52 Warlocks Among Us

2051 Words

Pheobe POV "Mother" I say as I wrap her in my arms. She rubs her hand down my hair, "I'm alright, I'm here princess. I'm so sorry" she starts to say. I feel like I could break at the tremble in her voice. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You were protecting me and I know that now. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that before all this happened." She pushes me back gently and sweeps the hair from my face. "You, my lovely daughter, have nothing to be sorry for. I'm so proud of you for standing up for what was right when I was too weak to." I wipe the tears that stain her cheeks. "You are anything but weak mother. I saw what he did to you and I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you." "Let's not focus on the past. We need to focus on what's coming so that you can stop your brother."

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