Chapter 5

846 Words
Veronica POV Grace led me out of the hospital, and we walked down a road in what looked like a village. As we walked I looked down the entire time. In the big house we always had to look down, and never look anyone in the face not even guests. We arrived at a huge mansion type house, and this house was way bigger than the big house I was use to. I gulped down what felt like my teeth as it looked like I had my work cut out for me. She led me down to a private entryway and we went through the kitchen. It was still early so no one was awake I guess. We had to be up at the crack of dawn cleaning, and making sure breakfast was prepared on time. I was surprised to see no one was awake doing any chores. This machine that was built into the wall that had doors that opened and a button you press to call it was really cool. I didn’t know what it was but I liked it, it beat going up the stairs, and I bet this place had a lot of stairs. We stopped at the 5th floor and she led me to an empty room. The room had a bed, dresser with a mirror, a closet attached, and a window above a nightstand. I stood by the door awaiting orders from her. “Miss, you can look at me” she said I slowly looked up at her with concerned eyes. “This is your room, I can bring you some clothes to put on, and when I come back I will show you where you can take a bath” she said I just looked at her not able to say a word. I just lightly shook my head, and she left. Grace POV I went to talk with the alpha before grabbing some clothes and necessities for our new friend. I knocked on his office door and awaited for him to say I can enter. “Come in” he said “Yes, Grace do you have any news for me” “Yes, alpha” I entered Alpha Zayn Culver’s office and upon entry I saw that it was a family affair. Luna Chloe was in attendance along with their teenage twin sons Zayn Jr., and Zion along with beta Kenny. “What news are you referring to sweetheart?”Luna asked alpha He just pointed to me, and they all looked my way and waited for me to speak. “Well, I can tell you one thing the girl’s frightened, and she was badly injured according to the doctor when we brought her in. So who ever she was with did a number on her. She hasn’t said a word since she woke up, and she looks down the entire time. So when you meet her she’s not being disrespectful I think it’s how she was taught”I said to everyone. “What girl” Luna said “We found a girl alone, naked and hurt in the woods on our journey back from the market” I announced “Oh well, the more help the merrier” Luna said “Help her learn everything around the house to do, and maybe she will meet some friends to talk to” alpha said “Yes, alpha” I said and departed Alpha saved me when I was just a teenager and brought me back to his pack. I earned my way up the ranks and became head Omega. Alpha is a great man, and he helps anyone who is in need, but he is no fool. If he feels he was betrayed he will not hesitate to kill. I grabbed a small bag and filled it with a toothbrush, toothpaste, wash cloth, a towel, some soap, along with shampoo and conditioner. I also grabbed her a robe, some slippers, a few pair of shirts, pants, a coat, a sweater, some shoes, socks and underwear out of our supply closet. This wasn’t your usual supply closet, we had everything you needed in this supply closet. I arrived back to her room and she was sitting on the bed looking out the window. “I brought you some clothes, and necessities” I said as I entered. I sat it on the bed and took everything out of the bag, and laid it on the bed for her. She looked at it and she had tears in her eyes. “Come, and I’ll show you where you can shower” I said to her I let her know that the 5th floor was the omega floor, and all omegas had a bedroom on this floor along with a shower room, bathroom, game room and kitchen. I led her down the hallway to the shower room, and told her that the bathrooms were in the opposite direction. “I’ll be back to get you in 30 minutes” I said and let her take care of business.
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