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For the last three years, Jackson had been hiding, living in the shadows, always fearful of being discovered. He knew that if they found him, they would make sure he stayed dead this time. The constant threat loomed over him like a dark cloud, pushing him into a life of perpetual motion. He never imagined he would become a wanderer, drifting from place to place without a permanent home. After working so hard to achieve stability and success, it felt like a cruel twist of fate to be stripped of everything he had built. But necessity had forged him into someone new, someone resilient and resourceful. In these three years, he had learned so much. He had become a master of disguise, able to blend seamlessly into any environment or situation. The skills he acquired during his time in hiding were invaluable. He could fight at a moment's notice, defend himself against any threat. He could speak more than nine different languages, a polyglot born of necessity rather than choice. He was proud of what he had learned, proud of the person he had become. Yet, despite all these accomplishments, one worry gnawed at him constantly: the thought of encountering Melissa again. He had undergone multiple plastic surgeries to alter his appearance, ensuring that he could slip through the cracks of society unnoticed. But he didn't trust his reaction if he ever saw her. They had spent so much time together, and he knew that Melissa understood him deeply, perhaps even more than he understood himself. His days were a series of calculated moves, each one designed to keep him safe. He travelled from city to city, adopting new identities, new lives. He became a chameleon, adapting to his surroundings with ease. He had friends in some places, but never stayed long enough to form real connections. Trust was a luxury he couldn’t afford. The skills he had acquired were a testament to his will to survive. He could slip into character effortlessly, whether it was a street vendor in Marrakech, a dockworker in Naples, or a bartender in Buenos Aires. His languages flowed like water, allowing him to navigate different cultures with ease. He had learned to fight in the alleys of Bangkok, to bargain in the markets of Istanbul, to disappear in the crowds of Tokyo. Despite his new life, the memories of Melissa lingered. She was like a ghost, haunting his thoughts. He wondered if she ever thought of him, if she felt any remorse for what she had done. He doubted it. Her betrayal had been cold and calculated, a knife to the heart delivered with a smile. Some things would never change, no matter the circumstances. Jackson knew that if he ever met Melissa again, he would be dangerously close to exposing himself. The thought gnawed at him, but he couldn't let it paralyze him. He decided it was time to wake up and head downstairs to get something to eat. Staying up all night, lost in thought, hadn’t helped him. He was hungry and needed to eat. When he got downstairs, he realized the restaurant was full. The sight of so many people made him uneasy. He couldn’t risk being seen by too many people and exposing himself. With a sigh, he decided to order room service instead. He had been staying in this hotel for a week, which was by far the longest he had stayed in any hotel since the fire. At first, it was the fear of being discovered by anyone associated with Melissa and her family that kept him moving. That fear was a constant companion, urging him to stay one step ahead, to never let his guard down. That fear soon turned into something else. Initially, it kept him alive, encouraging him to survive any obstacle he faced. But over time, it evolved into something darker, something more sinister. Vengeance. It was vengeance that drove him to learn the skills he hadn’t been exposed to when he was younger. The ability to fight, to speak multiple languages, to disappear without a trace—these were all tools in his arsenal, weapons he intended to use. He wanted to kill them all, and it wasn’t going to be a merciful death. He wanted them to suffer just as he had. As he waited for his meal, he thought about the journey that had brought him here. He had once been a man full of love and dreams, his heart brimming with hope. Melissa had shattered that. Her betrayal had turned him into someone he barely recognized. Someone who thrived on the thought of revenge. Every skill he had acquired, every lesson he had learned, was a step closer to his goal. He had transformed himself from a victim into a predator. The thought of Melissa’s family paying for what they did fuelled him. They had taken everything from him, and he was determined to return the favour. The knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. Room service had arrived. He opened the door cautiously, his eyes scanning the hallway for any signs of danger. Seeing none, he allowed the waiter to wheel in the cart. After tipping the waiter and ensuring the door was securely locked, he sat down to eat. The food was a welcome distraction, but his mind kept drifting back to his plans. He knew he had to be patient. Rushing things would only lead to mistakes, and he couldn’t afford any mistakes. Not now. He thought about the information he had gathered over the past three years. He knew where Melissa’s family was, what they were doing. He had tracked their movements, learned their routines. Every detail was a piece of the puzzle, a step closer to his ultimate goal. As he finished his meal, he made a silent vow. He would make them pay. He would make them all pay. They had tried to destroy him, but he had survived. And now, it was his turn. He stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the city below. It was a new day, and he had work to do. The road ahead was long and dangerous, but he was ready. He had come too far to turn back now. Jackson took a deep breath, feeling the familiar fire of vengeance burning within him. He would see this through to the end, no matter what it took. The people who had wronged him would regret the day they crossed him. He would make sure of that. He knew they were powerful, with too many allies to count. It wasn’t going to be easy, and he would probably need people on his side to destroy them. The enormity of the task weighed heavily on his mind. At that moment, he started remembering Robin. Despite the guy’s sometimes controlling and annoying nature, he had been his best friend. Robin was always there, a constant presence trying to steer him toward the right path. He would have said something about two wrongs not making a right. That was Robin—always trying to keep him grounded, like the good friend he was. "Robin, I miss you, man, more than you can ever imagine," Jackson whispered into the emptiness. "I know at this moment you would be trying by all means to annoy me, but it still doesn't change anything. I miss you like crazy." The words hung in the air, directed at no one in particular. He was all alone in that room, just as he was alone in his life. He wondered why fate was playing such cruel games with him. Why couldn’t he just be like any other guy his age? Surely their lives were so much better than his, and he envied them. In the quiet moments, like now, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of his loneliness. He missed having someone to talk to, someone who understood him. The faces of the people he had known in his past life, before everything went wrong, seemed to blur together in a distant haze. Robin’s face, however, remained clear, a stark reminder of what he had lost. Why did it have to be this way? He wondered. Why did he have to live like a ghost, moving through the world unseen and unnoticed? The dreams he once had—of love, of a family, of a future filled with hope—seemed like fantasies now. He stared out of the window, lost in thought. He remembered the times he and Robin had spent together. They had met in college, where Jackson had been a carefree spirit, indulging in the recklessness of youth. Robin had been the steady anchor, the voice of reason. Their friendship had been an odd but perfect balance, a mix of wildness and restraint. Robin had taught him many things—how to think strategically, how to keep his emotions in check. He had been a mentor in many ways, shaping Jackson into a more disciplined version of himself. Jackson couldn’t help but wonder what Robin would think of him now, consumed by thoughts of revenge and survival. His thoughts drifted back to the present, to the monumental task ahead. He knew he couldn’t do it alone. He needed allies, people he could trust. But trust was a scarce commodity in his world. The betrayal by Melissa had left deep scars, making it hard for him to open up to anyone. Yet, he knew he had to try. He couldn’t take on Melissa’s family by himself. They were too powerful, too well-connected. He needed a network, a group of people who shared his goal or, at the very least, his disdain for those who had wronged him. He had to find them, convince them to join his cause. But where to start? As he pondered this, a plan began to form in his mind. He had met many people during his years on the run. Some of them were like him, living on the fringes of society, hiding from their pasts. He could reach out to them, test the waters to see if any would be willing to join him. It was a daunting task, but he felt a renewed sense of purpose. The fire of vengeance that had kept him alive was now fuelling his resolve. He would avenge what had been done to him, not just for his own sake, but for Robin’s as well. His friend had always believed in justice, in doing what was right. And Jackson owed it to him to see this through. Turning away from the window, he settled back into the room, letting the memories of Robin fuel his resolve. He wasn’t just fighting for himself. He was fighting for the friend he had lost, for the life that had been stolen from him. And he would not stop until he had set things right. He looked around the room, realizing that it was time to move again. He couldn’t stay in one place for too long. He would leave the hotel in the afternoon, find a new hotel, using his new identity. And from there, he would start putting his plan into action. As he packed his bags, he felt a strange sense of calm. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but for the first time in a long while, he had a clear direction. He would find the people he needed, form the alliances that would help him take down Melissa’s family. Jackson lay down, letting the exhaustion of the day wash over him. Tomorrow, he would start a new chapter in his quest for vengeance. And he would do it with the memory of Robin as his guiding light, a silent promise that he would make things right. For now, though, he had to be cautious. Every step had to be calculated, every move deliberate. He couldn’t afford any mistakes. He would rest, gather his strength, and prepare for the battles ahead. The war was far from over, but Jackson was ready. He had come too far to turn back now.
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