53 Went to Hell

1744 Words

Lily POV I link Amelia and Lincoln "Neal has found a warlock in the woods near the border." Lincoln growls "I'm on my way." "That really isn't necessary Lincoln, I have bound his powers. He insists that he means the pack no harm and he is only here to help us deal with Lucas." "How do we know this isn't part of Lucas's plan" he asks me. "We don't, but he is powerless right now and I think it is worth speaking to him to figure out if he is lying." "We will meet you outside the hospital to speak with him" Lincoln says and cuts the link. We lead him toward the pack hospital in silence. I can feel his anxiety and worry as we make our way. When we arrive, Lincoln and Amelia are waiting for us. I can feel Lincoln's aura and if I was this man, I would be scared sh*tless. We come to stand ne

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