Meeting the team

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Chapter 6 “We have plenty of respect for you, Alpha. We just think you are being clouded because you don’t want to upset your family, I mean, come on, look at her” Aaron says. “What the is that supposed to mean” my uncle roars at him. “Well is she on the team, to seduce people as a distraction, I mean she is a really pretty girl and all, but I can not think of another use for her against the enemy” Aaron snorts as the rest of them chuckle. “So let me get this straight, you think I brought my 18 year old niece here to pimp out for jobs” He says thunderously. “Well what exactly else can she do at 5ft 0? Bite their ankles to distract them while we fight. Her wolf is probably the size of a pup” Scott joins on laughing. I put my hand on my uncles arm to calm him down before answering, “I do not have a wolf” I say clearly and calmly with an eyebrow raised in challenge. “So she doesn’t even have a wolf, and you expect her to be useful to the team” Aaron says, even more annoyed. “Samuel and Drake do not have wolves, and neither do you, and I bet I can still kick any of your a.sses even if you turn” I challenge. “Really tiny, well I have a lycan and Samuel is a fae and Drake is a vampire so we do not need a wolf. So I don’t think your point is really relevant” Aaron sneers. “If you are all so fu.cking confident, why don’t you take up her challenge instead of throwing insults like you are still in the playground” Uncle Mack challenges. “No offence, but we don’t want to hurt your niece Alpha” Scott replies. “That won’t be an issue. Which of them would you like to fight Rayne” he asks. “Oh I think I would like to start with Aaron and Scott definitely. They need a lesson on how to respect their Alpha” I say, smiling at him. “Right then let’s go, out to the field now” he shouts as we follow. I skip beside him happily to throw them off their game more with my childish behaviour as Mack chuckles at me, knowing exactly what I am doing. “So who goes first, I suggest Scott as wolves are not as strong as Lycan’s so there is less chance of her getting as badly hurt by accident” Aaron says as Scott agrees. “Who said you were taking turns, get in the fu.cking ring both of you right now and pray to the goddess that you have not pi.ssed her off too much that she leaves you in one piece” Mack orders them. They grumble as they get into position, we have drawn quite a crowd as everyone was watching in the dining hall as it all went to I am stretching myself before we start getting myself ready for the fight, I am not worried at all, I know how they train here, and I know I have had more training than them. As I straighten up and nod at my uncle, he shouts “start”. You can easily see they have trained with each other as they circle me in sync with each other. I keep watching them, not wanting to make the first move and show them my hand, just paying attention to any tells they have and how they silently communicate with each other. I see the slight nod from Aaron for Scott to move and see him go on his left leg, I easily block his right hand coming for me and counter with a left to the gut before quickly ducking out of the way as Aaron tries to punch me from behind. I am up again quickly as I use the fact he is off ballance to push his head down into my knee breaking his nose, then instantly spin kicking Scott in the head as he straightens up getting his breath back. He goes down like a sack of bricks before I turn my attention back to Aaron, who is looking angry about his nose. He starts punching out wildly as I block one after the other. Finally, he gets a hit on my face. Now we have matching broken noses. Time to get serious, I feint a left as he goes to block, I hit him with an uppercut with my right, then move quickly around him and kick to the back of his knee. As he is going down, I jump on his back, getting him into a head lock using my legs and pin one arm around his back at a painful angle. If he doesn’t tap out, I could either pop his shoulder out of cut off the air more until he is unconscious. He makes a valiant effort to get out of the hold as I tighten up to show him I am still playing and it can get worse before he concedes and gives in. “Well done Rayne, I knew you could do it, it has always been fun to watch you at work” my uncle said, hugging me after I had popped my nose back into place. “Now any of the rest of you want to question my choices, or feel Rayne is not good enough to be here” he asks, as Scott is coming too. There are a lot of murmers of no sir’s as they are looking at me surprised. “Sorry Alpha, I should never have questioned your choice. I know better than that. You have never given us any reason to doubt you. Rayne, I would also like to apologise to you for my attitude earlier, I should have given you the chance before judging. I hope you will not hold it against myself and the team” Aaron says, swallowing his pride. “Yeah I am really sorry, Alpha and Rayne. I was an I hope we can work together in the future. You are an awesome fighter, well what I saw of it” Scott says, chuckling. “I will leave it up to Rayne whether she is happy to still work with you. After the way you all acted, I would not blame her if she didn’t. I am also sure after that display, the other teams would be happy to have her” Mack says. “Look I am sure any of the teams would have acted the same. I am used to it now, I have always had to prove myself before others take me seriously. There was a reason my uncle picked this team, so for now, I will go with his choice, but I will not put up with disrespect to myself or my family” I say in warning. “You shouldn’t have had to prove yourself. Now it is up to us to prove you made the right choice. I can promise you that we do not normally act so stupid and that we will always have your back” Aaron says seriously. “It’s fine. Everyone deserves a second chance, and getting your kicked was enough of a punishment this time. Let’s just start from scratch from now on” I say, chuckling. “I am good with that, and that was definitely one hell of an kicking, I think we need to get in some extra training. So if you don’t mind me asking why don’t you have your wolf when I can smell it” Aaron says, laughing along. “Well that would be because I am not a werewolf, so I have to wait another year or two to shift” I say to their shocked face. “ you are a lycan, I hate to think how strong you will be after your turn when you already hit like that” Scott says, surprised. “Well at least we won’t lose you to your mate for a while” Drake states. “No already met him and got rid of him” I said without emotion. “Who the hell would reject you” George says as they all look at me, surprised. “My Alpha’s son, the next in line. He is a complete a.sshole anyway, so the fact he thought I had no wolf and that made him reject me made my day. I was more than happy to accept and walked away as he lay on the ground in pain in front of the whole pack” I explain. “ what an i***t, you are better off without him. What pack is unfortunate enough to have him as the future Alpha” Scott asks. “The Moonshine Pack” I tell them. “Oh yeah, I have had the displeasure of meeting that pr.ick one or two times, I hope I am there the day when he finally realises what a complete up he’s made” George says “So was that the reason you joined us here” Scott asks. “No not really, I have always wanted to do this type of work, Jamison was just one of the things that helped speed up that choice. One day, I may tell you the others, when we know each other better” I say. “Fair enough, let’s show you our house and your new room. Teams stay together to keep them close and help us bond as a unit. Don’t worry, we are all clean and know how to tidy up after ourselves, some of us even cook” Aaron says, laughing. “Thank the goddess for that because if it was up to me, I would probably end up poisoning us all” I say back, laughing.
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