Chapter 18

314 Words
Chapter 18 Cassidy arrived at work a few minutes late and her boss was a little peeved. “I thought I told you to be here on time!” Cassidy’s boss said ired. “I’m sorry, my nanny didn’t get home in time.” Cassidy explained. “Well, one more time, and I’ll have to let you go.  I have no time for my staff who can’t show up on time!” Cassidy’s boss explained. “It won’t happen again.” Cassidy said. “If you’ll just get started washing those dishes…” her boss told her. “But….” Cassidy began, but her boss just shook her head at her and motioned her to get to work. Cassidy couldn’t believe her luck?  She thought she would be helping with the cooking and prep…not dishwashing? “Oh well, guess I better just do as I’m told before I lose this job?” Cassidy said under her breath so her boss wouldn’t hear her.  it was the last thing Cassidy needed was her boss jumping down her throat again! Back at the Jenkins’ home, Jane/Daniela was cradling a fussy Terlyn when Tyler came home hoping Cassidy would be home. “Oh, it’s you?” Tyler said a little sad. “I’m sorry, Cassidy hasn’t gotten home yet.” Jane/Daniela told him. “it’s a little late?  Cassidy should have gotten home by now?” Tyler mused at Cassidy being late getting home. Just then, the TV sent a special news report about a shooting at the catering business where Cassidy worked.  Tyler was glued to the TV wondering if Cassidy was alright, and Jane/Daniela secretly kept her fingers crossed.
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