Ch. 7 Darach

712 Words
POV: Aiden "You're majesty we have the information you asked for." My right hand tells me. "What is it Randell?" "You were right sire. He is back." Randell confirms my suspicions. This is bad. Very bad. Darach is back. Darach is a wizard that I have battled back and forth throughout the centries. He always manages to just slip through my fingers. He's been gathering ingredients to a spell that I wish never existed. This spell would enslave all of humanity and supernaturals alike. A dragon tooth and scales were stolen some days ago. This is evidence He's back to gathering the ingredients again. I spoiled his plan last time. I was able to rid him of the ingredients. Unfortunately he has now started back up again. There is one ingredient that is very hard to get. It is rare that a wolf is born on this night. A blood moon. This would cause a wolf to be both werewolf and vampire. It has to specifically be werewolf. If it is lycan it would not work. Why this is I don't know. The fact that Darach is back now leads me to think something has changed. He must think he can get his hands on this ingredients now. That would mean that a blood moon wolf has been born. One name comes to mind at the thought of a blood moon wolf and I really hope it's not true. Adalind. She is both. Her mother is moon blessed. Her father is lycan. Both her brothers are lycan. She is a hybrid. I need to find out if this is true. "Randell find out if there was a blood moon on August 25th 18 years ago." I order him. He bows his head. "Yes sire. I will get back to you." No matter how much I despise having her as my one I can't allow Darach to get his hands on her. All he would need is her blood. I've been testing her all week. She's most vulnerable around human blood. She has little control that much is clear. She doesn't know much about her vampire side. I would imagine she's been forced to surpress it. Therefore leaving her vulnerable. With no control she is dangerous. She may not look it but she is. It's also clear of how much she fights the blood lust. She doesn't feed every day like she should. We can go three to four days without blood before thing get dicey. We will begin to desecate. The hunger will be unbearable. Vampires lose control quick in this situation. It's hard to tell how it would effect her. As much as I push her away I do have to admit she intrigues me. I like to watch her squirm. I made her mad today. She was late for my class. This is not something I would tolerate from anyone. Now I may have been a little harder on her about it. I can generally excuse three minutes of tardiness. She was a minute late and I just could not have that. That was one minute I went without seeing her. I do enjoy seeing her. She is a very beautiful girl. Her wolf clearly wants me and is trying. I can't give in. She would betray me like Victoria did. As much as my dead heart wants to be with her. To claim her I can't. A text chimes on my phone. I check it to see its an unknown number. It reads, Good luck stopping me this time. I hiss. Darach. He knows I know. So far he has the ingredients, dragon teeth, dragon scales, a griffin talon, vampire fangs and blood. The vampire teeth was what tipped me off. I began to look more into the matter and found other things were taken. As long as the blood moon born is not in his grasp everything should be fine. I want confirmation on if its Adalind first before I proceed to take precautions to keep Darach from her. I can't have her thinking that I care. I keep telling myself I don't care about her when deep down I do and I wouldn't sleep very well knowing she was in danger. I need her at least safe.
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