ch. 1 Adalind

1690 Words
POV: Adalind Hey! My name is Adalind Catalina Rickson. I'm an actually princess and a werewolf. Well not just a werewolf, I'm also a vampire. The vampire part sets me apart from everyone else. I've always been a freak in everyone's eyes. The only people I can count on to look at me like a normal person is my family. I have a big family. I have seven eight grandparents. Three of them are biological though. My mother was adopted when she was just a baby. She eventually found her birth parents who had their own separate mates. Their mates became my grand parents as well. Then I have four uncles. Simon is a month younger than me. I don't really call him uncle too much with us being the age. Its weird. I have two siblings. An half older brother Cameron and my younger brother Tate. Cam and I are six months apart. Tate is 14 years old. I have some cousins to. Uncle Liam has two kids, a set of twin boys. Uncle Devon doesn't have any. He hasn't met his mate yet. Uncle Luke and Aunt Penny are chosen mates. They have a Five year old little girl. I've always been jealous of my brothers and cousins they get to go to school. See I'm one of those weird home schooled kids. Dad was scared if I went to school that I would be bullied because I'm a hybrid despite me being his daughter so he wouldn't send me to school. I couldn't go to a human school because that is just to tempting. I would more in likely lose control and feed on them. I remember the first time I drank blood for the first time. I hadn't felt the need or hunger before then. I was six and Cam and I were playing and the blood lust hit strong. I tried to eat my brother. Dad thought we were arguing and came to stop us. Cam told him I was trying to bite him and I was still trying to. I even went after dad. Thats when he picked me up and demanded to know my problem. I told him I was hungry so he tried to give me some food but that wasn't the food that I wanted. That food made me gag. The second I gagged dad had figured it out. You see I didn't actually know what I was after. I was just going off of instinct there. I hadn't fully grasped the concept that I was a hybrid nor did I understand it. Dad took me down to the cells for the first time ever that day. They had some rogues that were arrested for murder down there. Dad took me to one of them. My dad's claws can paralyze anyone he scratches. He scratched the rogue. I was scared out of my mind. The rogue couldn't move to fight back. Dad explained to me what was happening and told me it was ok to bite him. After I got the OK I just knew what to do. I bit right into his neck and fed. He didn't die. I couldn't drink that much. The rogue was bigger than me. I fed off of him again after a few days when I started having the feeling to feed again. Thats when dad and mom sat me down and explained the difference between me and everyone else. I'm in control now but when I get around human blood its harder to control. I've always been different. I've never fit in anywhere. I'm start university today. I get to go to actually school. I'm so excited yet so nervous. The university is a mixed supernatural school so it won't be so bad for me there. The university is about four hours from the palace so I won't be to far from home. Dad specifically bought an estate close by the university for me to stay in. He doesn't want me to stay in the dorms. My dad is very protective of me. I have always wanted to travel around the world. I would love to make a friend. Not one of those friends that is your family member. I have plenty of those. My major is going to be in archeology. I want to search for artifacts and experience culture. Go on an adventure. I had to get mom involved to get dad to let me go to university. The estate was the compromise. Dad just wants me protected. He also will have warriors there at the estate to protect me. That was another compromise. Well I guess thats about all I can tell you about me for now. I have my first class in just ten minutes. I have a very busy day ahead of me. It's my birthday today. I am now eighteen years old today. I have four classes to attend today. After I will be going home to my estate where my family will be waiting for me. They're throwing me a birthday party. I asked for a small one just with my family and they agreed to it. Dad didn't want me driving four hours to the palace and party all night then come back and have to go to class with no sleep so they came to me. My first class is English. My professor's name is Dianne Anderson. She's a werewolf. I sit at the end of the front row excited a out being here and around people. I see some werewolves come in. They sniff close by me and have this look of disgust. That hurt. They sit on the left side towards the back. Some vampires come in to. Werewolves and Lycans don't get along with vampires. They're enemies. This is why everyone worries so much about me because I'm both. The vampire look in my direction looking at me weirdly. They hiss at me and sit on the left side toward the back. It was like they wanted as far away from me as they could. "Is this seat taken?" A guy ask me standing in front of me. He has dark curly hair and silver eyes with dark skin. "Uh no." I shyly speak. He sits next to me. I sniff to know what he is. He's a dragon. I've only met a dragon one other time. He had come for a meeting with dad. "Whats you your name pinkie?" The dragon asks. "Are you talking to me?" I ask. "Yes. I don't see anyone else here that has rose gold pink hair and is wearing mostly pink." He says sarcastically. My favorite is pink. "Oh uh I'm Adalind." I introduce myself. "Nice to meet you Adalind. You must be a first year." He says. "Is it that obvious?" I ask blushing. "Yep. Any werewolf would know to sit on the right side of the classroom." He says. Can he not smell what I am. "Oh. Well I don't think they want to sit with me anyway. I'm a hybrid. Also a vampire." I admit to him. "Oh I see so sticking to the middle it is. I'm Caleb by the way. And we are going to be best friends girl. I almost wore that exact same outfit today." He says. "Hah seriously. You don't even know me." I say. "Yes I do. Your The hybrid girl, Adalind. Your favorite color is pink. Girl you are an open book. I know you just by looking at you." Caleb says snapping his fingers. "I'm not that readable." I say denying it. "You are but thats ok." Caleb says. The professor hushes down the class. She introduces herself and begins to teach. She dismisses the class. The class lasted about an hour. "So pinkie what is your next class?" Caleb asks me. He followed me out. He has deemed himself my best friend. I actually like him. I think I can be his friend. "Um I have chemistry." I answer. "OK. What time?" Caleb asks. "Nine" I answer. My first class was at seven. "Cool so you have an hour to kill. Let me give you a tour of campass. Where are you staying at?" "Well actually I'm not in a dorm. I'm staying at an estate that my dad bought for me." I say following him. "Wow. So you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Not literally of course. I bet that would hurt." Caleb says. "Well my dad is the Lycan king. What about you?" I ask. "Well princess pinkie my dad is a dragon beta. My clan is the Fire Blood." "Cool. This is the first time I've ever actually been to school." I say. "Home schooled huh?" I nod yes. He leads me around campass showing me around. We talk the entire time. "Hey its my birthday today. Would you like to come to my party tonight. It's just a small thing but it would be great if you came?" I ask him. "Uh hell yes. Happy birthday. Thanks for the excuse to go shopping girl. We can go together next time. I got to get you a present for tonight. I will meet you outside your last class and we can go together girl." I laugh at him. I inwardly squeal. "Andrea can you believe it? We made a friend." I link my wolf. "I know. I just wish our mate to be here." She says happy but sad. Andrea is my wolf. We both long for our mate. I go to my next class. It goes the same way except without the Caleb part. The vampires on one side and the wolves and Lycans on the other. I sit in the middle. Neither will sit close to me. It's ok. I'm used to it. Anyone outside of my family sees me the same way. Another reason why I have no friends. When my last class comes thats when I start to feel funny. My heart starts beating faster. My last class is history. Lilo is standing at attention looking around. "What are you looking for?"
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