Chapter 6

846 Words
Veronica POV Grace left me to shower and get dressed, so I headed back to my room and grabbed everything I needed. I hurried up in the shower just in case anyone else wanted to use it and quickly got dressed. I headed back to my room to wait for Grace to arrive. I didn’t know what to do or how to feel. I didn’t even have anywhere to go, and I am so grateful for them taking me in; a stranger. Grace came back to get me and we went to the kitchen that was on this floor and there were at least 20 people in here. “Hey, everyone listen up. We have someone new, and let’s just call her Jane. She will be joining the Omegas, so be nice to her, show her around, get to know her” Grace said to everyone I barely looked up but when I did I was able to see a few black people amongst the crowd. I was kind of relieved to see that but that still didn’t mean that we were treated fairly. Grace came back and handed me something in a silver package, a banana and some type of juice. “Eat up, we will be getting to work soon and you will need your energy” she said. I found a spot to sit and eat until we started the chores for the day. “Hello, I’m Jemma” someone said as she sat next to me. She was black with singles in her hair and she was beautiful. I have never seen an up kept black girl before. She was the only other black girl here besides me. “Hi, I’m Veronica” I said introducing myself “So I can show you around let you know what to do and what not to do” she said “Thank you” I said to her “Alright everyone, we all have our list of chores for the day so chop chop. Jemma I see you have met the new girl, she can be with you today” Grace said to Jemma “Sweet, we are on serving duty” she said I guess she could sense my uneasiness and she assured me everything would be fine. We took the back staircase to get to the kitchen, and there were cooks already in the kitchen cooking and it smelled great. “First we have to set the table, the family will be coming to breakfast soon so we want it to be ready when they arrive. Granted they all do not come at the same time” Jemma said. We set the table up while Jemma caught me up on who everyone was. “We have our Alpha Zayn, he is the one who takes care of the pack. His Luna and mate Chloe, their handsome ass twin sons Zayn Jr., and Zion along with Beta Kenny and Gamma John who all will attend breakfast, sometimes lunch and always dinner” Jemma filled me in on After the table was set we placed water, orange juice, coffee, tea, milk, creamer and sugar on the table. The cooks were ready for us to place food on the table, so we placed waffles, eggs, bacon , sausage, pancakes, syrup, butter, and fruit on the table. Everything looked amazingly delicious as my stomach growled. I have never seen a spread like this before and it was spectacular. “Can you go into the kitchen and fill up this water pail” Jemma said As I was filling the water pail someone came into the kitchen, and I heard Valerie say “mate”but I didn’t know what that meant. All of sudden a very handsome, strong man that had a powerful aura about him turned me around, and said “mate”. I didn’t want to look him directly in the eyes in case he thought of punishing me. I was so freighted as his hands roamed my body, and I felt so ashamed at the feelings that was happening within me. I awaited the assault that was next to come, but it never came as he lifted my chin up so that I was looking at him. He slowly backed away and left when he saw the pain and fear in my eyes. I didn’t think I would still have to put up with being raped anymore, but I guess I was wrong. I took a minute to catch my composure before going back into the dining room with the water pail. Once I entered the guy I had barely met couldn’t keep his eyes off me. I tried my hardest not to look his way as I felt his gaze burning into me. I didn’t want to be sold again especially to someone that was going to rape and beat me. It felt like I couldn’t breathe and the room started to get small as I passed out. “Oh no, Veronica” I heard Jemma say before I blacked out.
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