Chapter 19 - 20

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Chapter 19 When Tyler got word that his wife was being taken to the hospital, he left Jane/Daniela home to look after Terlyn to go see Cassidy.  When he arrived, the doctors gave a grim report on Cassidy’s condition.  Tyler sat down in a chair in the waiting room until he was given word that he could see Cassidy.  Tyler’s cell rang and it was Jane/Daniela. “Hello?” Tyler answered crying. “Tyler, is Cassidy alright?” Jane/Daniela asked with mock concern. “Cassidy is unconscious and the doctors don’t know if she will wake up?” Tyler informed Jane/Daniela. “Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry!” “This can’t be happening?  We just had a baby and were getting our lives back on track after…” Tyler ranted at Jane/Daniela before ending the call. That’s all Jane/Daniela needed to know…that Cassidy was on her way out.  Soon!  Cassidy would be gone and no one would be wiser that she was the mastermind behind it all! Life was good once again! Chapter 20 Jane/Daniela needed to be patient long enough for Cassidy's life to be snuffed out. She smiled knowing she finally won this round in this rivalry. She would finally be happy after everything Cassidy took from her. After everything she has been through, all Daniela wanted was some happiness. And she was bound to get it. . .no matter who she hurt in the process. No one would find out what she's done to get there! Absolutely no one! But a detective on the case of Cassidy's accident was the last thing Daniela expected to find the truth, as he met with Tyler to discuss how the accident went down. “Mr. Jenkins, I'm Det. Ambrose.” Det. Ambrose introduced himself. “I was wondering if you're okay with asking some questions about your wife's accident?” “Yes. Detective. Anything I can do or say to be of help to you.” Tyler said in full cooperation with the detective's case. “I'm just asking you this to rule you out on any suspicions, but where were you prior to your wife's accident?” “I was on my way home from work when I got word about Cassidy's accident.” Tyler told Det. Ambrose. “Is there anyone who would want to hurt your wife?” Det. Ambrose continued with his questioning. “No. The only person that would want to hurt Cassidy is dead now.” Tyler replied. “So there's no one you know of that would want to hurt your wife?” “No, not that I can think of. After the ordeal, Cassidy just given birth to our daughter and we were in a good place.” “We have your wife's car at the PD examining it for any clues in the investigation. When we are done, you will have the car back in your possession.” Det. Ambrose informed Tyler. “Take as long as you need, detective.” Tyler replied as Jane/Daniela showed up with Terlyn to see her mommy. “Tyler, I thought Terlyn wanted to see her mommy,” Jane/Daniela said, surprised to see Tyler talking with a police detective. “Thanks Jane.” Tyler told her as he took Terlyn from Jane's arms. “Jane, this is Det. Ambrose. He's investigating Cassidy's accident.” “Oh, I hope you find what you're looking for.” Jane/Daniela told the detective. “Thank you, miss. And you are?” “Jane Cook.” Jane/Daniela introduced herself. “And how did you come to know the Jenkins family?” “I was hired by Cassidy as a live-in nanny the day before Cassidy's accident.” Jane/Daniela offered Det. Ambrose. “I see.” Det. Ambrose said, noting it in his notepad. “Well, I gotta be going. I'll let you know if we need to talk again.” Jane/Daniela watched as the detective headed out hoping that he wouldn't find anything. Jane/Daniela covered her tracks well, so she didn't need to worry.
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