Ch. 6 Late

1238 Words
POV: Adalind "No you did not." I say. Caleb and I are having lunch at small restaurant. He's telling me a story of one of his fraternity parties. He apparently ate ten jars of jalapeños. For a dragon that would be bad. His fire would be more intense. "Yeah I nearly burned the house down in one burp." He jokes. I laugh. I don't have a*********s like that. I don't do anything crazy. I can't afford to. Me doing anything crazy. Everyone would freak out. Being a hybrid has a lot of down falls. I have to watch my actions. There's also the whole princess thing. People are watching me. I have tried to sneak out a time or two and got busted every time. Somehow Midnight always knows. "We should be heading back. We have class soon." I say looking at the time. Caleb grabs the check and pays for it. I tried to pay for my half but he refused. I only have three classes today. I have one more and that would be my most dreaded. Andrea is still hopeful we can win him over but we're not doing anything to do that. He has me stay everyday after class and makes me do something. So far he has me place books on a shelf, clean his white board, and watch him feed on people. I think he's testing my control. Its a struggle being there as he feeds. There was one time I had to run out of there before I lost it. He's torturing me. In every class vampires and werewolves and Lycan stay separate. They avoid me on both sides. The other species aren't so bad around me for the most part but they do know that I'm different. Once my class is over I take the time to call dad. It's a condition of me being here. I'm to call at least once a day. I don't get why. I mean I'm constantly texting him my location. Dad picks up after a few rings. "Hey. How's my girl doing?" Dad answers. "Fine. I have thirty minutes until my next class." "OK. I won't keep you long then. How are you doing with all of your studies. If you need help I can get you a tutor." "No dad that won't be necessary. I'm doing fine. It's only been a week and a half I think I'll be fine." "I know your ok. I just worry thats all." He says. "How's mom doing?" I ask. "She is well. Her and Penny are baking some brownies right now. She's going to send you some." I love mom's baking. "Oh hey can you ask her if she make some chocolate peanut butter thumb print cookies and some muffins please." I ask. Dad chuckles. "I will ask her. What kind of muffins would you like?" "Hmm blueberry and banana nut." I answer. "Ok. You're going to have her so busy today in the kitchen. But I know she loves it and would do it for you. Is there anything else you need or want?" "Some human blood would be great. A fresh Rogue or criminal would be good too." I answer. "I think someone is hungry. I will get Court to go by the blood bank and get some. The criminals and rogues are a no. I can't risk one escaping. I'm sorry." Some times I do drink human blood. Its better for me if it do. It can be hard to get a hold of it. Court will volunteer at the blood bank and draw blood for me. I've been around human blood all week. Aiden started with other supernaturals but he found my weak spot. Human blood. That was the day I had to run out of there. He's used it to his advantage ever since. "OK dad. Thanks for trying anyway. I have to go now." I end the call. I see I'm going to be late for my class. I have only three minutes to get there. Damn. I use my vampire speed to run there. I'm one minute late. The door has already closed. I open the door and the whole class looks at me. I know my face is now pink. I quietly make my way to my seat. Aiden has this smirk that says you're in trouble now. Great. What is he going to do now? He begins his lecture and I take notes. "Thats all for today do not forget your papers are due tomorrow I will accept email or hard copy." The class is dismissed. "Well. Well. Well. Someone was late today. I don't appreciate tardiness miss Rickson." He says. "It was only one minute. I'm sorry it won't happen again." "No it will not because from now on once that door closes you are no longer allowed to enter my classroom. The only reason you are allowed in here is because it's to late to transfer you to another class." He says. "But thats not fare." I argue. "Let me tell you what is not fare. Having a one that is a child. Life. my dear is not fare." He says. "Oh I am well aware of how not fare it is." I say angrily. He thinks that he has it so bad because he's mated to me. He has not lived my life nor endured the looks and whispers behind his back. "I would watch your tone if I were you." He warns. "Or what? You'll reject me. Please do." I tell him. Andrea whimpers. "Be nice to mate. Try to win him over. Want mate." She says to me. "Andrea no. He clearly doesn't want us. I don't know why you insist on this. Aiden won't ever accept us. He hates us. He hates you." I know that came out a bit harsh but it's true. "No mate will come around. We must try. Apologize to mate now." She continues. "Now why would I do that when my fun is just beginning. Your punishment for being late is to write a three thousand word essay on the history of being tardy. It will be due along with your paper tomorrow. I would like it hand written." Is he for real? "Apologize to mate. He will take it away if we try." Andrea tries again. "f**k fine Andrea! My wolf would like to apologize to you for how I have spoken to you. I am not sorry!" I say in an outburst. I hope she's happy now. "Apology not accepted. I would never accept one from a pathetic wolf. You will be sorry you ever set foot in this classroom." He promises. "See i told you Andrea. He doesn't care." Andrea whimpers and lays down. I know she's hurting and trying to just be with her mate. I do feel the pull. In fact it's like I have two strings pulling me towards him. These strings are hard to ignore. It hurts hearing him speak this way to us. I know I should just reject him myself but the truth is deep down I'm hoping Andrea is right and we will win him over. How pathetic is that. "Fine whatever. Can I go now. I apparently have extra homework to do over sixty seconds." "You may go now." He allows me to leave. I could just beat him some times. I hate him.
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