Chapter 12 :: Some Good Talks!!

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"Insu, Renuka Desai is here!" Ruthba walked in with a file in her hand,....she seemed to be in hurry! "yeah!? show her in Ruth!" Insiyaa was still busy in drawing, she didn’t look up! "be careful, she can be little intrusive, sometime" "she is a journalist, Ruth, Intrusive is her job, she gets paid for that, her in, I'll take care of the rest" ****** "so, shall we begin ?" "yes! please" "for how long have been working as a designer....,Insiyaa, hope, you don't mind me calling you by your first name!" Renuka Desai, a journalist smiled and said "nope.....not at all, you are much elder than me, you can" Insiyaa answered..... "i think from the age of 13/14!" "someone taught you how to....?" "not's more like a traditional thing, you know! like if a son sees his grandfather or father do something, or in girl's case, she sees her mother how to do house chores, how to cook,.....and she learns,....!" Insiyaa shrugged "and in your case ? as much as i know your father and brothers are mainly in construction and variety of businesses but it was more like a side hustle, they hired Goldsmiths as worker, they themselves are not in this from generations.....and now look around, this is gaining more attention and money and recognition than the actual business" Insiyaa understood now,....why Ruthba was warning her of this woman being intrusive! she sighed...... "well, in my case, our age old experienced goldsmiths,.....they are with us from the very beginning thus business, i am right now working with their 6th generation, they are simply amazing and you have seen their workmanship before..... "of course!" Renuka chuckles "actually i - I've always been around the workshop for so long,....seen them working, so, it came naturally,.....i always felt close to this" "you have always wanted to be a jewellery designer ?" no i wanted to be an archeologist.....i want to travel the world, i want to see ever corner of the world, gather so much knowledge!.... i don't want the ordinary life the ordinary people lives,..... i want Adventures, Madness, everyday so exciting that i could feel my blood rushing in my veins, i want to fly, i want to run, i want to fall,.... and i never want to stop.......! that what her mind screamed......and as always she ignored and answered like a well bred lady....."YES,....always! it was little bit rough at first, considering maintaining my studies, exams and all, sometimes I'd hear,....those design are just in my head and not realistic enough at all, but yes, people stay around around, they learn to evolve, that's all" "you became an youth icon, an inspiration for many girls of your age" "you flatter me!" Insiyaa politely smiled again "....but what i and all of them wants to know is what inspired you ?" oh, i just wanted to prove my conservative, backdated father and brother wrong...... it was on the tip of her tongue and she bit it off,instead she said..... "i can't really point at one thing and say "this" there are so many, just look around you.....Ms.Desai, right ?" "oh, please, call me Renuka" "ohh...kay...Renuka!.....well Rajasthan is known for it's rich culture and histories, it's beautiful palaces, hill fort, variety of artwork, blue pottery, carpet and Meenakari. Besides these rugs, marble works and leatherware like free time i often visits those palaces, I'd say history inspires me a lot" "so, one last and very important question.....that we got from many of your fan....that what is way to Insiyaa Hayat Raichand's heart ?" at the journalist's question she only looked down and smiled a bit in a thinking manner....."I'd say, please take a's closed" Renuka Desai was really impressed by Insiyaa's maturity, politeness, sweet, easy going and little witty remarks........! she had to admit to herself that she was wrong thinking this 20 years old girl would be arrogant, uptight, haughty one after gaining popularity at early age. Narrator's POV.... chilly wintery night, Insiyaa could hear the sound of fire cackles from her room's tiny little fire place she had installed not few months ago,...she let out a deep sigh and turned side again, it was already 1o'clock, she couldn't sleep at all..... Lonely... Lonelier,..... Loneliest......... Her mind screamed at her! suddenly as if on instinct, her hands went down her belly to the south. Her right forefinger started touching her core and slowly it started teasing her core, pretending to be a ----- *ahem* she inserted one digit in, rubbing, teasing, inserting.... again and again! She wonders sometimes What would it feel like, when it would finally happen,....if it ever happens, after her marriage! Surrounded by those soft, collapsing caves of flesh with ten thousands of sensitive nerves,.....though her finger is too small, still satisfying.... "mmmh" She moaned, toes wiggling, breathing heavily.... but She never dares to puts in two digit in --- in fear and spreads them, nope! never! but, Thank god she keeps her finger nails short and clean! She moves her finger to that rhythm, feeling the inside wall getting warm and wet and creamy. She bits her lips! She never needed to think of anyone really,......for one, ever since she started pleasuring herself her fiancee never came in mind for sure, she couldn't ever think about her fiancee like that,..... was it even normal ? she doesn’t know! would she ever ask anyone,...absolutely not ? if anything, was of a man, which is a relief! but a man with no face. His face is blank, just a figure, tall, dark, mascular, and symmetrical blank face and nothing else! But suddenly a face appeared! A large almond shaped hooded bluish grey eyed one,.... sharp jawed one,..... perfectly shaped lipped one...... And her n*****s hardened, her breathing was coming short, she was getting close,...."a--ah" Closer......"mmhhhm" Closest.......a gasp left her mouth! even if she wanted to withdraw her finger, she could not! Too late for that! "f**k" She whispered and swallowed her moan with other hand that was about to escape, her head rolled back, eyes closed, mouth open! And She felt the convulsion of the orgasm that suck violently around her long tiny finger, then her hand falls to her side and she sinks into a dead sleep. ---------------- Meanwhile in Udaipur,..... A business conversation between Yuvraj Sankalp Singh Rathod and Advocate Ram Prashad Sharma went just like this! ''patience Yuvraj! Jagannath Singh won't sell his palace so easily. We've been trying for almost 6 months now but he refused to even meet anyone..... But i assure you I'll bring him up to you, do not have to do anything by yourself, you don't have to follow him like that'' Advocate added, trying to convince Sankalp Singh Rathod But Sankalp looked bored and uninterested, every meeting he gives the same old promise. But since the advocate was an elderly person, he politely answered,.....''thanks for your free advice but in business Time is money! I don't see any point in waiting for a date. but since our views on things are different, our approach should be different as well'' ''Yuvraj! your seat next to His highness Rana Jagannath Singh in the flight is confirmed'' The manager from the hotel came and informed him ''B__but Yuvraj i told __'' He quickly shut his mouth when Sankalp raised his eyebrows at him and let out huff, left from there grumbling in the Flight to Mumbai, business class.... A man of serious nature, wearing a turban, with a thick grey beard and thick pointy mustache that almost covering his whole upper lip,.....he was sitting alone, busy reading newspaper. he literally payed and booked the seat next to him as well so no one could disturb him at all and that's why the seat next to him was empty,...... but somehow Sankalp managed to convince the airlines to get the seat and not informing Jagannath Singh, all! so, he didn't have any idea and when Yuvraj came from behind and sat next to him, he was quite shocked, when he looked up to see his face, he narrowed his eyes at him... ''Yuvraj Sankalp Singh Rathod!'' He grumbled......his voice came out as stone grinding against each other "Sir" Sankalp respectfully nodded ''I suppose this is not a coincidence at all that you are here,..... I'll sue the airlines" "No sir! Not. At. All" He truthfully confessed ''And you think I'll sale my 600 years old ancestral palace to a Firangi [ foreigner ] in this 50 minutes flight. He doesn’t even have the decency to be here to talk to me directly. So what are you! His agent or an adulator like we read so much about in history books ?'' Jagannath Singh mocked as if trying to make him angry But Sankalp took a deep breath and said,.... "No sir, this Palace project is a joint venture....we are partners" with a hint of smile ''You think you can trap me with your words and get away with this deal ?'' Jagannath Singh glared "Oh! but you are trapped somewhere else sir. Our offer is merely saving you from that. And we don't need to talk about it here if only you confirm our meeting yourself, i believe you would keep your word" Sankalp offered with a smirk ''Excuse me Sir! what would yo __'' A flight attendant came to take their orders and Sankalp cuts her off saying,...."One black coffee with half tea spoon sugar for him and I'll have a green tea with lemon and honey,..thank you'' It was true Jagannath Singh was angry at him but also a little impressed as well by Sankalp's calm, steady posture. He gave him a reluctant nod and Sankalp simply nodded back ---------------
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