10 Pack

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Amelia POV I can't believe I've agreed to go to the Nightfire Pack. "It's the right thing to do, Amelia", Star says. I know she's right, but I still hate that I'm involving others in my problems with Atlas. "I know Star, I just hope that we can convince the Elders about what Atlas has done so we can raise our pup in peace." "Have faith, Amelia" she says before she recedes in my mind. I'm in my room with Lily gathering more clothes to take with me. I know she is still hurt that I was leaving without telling her because she has been quiet since we came into this room. "Lily, I'm sorry that I was going to leave without telling you." She sits on the bed and I can see unshed tears in her eyes when she looks up at me. "I truly understand why you thought leaving was the right choice." "I

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