Ch. 2 His one

1464 Words
POV: Aiden Who knows what the down fall to living for an eternity is? I do. You get bored. I have seen everything. Done everything. I speak over 1000 languages. Some are dead now. I'm two thousand years old. I am the vampire king. My name is Aiden Vandomir. As of this decade I'm a history professor. What can I say I'm bored. You may be asking yourself how do I run a kingdom and teach. Well one perk of being a vampire you have enhanced speed. I've been doing this for so long to so to sign a simple piece of paper or read one is done in the blink of an eye for me. I'm teaching at this university that is for all supernaturals. Most get along. Some species don't. Vampires and werewolves don't. I hate wolves. We weren't always like this though. You all can think her. Victoria. I once loved her. I was even thinking of making her my queen until she betrayed me. She was a vampire. She had an affair with a wolf. Victoria had plans to over throw me. She was using me. She and her werewolf lover plotted against me. I of course killed them both on the spot. I've been bitter about it ever since. Our species have never gotten along since. I tolerate the wolves and Lycans that attend the university. They aren't allowed to attend my classes either. They also know not to come anywhere near me or come near my classroom. I have heard that the Lycan Kings little daughter will be attending the university. There have been rumors about her. They say she's a hybrid. A vampire hybrid. If it is true then that girl is going to have a hard life ahead of her. She is stuck between two world. One she only knows her basic instincts of. The other she grew up in. Not one of my kingdom would dare to help her. She would have had to learn it all on her own. Poor little thing how does she eat in a den full of wolves. I'll have to remember to stay clear of her. I'm in no mood for war. Granted that could change at any time. War is always an option to cure my boredom. Anyway I have a class to teach. Students start to pile in taking their seats. The most scrumptious smell hits me. I just want to sink my teeth in it. I could feed on whoever's blood that is all day. I look up to find it. My eyes land on a girl in the front row with rose gold pink hair. Our gazes make contact. Its at this moment that I just know I'm f****d. I can hear her heart pounding. Her eyes widen in surprise. I smell deeper into her scent. I know she my one. Vampires have a one or the one. Its our version of a werewolf or lycan mate. I can smell her. She's a Hybrid. Not just any hybrid. She has a wolf. I can sense it. f**k. This girl. This wolf is my one. In all of my two thousand years I have never met my one. A one is fated like a mate is. Both vampires and werewolves come from the same goddess. Selene has surly f****d me over. I know one thing for sure I will not take a pathetic wolf as my one. She's just staring at me. Who is she? A part of me says not to reject her. Thats the part that wants me to give in. The pull is strong I will say that. I know this much I'm not bored anymore. Perhaps playing with her wouldn't be such a bad thing. It doesn't mean I have to accept her though. "Good afternoon class. As most of you already know, I am professor Aiden Vandomir. Welcome to history." The entire time I'm speaking I'm looking right at her. "Let's start with the attendance shall we." I start calling out names. "Adalind Rickson" I call "here!" My little one calls out. Adalind. Wait Rickson. So it would appear those rumors are true. Shes a princess. Perhaps a war wouldn't be so bad. I continue the roll call until I'm done. "OK now that we know who is here welcom to history for I am history itself." The entire time I'm going over my lesson Adalind's gaze never leave me. She holds on to every word that leaves my mouth. I caught her blushing a few times. I teased her a few times myself just to watch her squirm. I'd walk up the isle brushing my leg against hers on purpose. "Class dismissed." I call. My class is over. Everyone begins to leave including her but I'm not finished with her yet. "Miss Rickson please stay back." I say. She stays seated in her seat then. Her heart pounding. After everyone is gone I stand right in front of her. "You know I don't allow wolves in my classroom." I tell her. "Oh um I'm sorry I didn't know. I'm new here." She says with a touch of fear. Fear is good. "I suppose the office thought sice you're a hybrid i would over look the wolf." I say. I see a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "But I won't." Her face falls. "Unfortunately all the classes are filled up and it is too late to transfer you to another class. You behave and we won't have a problem." "OK. I'm sorry." She says sounding like she's about to cry. Now that just doesn't sit well with me. "Sorry for what?" "For the mix up. I didn't know." She goes silent for a few minutes. She's talking to her wolf. "Tell your wolf I nor reject or accept you as a mate and one." I tell her. She looks shocked and confused at the same time. "What you didn't think I knew. Little one there is a lot you'd be surprised that I know." I smirk at her. "Whats a one?" She asks. The poor thing. I guess I should at least answer her questions. "A one is the Vampire version of you werewolf sides mate bond. You more in likely feel the pull of both bonds being both." I explain. "Oh." Is all she says. "How much of you vampire side do you know about?" I'm curious to know her extent of knowledge of this part of her. "Um not much im afraid. I just go off of instict." I figured as much. A vampire even if its a hybrid going off of pure basic instincts is dangerous. "Do you at least have control?" I ask her. "Mostly. I'm not so good around humans though. It's harder." She answers. In other words her control is weak. If someone was to bleed in class she would attack them from blood lust. "In other words you struggle so not much control." "What did you mean by you don't accept or reject me?" She asks. I know she's feeling rejected but I don't care. "Let's call it what you are. Stuck in the in between. Its both and yet has nowhere to go. The only reason your accept by the wolves is because your the kings daughter. Had that not been can you imagine what your life would be?" She knows every word I just said is true. You can see it on her face very clearly. "So your just going to ignore me?" "No my dear. I'm going to have my fun with you watching you squirm. Let me make one thing perfectly clear though. I hate wolves. We will never be. I will do with what I want with you. You can tell your father but that would only result in war." I tell her bluntly. "In other words your rejecting me without rejecting me." She says full of attitude. I smile knowing that had I fully accepted her she would have been perfect. "Look at it how ever you want." "Good to know where we stand now. Can I go. It's my birthday and my family is waiting for me." She says. "How old are you today then?" I ask. "Eighteen" she answers me. She is young. Very young. She could only just be able to find her mate today. She's a baby. "Well Happy birthday Adalind. You may go now." She leaves as soon as I said those words. Why do feel bad now? I don't want her. In all my two thousand years I'm just now getting a one. The little princess had more attitude than I thought she would. She seems like an innocent naive girl. Its almost like she hasn't been around people that much.
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