CHAPTER TWENTY: Secrets Revealed

1577 Words

REBECCA’S POV: The two strangers drop the bombshell that makes me wanna curse Knox even more. The revelation hangs heavy in the air, suffocating me with its implications. Not only that Knox’s mate is a human, but she’s a married woman! The wineglass in my hand trembles as my grip tightens. With a surge of strength born of rage and disbelief, I crush the delicate wineglass between my fingers. Glass splinters, and a cascade of red liquid sprays out, staining my pristine white robe. But I pay it no mind. The strangers stare at me, shock etched into their faces, but I barely register their reactions. With a voice that trembles with suppressed fury, I utter a single command, "You can leave now." But the guests remain standing in front of me, motionless, their reluctance palpable. My eyes

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