Chapter 14

376 Words
Chapter 14 7 months later, Cassidy went into early labor and delivered a baby girl. Overjoyed with their daughter, Tyler and Cassidy named her Terlyn Rose Jenkins. It was a happy time for the three of them when Tyler and Cassidy brought Terlyn home to her nursery. Tyler took some time off work to spend some time with Cassidy and Terlyn after he was advised at how fast children grow up. Tyler decided he didn’t want to miss a moment of Terlyn’s life. While Tyler and Cassidy were adjusting to parenthood, Daniela was working a scheme to weasel her way into Cassidy’s life again when she came upon a birth announcement announcing the birth of Baby Girl Jenkins. Seething with envy, Daniela knew how to get back into Cassidy’s life. Cassidy wanted to go back to work part time starting her own catering business. So she applied with caterers to get a feel for the business. When she got accepted for a job, Cassidy needed a nanny for the times she would be away at work. Cassidy interviewed a few people for the job of being a nanny to Terlyn, but none seemed right for the job…until she interviewed Jane, a Mary-Poppins-type who enjoyed being around children. After checking on Jane’s references, Cassidy gave Jane a call…. “Is Jane Cummings there?” Cassidy asked when she heard a voice answer. “I’m her.” the voice said. “I went over your references and I would like to hire you as a nanny to look after my daughter?” “That’s great!” Jane said excited. “You won’t regret hiring me!” “I’d like you to be here tomorrow by 8:00 a.m.” Cassidy told Jane. “I’ll be there with bells on.” Jane said happily. “Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Thank you.” Jane said. As Jane got off the phone, she smiled into the mirror as she pulled off her wig…as Daniela said to herself, “I’ll be the best damn nanny for your new daughter!”
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