CHAPTER NINETEEN: Defeat Isn't an Option!

1689 Words

The office is suffused with an eerie silence, broken only by the ticking of the clock on the wall. Just when I thought that I’ve finally broken the well-fortified emotion of the wife stealer, I’m wrong again! In just a matter of seconds, he manages to dismiss his anger, regarding me with a cool detachment instead. I square my shoulders, summoning every ounce of bravado I possess, “So, will you return what’s mine? Or will you rather lose what’s yours?” “Get out,” he says, his expression now unreadable behind his polished façade. A surge of fury rises within me again. Then I shoot back in a tone dripping with arrogance, "Well, I'll get out of your office once you agree to give Catherine back to me!" “No… not just in my office,” he says, “Get out of my building, my company… now, or I'll u

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