11 Pack

2016 Words

Lincoln POV I head to my office to make that call to the Elders. When I reach my office door, Jennifer is waiting. "I need to speak with you, Lincoln, about your visitor." I don't like her tone but I just let it go. I really don't have time for this but I lead her into my office. I don't invite her to sit because I'm hoping this will be short. "What do you need Jennifer?" "Who is that girl you brought here today?" Now the way she asks that pisses me off. "I think I have made it clear that I do not answer to you, so this conversation is over." "This is my pack and as Alpha I will bring anyone I want here." "Lincoln, you have never spoken to me like this and honestly I think you owe me something after all the years we've known each other." "You once thought I was going to be your mate.

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