Loose ends

1934 Words
Nikolai’s POV As I locked eyes with her, a surge of anger and frustration vibrated through me. What was she thinking, showing up here when I had made it clear that our relationship was over? A relationship that never happened in the first place. She had merely been a means to an end, nothing more. Today was meant to be my wedding day, a day I wanted to get through without complications. I had given my parents my word. This is not the way I would want it to end. With a firm expression, I quickly took hold of her hand, pulling her along in such a way that she could keep up the pace with me. I didn't want her causing a scene here. I was determined to find out why she had come. I tried as much as possible to shield her away from some of the prying eyes that might be on me. I even looked over to where my parents were; they were engaged in conversation. I didn’t even have the time to look for Freyja. Nathan was dancing with her. It was better I got this over with, and the earlier I did, the better. I stepped outside the ballroom, motioning for her to follow me, away from the prying eyes and ears of the people who had also come outside the ballroom. I motioned for her to follow me. "Lola, What are you doing here?" I asked her in a low, irritated tone. She looked at me with a mix of anxiety and determination. But all that was a lie. I could see the pretense behind the mask of emotions she wore. Why else would she choose to come here, today of all days? “I needed to see you, Kolai. We need to talk." "Talk?" My voice probably sounded annoyed, but that was just the least of it. "This is hardly the time or the place for that. You should have respected my wishes and stayed away." "I know, but this is important and it can't wait." My jaw clenched, torn between frustration with her presence and a lingering concern for what she might say. "Fine. We'll talk, but not here. Meet me outside in ten minutes. Don't make me wait." She nodded, and I turned back towards the ballroom, hoping this interruption wouldn't escalate into something else, and that I could salvage the rest of the evening somehow. I went back to Jovan, “Keep my absence unnoticed for the next thirty minutes. I need to make sure she's miles away from here.” “I don't think there is any way that can be done, Kolia. Your presence is the whole ceremony. There's no way the people won't know you are gone.” “Then do something about it. Dress like me if you can. If I don't send her away, she'll probably cause even more problems.” “Try to finish it in 20 minutes. That's how long two sets are going to take from now. You should be done by then. I will figure out a way to cover for you.” “Fine. I will be right back.” I moved quickly but subtly in order not to draw more attention to myself as I stepped outside the hall again. I didn't need to find Lola; I knew for a fact that she was watching my every move now. She will find out where to meet me! Damn! This is stupidity. I shouldn't be worried about Freyja or my parents finding out about this. I am not a baby. But this is my kingdom; it will affect us in the long run, especially when members of my Uncle’s family have suddenly surfaced out of the blue. It didn't take long for her to join me where I stood behind the flower bed garden. “Don't waste a single moment more of my time, Lola. Tell me what exactly you have come to say. And for your own good, I hope it is as important as you've made it seem." In a moment, she moved quickly in the darkness, raised herself on her toes, and kissed me on the lips. “Are you out of your mind? Is this what you have come to do?” I moved her with force out of the way and turned to go before she could say any more. It's just typical for women to behave this way, to manipulate their way to get anything they want. Tskk, I was irritated all over again. This would be the last time she'd ever get a chance to talk to me again, I decided. As I moved away from her, she called out to me and said, “No, Kolai. No, that's not what I have called you here for. It's something much more important than that. I'm pregnant with your child, Kolai." Those words stopped me in my tracks, and I turned to face her. “What? What did you just say to me?” My voice raged with annoyance. The fact that this woman would try to use this to gain my attention was pathetic, really. "Guess what, Kolai, it's the truth. I'm pregnant with your child, and I'm not going to get rid of it." “Are you out of your mind?” “No, I'm not! I'm perfectly fine and, in fact, I've not felt this fine in ages!" “You lie, Lola! And if you have any love for your life, I suggest you take that lying tongue of yours out of here and never look back.” "Or what? You'll get your family to get rid of me, just like they got rid of your brother's bride?" She said with all the impunity she could muster. I believe this is finally where her true colors were showing for the first time. The mention of Dominia brought back a flood of emotions. The hurt I've been nurturing, but it was also the real evidence that my brother had existed, I never wanted to discuss him with anybody, I still don't. What right does this woman have to speak of my brother? If only I had not left the continent because I was angry with my brother. Only if I had not been adamant about not showing up for his marriage ceremony even after he begged me, after my parents begged me to come back... Maybe he would not have died. Damn, why did he have to go through shortcuts to get his bride? Why didn't he allow his Dragon to choose for him? There was no doubt that he was blinded by his supposed love for the werewolf, and that killed him. He allowed himself to be used and then killed, and now Lola says his widow lives. She lives? I moved calmly to where she stood, and firmly putting my hands around her neck I said, “Now you better than to ever mention my brother or anything that relates to him. I am done playing games with you.” "You're going to tell me the truth about the child you claim to carry, and if I discover it to be true, I'm going to tell you exactly what to do. You got it?" "You're hurting me Nikolai." She said, "And I'll hurt you more if you try anything else that's funny." “Alright, I only wanted you not to treat me lightly as you always do. I'll tell you everything but not here. Come to my place tomorrow after your wedding. After you have spent your wedding night with your wife. Come find me then and I'll tell you.” She even had the audacity to mention my wedding night! “I am not coming to you, woman. You're going to answer my questions right here and right now.” I replied. "How long have you known that you're with child?" “I know you feel it in your heart that what I say is true. I can give you all the information about it, but first, you must come to me tomorrow. You know you cannot deny a child, especially when it's yours, it's against tradition and it could cause some real problems for your family." She really believes that she has me trapped, why would I not meet her now? But I know this was not the only reason. This woman... Women don't do things without having ulterior motives. I just had to find out what it is she really wants. “Alright, Lola, you win. I will come to you." I said releasing my hold on her. As I turned and walked away from her, a moving figure in the bushes beside the building caught my attention. As I looked, I could see that the figure was that of a woman, a woman of average height, then her face caught some light from inside the window; it was… what? Dominia? Damn, a short laugh escaped my lips, my eyes are probably playing tricks on me. It's understandable that I'd see her, probably because I was just now thinking about her and my brother, and it's understandable that I'd be seeing things. But there she was in the flesh, hiding behind one of the bushes while trying to catch a glimpse through the window of the ballroom. I looked again, closely this time, Dominia! There was no mistaking it. She had the same figure and the same look on her face just like those four years ago. Her attention was not on any other thing but the ballroom. How was it that she was still alive? But most importantly, what was she doing here? Had the rumors had been true all along? My legs moved involuntarily towards where she stood, my head was clouded with anger at the moment. This was the same person that caused my family's pain. The same person who's appearance brought about my brother's death. This is the person that caused the rift between my brother and me. And his is the closest I have been able to get to her for four years now. “Nikolai, what are you doing? Where are you going?” I heard Lola shout after me. This disturbance made me turn towards her and say angrily, “Shut up, woman!", her noise could make Dominia see me and panic even before I got to her. I would be a fool to let her get away from me this time! But then when I looked back at where I had seen Dominia crouching, she was gone. s**t! s**t s**t!! I now moved with every intention to kill her. "No! You see what you've done now you bitc…!" "Hey, Kolai!" My words were cut short by Jovan's voice. "The King has noticed your absence, and I have come to fetch you,” He said after he made sure my movement towards her had been stopped by getting in between us. I rammed my fist into the wall instead out of annoyance, and even with Jovan between us, the action made Lola shiver in fear. Jovan! He always finds the best time to interfere in my business. “We have things to talk about, Lola. Think about my wrath if you think to withhold any information from me.” I made sure she nodded before I made my way back into the hall. Dominia, you can't hide for long; I'll find you and break every bone in your body if I have to until you tell me the truth. I promise you that.
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