
1002 Words
{Adelynn’s POV} After the hospital visit, we went back to their house. It was beginning to get late at this point after the hours we spent discussing options with the doctor. Theodore carried me in from the car and set me down on the couch in the living room. He turned on the tv and walked out, going upstairs. My mother came and kissed my head and went to the kitchen. “Just rest, watch some tv, and rest.” She smiled. I watched a movie, it was a romance movie, about a girl and a guy that had a love hate relationship. I leaned back slightly, and began dozing off on the couch. I was woken up to someone yelling behind me, and suddenly I was thrown to the ground. “Who the h*** are you? How did you get in here?” A deep voice yelled. I fell forward onto the ground, hitting my head on the coffee table. I let out a whimper as I hit the ground. I raised my hand to my head and pulled it back, seeing blood. “What’s going on in here?” Theodore ran in, seeing me in the floor, and a man standing behind the couch. “Sh**! Are you bleeding?” He asked, kneeling down beside me and looking at my head closely. “That’s going to need stitches..” he groaned. I shook my head, slightly dazed. “No more doctors.. no more needles!” I cried. My mother ran into the room after hearing the commotion, along with my father and other brothers. “What’s going on in here?” My father yelled, he looked down at me, then at the man behind the couch. “Are you really that awful that you’d push a young woman to the ground?” He asked the man who was still standing there looking angrily at me. We locked eyes, and suddenly his expression changed. He was confused, “Who is that?” He asked, pointing down at me. “Miles.. it’s a long story, we’ve been calling you!” My mother said, rushing to my side. “Are you okay honey?” She asked, grabbing a towel from off her shoulder and pressing it to my head. I hissed in pain. “I-I’m okay..” I whispered. “So that’s Miles?” I asked, looking up at him. He looked just like me. His hair was chocolate brown, buzzed on the sides, but longer on top. His eyes were the same forest green as mine. He was beginning to look angry again as no one was answering him. “Who is that?” He yelled, even louder. I closed my eyes and covered my ears. “You’re scaring our sister you i***t!” Theodore yelled back, pulling me to his chest and lifting me up. “Sister..” he muttered. “Our sister is dead, and stop packing her around like a pampered princess, she can get up and go herself!” He yelled, walking over and pulling me out of Theodore’s arms and dropping me into the floor. When he dropped me I heard a sickening crack, and my back felt as though it had broken all over again. “Ahhhh!” I screamed, and tried to breathe, but I felt like the wind had gotten knocked out of me. A silent scream left my lips, as tears began to pour from my eyes. Theodore punched Miles knocking him backwards onto the floor. “You i***t! She was hurt, she can’t walk!” My mother and father dropped to the floor beside me, trying to talk to me. All I could do is let out the silent screams as pain enveloped me like an old friend. “Honey, honey, talk to me!” I could hear my mother saying, her tone becoming more and more frantic. I pointed at my back, it was all I could do, as tears streamed down my face. “He hurt her back, call an ambulance now!” My father yelled, Liam ran and grabbed his phone calling an ambulance. Soon I was loaded up and taken back to the same hospital from earlier. Once there, they rushed me back, stuck me with an iv, and a mo****** drip. My mother and father rode to the hospital in the ambulance with me. Once the mo****** began to kick in, I could finally talk once again. “Honey, are you okay?” My mother asked, squeezing my hand. I looked at her, then to my father who just stepped in the door and nodded. “I talked to Miles, and explained everything.” My father said lowly. “He wanted to know if he could come talk to you.. to apologize.?” He asked. I laid my head back against my hospital bed. “I..I’m actually really tired.. I just kinda want to sleep.” I said, low, and soft as I grabbed up my blanket and pulled it up over my head. “Oh.. okay honey, we’ll let you get some rest.” My mother whispered, leaning down and kissing my head. Her and my father left the room, and I finally let it out. I began to cry hysterically, and really began to question things. Why did I come here? Why would I ever think that I wouldn’t get hurt with them, I don’t even know them! I’m such an idiot.. I should have known better. Especially after the life I’ve had up until now. How could I allow myself to think that I could be happy, and safe? Slowly but surely, my vision began to fade out, and I knew that I would soon be asleep. Crying myself to sleep was a common thing for me after the life I’ve had. I tried to get comfortable, but not being able to move around on my own made it nearly impossible. Eventually I gave up, and allowed myself to fall into a restless sleep.
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