The Mask

1497 Words
The battle has been decided despite the fact that it didn’t even start yet. Gerard and his goon squad all cowered to the end of the warehouse. They were screaming, some peed their pants and some are crying. This just proves that the black entity before them is terrifying and they won’t be able to get themselves together and face this monster. With their instincts kicking in, they are trying to escape but it was no use they were too scared. Meanwhile, the black entity that has enveloped throughout the body of Nico is slowly making his way to the cowering students. “Stay away! Go away! I don’t wanna die you monster!” Gerard begged as he crawled his way to escape the monster. But the monster just snickered and showed his sharp teeth. Gerard then looked at the eyes of this monster and there he saw Nico, trying his very best not to technically kill them. “This is my body, give it back! I made a mistake, please, don’t make me a murderer!” Nico screamed under the mask. His voice can’t be heard by Gerard and the others though. “This human is a fighter and his will is strong. I made the right choice. Now, let us fill the tank.” Says the growling monster. It then blasted a loud roar that made the goon squad lose hope and wished they’re dead. Every step of the monster, Nico is trying to get out of it. But it was too late. The monster picked a horrified Gerard up from the ground. It then calmly stroked the face of Gerard. “My first meal after so long, thank you for the food!” howled the monster then opened its mouth wide enough to fit the whole head of Gerard. He lost the will to live and fell into despair, no one will be able to save him anymore as his comrades will definitely be the next one to be eaten after him. And now, he regrets on picking on Nico for years, he regretted everything in his life because he also knew that he only caused nuisance to all that he has been with, and the one who suffered the most was Nico. He bullied Nico because he found everything he wanted to have with him. Nico has a purpose, a dream a goal and almost everyone is accepting him despite being a weakling. He hated Nico because how can a weakling like him is welcomed by everyone and why Nico is the only one Mikey pays attention to? With no answers, he gave up struggling and just accepted that he is about to die. Then, he looked up and stared at the eyes of Nico who is trying his best not to eat him. Gerard smirked, “Don’t you dare make Mikey cry, understand? You, shitty weakling!” yelled Gerard as his head entered the mouth of this monster. Nico’s eyes widened and with all of his remaining and the will to not become a murderer, he screamed at the top of his lungs and tore half of the mask out of his face. And with that, Gerard was dropped to the floor. He then once again looked at the monster and now, Nico’s face is revealed and with those eyes which begging to be saved. “Gerard, run! Hurry! I’ll hold him off so you can run,” ordered Nico as he battled the monster who is trying its best to control his body. “L-Like hell I’ll listen to you, you freak! I don’t need your pity! I don’t need your-” “Gerard, please. I don’t want to be a murderer.” Begged Nico. And now, it was clear to Gerard. He quickly stood up and yelled at his squad to get out of the warehouse, they followed and opened the big gate. Gerard took one more look behind him and saw that Nico is trying his best to suppress the monster, he then gritted his teeth closed the gate and ran away with his comrades. “Now, it’s just me and you, you monster!” yelled Nico. His and the monsters scream echoed all around the warehouse. But Nico’s struggles were put to naught as the black monster has acquired his body once more. It boomed a loud roar and tried to come after Gerard, but was unsuccessful for some reason. The monster looked down and saw that its legs won’t move even if he tried hard. Then, he heard it loud and clear. “You… will… not go anywhere.” Says Nico under the mask. He then thought to himself “This brat is able to control me? Impossible! But I have to grab this opportunity. This maybe my chance to take revenge over my enemies.” He stopped moving “Take the mask off, brat!” ordered the monster. Then it was left amazed again as Nico raised their arm and removed the mask from his face. As the mask was removed, the black thing that enveloped around his body came with the mask. It then detached itself and hopped off the body of Nico. And as the mask has expected, Nico collapsed to the ground and was now breathing heavily. However, even though that this boy managed to suppress him and control him, the mask was amazed by the fact that this kid isn’t dead after all of the things that he experienced. The mask then formed itself into a human like creature but is just as big as a normal stuffed toy. He then jumped to reach the chest of Nico. The mask looks down at the pathetic face of the one who controlled him. And without wasting any time, he began to explain everything to Nico. As he explains it to him, everything just got too impossible to believe in. The mask is saying that he’s from hell, that he’s a demon that is ordered by their ruler and was tasked to devour humans. He also said that including him, there are about over a million masks all over the world and some of them aren’t as cooperative like him. He stated that not all hosts of them can remove them willingly. Because they tend to hang on their hosts. Especially when the mask and the host share some similarities, and that’s the most dangerous ones. Masks also feed off greed and desire of their hosts, the stronger the desire the strongest the host and the mask can be. And the most dangerous ones are those who seeks for never-ending power and the strength to conquer everything and be superior. Nico then sat up straight to make things clear. He said that he won’t do anything this mask will ask and he begged to leave him alone. Saying that he has grandparents to take care of and he will not let this mask take over his body again. And besides, Nico doesn’t want to become a murderer if the purpose of this mask after going out of hell is to devour humans, it’s a big no-no for him. Then the mask which took the size of a stuffed toy wore a creepy grin at Nico which brought goosebumps. “You don’t want to become a murderer, right? Well, you’re in luck. Because my target is not humans, what I want to gouge on is my fellow masks, that’s all.” Says the mask. Nico then got annoyed and shoved the mask. “Why would I believe you? If it wasn’t for me, you could’ve eaten Gerard and the others. And besides, you’re a devil, a demon or some sort, there’s a lot of reason for you to not be able to gain my trust.” Says Nico. The mask gave him another creepy smile which freaked Nico out. The mask then told Nico about something very important that will surely ruin his entire life. When Nico heard that, he couldn’t help but not believe. But the thing is, what this mask is saying is true, there’s evidence in and on his body himself. He can’t hide nor deny it, so this must be Nico’s fate. A fate that will eventually drag him to the mud one day, a fate that others will not even want. Nico Richards, a 17-year-old boy who only aims for a normal life has been given an unfortunate fate. Due to his and the mask’s combination earlier, their desires has now been synchronized and the deal they’ve made when Nico was still all tied up is now taking effect. Nico Richards is now a host of a mask. The only choice he has is to accept the offer to protect his loved ones from harm. Therefore, unto this day and onwards, Nico is not going to have the normal life he had long his entire life, instead, he received a fate that leads to nothing but despair, destruction and death.
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