A new recruit

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Chapter 5 Mack’s pov I was thrilled to hear from my sister Maria that my niece Rayne wanted to work with me now that she was 18. She is a force to be reckoned with, Maria has been training her since she was 5 year old and she is an amazing fighter along with being able to control all of the elements of her fae magic being a Royal. Most royals can control more than one element, some like Rayne can master them all. I know exactly what team I will put her with, I know they will push her to prove herself, but I have no worries that she will put them in their place. As soon as she does, they will treat her like their little sister and make sure she is always protected. I will leave it up to her whether to tell them who and what she is. I trust each of them to keep her truth. The bonus is that I will not even have to train her before getting her into the team. She is already fully trained in all of my methods and more. I know it will rub some of them the wrong way until she shows them what she can do, and then they will understand my decision. I always said it was a bad idea to keep the truth from her all of these years. If they had told her when she was younger, they would not have to wait longer to meet their daughter. It is a huge secret to keep from someone, and I will be there to support her as she works her way through it and makes her decisions instead of working to others' timelines. I gather the men round on Wednesday, not the whole camp, just the 5 from the group she will be working with in the future to let them know about our new recruit. “I just wanted to let you all know that from tomorrow, you will be welcoming a new team member. I will be picking up my niece Rayne and bringing her here to join your team, and I hope you will all welcome her and not give her any sh.it” I say “Look no offence, Alpha, but why is she getting straight in. Everyone else has to come here and train to prove themselves before they get their chance. Just because she is your niece doesn’t mean she should get special treatment. It could put all of our lives at risk” Aaron says bluntly. “Is this how you all feel” I ask as they are all murmuring in agreement with him. “Yes Alpha, we don’t know this girl. You can not expect us to just trust her when she has not even gone through the training” Scott pipes up. “Right well, for starters, I would have thought you would have known me better than that and would never think I would put you at risk. I would also advise you not to underestimate my niece on her looks as you would be making a serious error. Just because she has never trained here does not mean she is not fully trained, keep your opinions to yourself for now until you see what she can do, and a word of advice do not pi.ss her off, you will end up regretting it” I warn them as some of them look down with a bit of shame as the others still look annoyed. It doesn’t matter to me after tomorrow they will realise how wrong they were. I make sure I get to the cafe nice and early before I meet her for breakfast, I still can not believe that i***t rejected my niece. The boy must be a complete fool to not realise how great she is, I mean she is their best warrior at the pack only beaten by the Alpha and I think she let’s him win so he doesn’t lose face. He is lucky to have been mated with her and he just threw it away, oh well his loss is someone else’s gain, as I am sure she will be give an even better second chance mate than that snivelling little sh.it. As soon as I see Maria and Rayne walking through the door, I get up and give them both a hug, I adore my little sister, and I am glad all of this has not affected their relationship. It would kill her if Rayne stopped thinking of her as her mother. “Hi uncle Mack, thank you so much for this, I am so excited to get started” she says brightly. My niece is a beautiful young girl and can light up any room with a smile. Her short height and beauty make her look so much less intimidating, which can work to her advantage as people underestimate her. “It is my pleasure, I am glad you want to do it. I hope you have kept up with your training” I ask her. “Oh she has believe me, I have had to add extra through the years just to keep her occupied, and she has been going all out the last few days just to make sure she is not rusty. She makes me feel like I am around 80 at times” Maria says, laughing. “Good good, that's my girl. Be warned some of your team think you are getting straight in just because you are my niece, and I am sure as soon as they see you they will jump to the conclusion that that is exactly the case” I say. “Oh I am used to that. I don’t mind kicking a couple of people's a.ss, to put them back in place. What are my team members just out of curiosity” she says confidently. “Aaron is a lycan, Scott and George are wolves, Samuel is a fae, and Drake is a vampire. They are a really good bunch most of the time. They just don’t like people getting things they don’t deserve. Like you, they have had their fair share of a.ssholes and absent parents in their life, so give them a chance after you put them back in their place” I say to her. “No problem, I know why most people end up with you, and I know you would not team me with a.ssholes. That doesn’t mean I will go easy on them when they take the pi.ss and challenge me” she says seriously. “I wouldn’t expect anything else princess” I say, teasing her. “Yeah yeah less of the princess” she says, rolling her eyes. Our food arrives, so we get down to eating and catching each other up on our lives. When we are finished, I can see how hard it is for Maria to say goodbye. I make sure she knows she is welcome at my camp any time, and she can always move there if she wants to in the future. While Rayne promises to stay safe and keep in touch with her. After many tears and several I love yous, we finally make it on the road on our 2 hour journey to my camp. I spend the time asking her about the different training she has had, how she is getting on with her magic, and how she feels about the whole situation. After her initial shock and some feelings of anger, I have to say she has coped with it all really well. She just want some time to get used to her own identity before letting them into her life. At some point she will meet them she is just not sure when that will be, but she wants to do this for herself first as if she comes out as royalty it will be harder to start this job and she will miss out on something really important to her. As soon as we get to camp, many heads turn towards us and watch as I escort her to my office. As soon as we enter, I get my blade out and cut our hands before clasping them together and getting her to pledge her loyalty to me and our pack before accepting her into it. Now she is free from the Moonrise Pack, and that ex mate of hers fully and has a place to call home. I take her round the grounds to show her where everything is before we go to the dining hall for lunch. I make my way to her teams table to sit with them and introduce everyone. By the raised eyebrows on everyone’s faces, I can tell they have taken one look at her and called nepotism. They really believe she is only here because she is family, and they have no inclination to give her a chance at all. They ignorant gits barely even say hello when I introduce her to them and don’t even look at her face. I knew they would be pr.icks, but I did not think they would try and snub her completely. I mean, really, do they think she will run away because they won’t talk or look at her. They are acting like fu.cking children. “Seriously guys, stop being so fu.cking immature, what you don’t even have basic manners now. This is my family, and you can not even look at her or say hello. Have I really given you a reason to think so little of my judgement that you act like this. You do not deserve Rayne on your team. I may give her to someone else to work with, and then you will be knocked off your top spot” I shout at them. “Don’t worry about me, uncle. I am here to do a job, not make friends, and I am happy to be moved to a different team that actually respects you” Rayne says in support. I am totally pi.ssed off though they have disrespected both of us, and I can not wait for Rayne to kick their a.sses.
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