Chapter 13

460 Words
Chapter 13 Tyler brought Cassidy home after learning of Daniela’s plot when her not-so-dead husband showed up, ruining Daniela’s scheme to get Tyler into bed. Tyler couldn’t believe he nearly went to bed with Daniela. And what’s more, he couldn’t believe he let Daniela think Cassidy was crazy and put her in an institution. Luckily for Tyler, he had the most forgiving woman for wife. Cassidy was just glad it was all over and they could forget about Daniela and her plot to come between them. Tyler and Cassidy enjoyed the next 6 months happy and free from Daniela’s drama and schemes. Cassidy had a surprise for Tyler and made a special dinner when he got home from work to announce her news. “What’s the big celebration?” Tyler asked as soon as he walked in the door. On Tyler’s plate was a baby rattle, “Cassidy, are you suggesting…..” Tyler said, unable to finish his sentence. “Yes, baby. We’re having a baby!” Cassidy announced, the glee in her voice as Tyler kissed her. Meanwhile, life wasn’t going so well for Daniela. She had to endure parties with James and play the dutiful wife. It made her more envious of Cassidy’s life and she vowed to come up with a plan to get out from under James’ thumb. But first, she had to find a way to have James murdered. Daniela saw her chance when a charming young man came up to her and started talking to her while James was schlepping it up with his business colleagues. “Hello.” The young man said to Daniela. “Hello.” Daniela replied back. “I’m Ronny.” “Daniela. But you can call me Dani.” “What’s a pretty lady doing all alone?” “My date left to schmooze with the guests.” Daniela said, more bitter than she wanted to sound. “I’m sorry. What a creep!” Ronny said. “Yea. Tell him that?” “If you were my date, I’d never leave you alone.” Daniela saw her chance and spirited Ronny off to have a talk with him, and Ronny was more than willing to go along. “What?! You want me to kill your date?!” Ronny said, appalled that Daniela would ask him. “Hey, if you do, you can have me all to yourself!” Daniela explained, knowing she was lying. As soon as Ronny agreed to do what she wanted, she would be out of the city and on her own again.
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