Chapter 13 :: Negotiations and Thoughts!

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30 Berkeley Square, London..... "i do not understand sir, will through money away just so you can ruin me ?" The old coot huffed, Blaze Aragon was bored to say the least "that's not how i would put it" He answered "you intend to build a new factory of what i already have off, and you are hiring people from Blackpool, Burnley and offered them more wage and all kind of unnecessary luxury that i heard off, just to put me out of business ?" Coot asked again, as if he couldn't believe that a young man of his Son's age wasn’t agreeing with him "it's business....should i not expand ?.....with more Manpower by my side, I'll rule them" He gave him a careless shrug "but why not buy the factory that already exist there and save yourself hundreds of thousands" Coot asked AGAIN...... "you turned me down once......." He c****d his head with a raised eyebrow and said "i turned down your offer because i thought you'd come back with more.....Sir, it's called negotiation" Coot suggestively said and smirked "Not.In.My.Book...... you refused my bid, now i will a new factory alongside yours" Blaze said again giving him a cold look "which would wipe me out" Coot gritted out "yes! that will be the consequence, but it was not my principle intention'' "oh, was it not ?....thank the lord" Coot leaned on the back of his chair and let out a sarcastic scoff "is there anything else ? i have another appointment" "so, what you are saying is Sir,'d rather waste a fortune than pay an honest price for a already running factory ?" Coot asked.....Blaze forgot to count now! "well i do not see it as a waste.......once people learns that my first offer is invariably my last offer,.....they won't as a rule refuses me. So, over the years i expect to save a lot more money than i am spending right now" "bastard" Coot hissed in anger "I've been called worst Mr.Banner but you are now a fool......and of all of them i know which I'd prefer. Good day to you, Sir" He coolly answered showing him the way out. putting intercom in his ear......"was this the last meeting, Mike, at least i hope so" Blaze drawled after getting answer in affirmation he let out a sigh, was a treat seeing shock in that greedy codger's face. same day......At Malabar Hill, Mumbai Sankalp's phone beeped, he looked at the name and smiled. ''Good afternoon bro, I was just thinking about you, you will live a long life'' He received and said... a deep throaty chuckle could be heard from the other side ''where have you been ? I called at hotel, they said you aren't there!'' ''At our club. Where else! i came for surprise check'' ''Hmm! And how are things, how is everything at home!'' ''It's good! I think i should tell Raichand, you know!?'' for a few seconds It was silence on the other side.... ''Blaze! are you there ?'' Sankalp looked at his phone to check if it was disconnected due to bad network....."helloooo" ''Raichand!?'' Her name came out in a whisper...... ''Yeah! I think she would be glad to send you an invitation cards from both of our family'' ''Invitation card for what!'' Blaze's voice went cold ''For our wedding! We are getting married in couple of months, Insiyaa Hayat Raichand and I'' Another minute of silence followed and then,... ''Well a heartiest Congratulations then!'' and if it was cold before, then this time it was freezing.....but as obvious as it was, Sankalp Singh Rathod didn’t notice, he continued! ''You are coming this month right! I think you should be here for the Resort deal and Palace project as well. Investors are getting impatient, owner is insisting on meeting you'' ''Yeah!?...... I've to check my schedules. Let's see'' ''Ok! Brother. Have a good night'' ''Mmh! You too'' As soon as he cut the call, Blaze threw the wireless with such a force that it shattered his bedroom's glass partition and made the girl infront of him jump out her skin. 5 years! 5 f*****g years He thought he moved on. He travelled all around the world. Expanded his billion dollar business. Built an empire in such a young age,....he was the definition a filthy rich. One of the hottest, eligible bachelor in whole England with a greek god built and look and girls at his feet. He never cared for anything or anyone, just work, f**k, eat, sleep and repeat! That's what he did forever and and for last 5! And another girl tonight, half naked, infront of him, ready to be f****d but all his s****l desire for that half naked chit died down soon as he heard her name.....! ''Insiyaa!'' after 5 years he thought he forgot her name, but it came out in a whisper and felt so familiar in his lips as if it was always right there..... ''Get lost! And never show me your face again, try anything funny and I'll make you regret the day you were born'' He growled and glared at that girl and threw few 100 pounds at her, she gathered her clothes, took the money and left hurriedly And he sat on the couch looking into nothing, thinking how on earth this happened! he received word from one of his agent months ago that Sankalp's marriage got fixed in Raichand family but didn't think much of it, let alone giving it any importance then,...... but today, he just realized which Raichand family! So what! what happened all of a sudden ? Why couldn't he move on ? All in all, maybe they didn't even spend 24 hours together in the whole 10 days... then why! She is almost 14 younger years younger than him,...... then why! Every layers he built around his heart and reinforced from time and again shattered in a second......right after hearing her name, again Why! His heart clenched painfully when he heard that news! It skipped a beat! Why! He doesn't even know how she looks like now.... obviously she'd be more beautiful now, no doubt! is it actually possible......funny isn't it! How can someone desire someone, want someone, love them without even seeing them for years! Love! LOVE! ''f**k!'' ''no! I don't love her. I barely even knew her'' He muttered looking at himself in the mirror. His heart started beating faster 'I. Do. Not. Love. Her' He said again loudly this time, as if trying to convince himself Then he punched the glass hard and it shattered in thousand pieces, he glared his face at those pieces As if they mocked him back ''I can't! It's not possible! They are getting married. What can i possibly__!'' He stopped, suddenly his expression changed, as if deep thought! He pulled out his phone and _________ At Bikaner Palace,....a day After Atmosphere of Bikaner palace is frigid in very unfriendly way and mind you! It's not because of the outside wintery weather. For years Raanisa Umma Singh Rathod has been handling everything with iron fist,.....this quite serious faced, elegant and stoic woman has been wholly responsible for almost everything that happens in this family and their flourishing business, especially after their elder son's death. She likes things to be prim and proper. Right now she is on a phone call with Sankalp,... ''you could not meet him, could you ?'' Raansi asked in a knowing tone ''No! but he confirmed a date 2 week after'' ''I doubt he would be here at all 2 week after! By the way Dr. Shilajit suggested another doctor for your dad, though it's not confirmed yet" ''Did you inform him'' Sankalp chuckled ''No, He is going to have to do it, whether he likes it or not'' Raanisa replied with determined voice ''I'll be back by tomorrow night!'' ''Ok!'' ''Listen ma, i invited Blaze today.... for the wedding! It is okay, right ? I mean__'' ''Of course it is okay, he is family, And you should've told him ages ago. Well then, see you tomorrow" and the line went dead *********** With the return of Sankalp, her responsibilities have been somewhat eased a little. It's already 8 o'clock in the evening, Dinner time. Raanisa got ready and came downstairs, was walking through the hallways and checking everything around her with her own maid tailing behind her. ''Dinu! weren't you suppose to change that light in the center of the chandelier ? Pray that Raanisa doesn't notice'' Maid whispered looking at her ''Clean That Properly! I don't want to see any spec of dust'' a stern order came right after, guess who! gave it ********** Ranaji Alok Singh Rathod was already at the dining room, waiting. ''Hello, Alok! Din kaisa tha aj aapka'' [ Hello Alok! How was your day ] Raanisa asked with a practiced smile and professional voice, taking her designated chair gracefully "As good as any other i suppose!" Alok answered with a nonchalant shrug serfs were setting plates when Raanisa said, ''Yuvraj won't be here today! set his plate aside......" She looked around...."I see! Swarna is late again! If she is not here in next 5 minutes, set aside her's as well'' Serf reluctantly nodded and just in time, a 17 years came running,.... ''err...sorry ma!'' She said with a meek voice and nervous smile ''Hello papa!'' "Hello beta" Alok lovingly answered ''Discipline is not a bad thing Swarna and God knows you need it more than anything'' Raanisa muttered After dinner,.... ''By the way! Alok, Dr. Shilajit called again. Your new physiotherapist is coming in a week, maybe'' ''what is the score Gyan Singh!'' Alok sipped his red wine and asked. But the butler who seemed to lost count of exactly how many doctors came and ran away so he cleared his throat and replied.....''no idea, Hukum!'' Raanisa took a deep breath and said,....''i know no one has been able to out stay and i doubt even she might not too! But for once if you try__'' ''I never called anyone nor drove them away and what's the point of getting better anyway'' He carelessly replied ''One chamomile tea for me!'' Raanisa asked the maid, getting tired of the same conversation ''Which doctor this time Shilajit suggested ?'' ''Dr. Madhulika Iyer.... A sports therapist works with IPL team, from Delhi. Gosh! I really hope South Delhi'' Raanisa answered --------------------
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