither do I- that's for sure. I must be hearing things. No surprise there, I took a vital hit to the f*****g head. She leads me under the covers, forcing my head to lay rest in between her right arm and her chest. Nimble fingers glide into my hair, the light strokes ease away my stress and pain. She knows how to relax me, she makes me feel- it’s suffocating. Soon my eyes are slipping close, and I give in to the tired call of sleep.

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