A woman that's not me?

1361 Words
Freya's POV As I watched Nikolai storm back into the ballroom with an aura of frustration and anger, my heart sank. I could not help but wonder what had caused him to go outside and why he had to leave. I asked myself, and then I saw her. And just as I did, I remembered the night he came into the room with that vanilla scent all over him. He had not tried to hide the fact that he had just been with a woman then, and I can't help but wonder if this is the same one here and now. Who is she, and why did she have to come here? My temper was rising with every breath. Is he so vile that he'd bring her here to spite me, even on our wedding day? Couldn't he just give me the decency of the wedding and let today go as smoothly as possible without causing any problems? He had smiled at me before and then changed immediately, speaking to me in such an unkind manner that I couldn't even think straight. Now he's with another woman in the full view of everyone present. I had been dancing with Nathan, and strangely enough, I enjoyed his company, making me even see the celebration in a more refined way. After a few more minutes on a set with the council leader, Nathan came to me again. And I laughed maybe once or twice. It felt like it was the first time in a long time that I had laughed so hard. “You know, I’d really like to show you around our kingdom soon. But I believe I am supposed to ask you properly, instead of just saying it. You're now a married woman, and not just any mere woman, you're the dragon princess.” He was asking me to go out and take a tour around with him. “But I can't be seen with you that way,” I debated. In fact, it will only cause a stir and rouse various suspicions." “We are family now, Freyja. There is no reason for you to be worried. If anyone sees me with you, it will only mean we are a family going on a walk or going on a lunch date. I only want to show you around.” It didn't make sense that he was asking me, but it was also not a big deal, but... “I don't think so, Nathan. I don't think so." “What about if you see me as a friend? Or a brother?” He was trying really hard, and to think he was harmful in any way is something I can't even picture. “As friends then?” “As friends, Freyja. Anything you say is okay by me. I just want to be the one to show you around this grand palace because I'm sure Nicolai has not had the time to do that. "Okay, then. I suppose there is no harm in taking a walk around as friends." “You make me the happiest man here tonight,” He said with one hand on his chest and the other one taking my hand and placing a lingering kiss on it. I shuddered and removed my hand from his. It was stupid of me to have reacted in any way towards Nathan when my husband was just around the corner. But was Nicolai really around the corner? Or wasn't he out with his fling? I wonder if he loves her. They could not take a moment away from each other. Even a moment that could serve as our wedding day. “Are you cold?” Nathan asked, breaking through my train of thought. He must have noticed my reaction to him. But he was being a gentleman not showing it. “No,” I muttered, pinning my lips together, hoping I would not say something uncalled for. But I should say something anyway; the silence was getting awkward between us. “I realized that you pointed out your family to me while we danced, and you had spoken about your father, but I'm sure we've not been introduced yet. Is he here today?” I said before I could stop myself. “Not at all. He is angry with his brother–the king, and would not show his face here until he knew for certain that he'd not have to ram his fist into his brother's face.” His words made my eyes widen with confusion. What did he mean by that? “Are you joking with me?” “Does it seem like I am joking?” He said as he laughed richly, he instantly became even more handsome than before, and so carefree. Unlike Nikolai. Our wedding day was meant to be a joyous occasion, a day we should have both looked forward to. But as always, something just had to go wrong. I glanced around the ballroom again looking for him, but still I couldn't find him. He had now been out for more than thirty minutes. “No. Come on, you have to be joking,” I replied. “I am joking but I feel that would not be a lie,” he said seriously. “Come, we should sit down,” he led me off the dance floor, placing his hand on the small of my back. Suddenly, before we could get to the seats, Nikolai appeared in front of us. He looked furious but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. “What the heck are you doing with my wife, Nathan? Get your hands off her right now.” Oh now I'm his wife? The same wife he had left on the dance floor to meet his mistress. “Calm down, Nikolai. You don't want to cause a scene here.” “Then get your hands off her.” He was already fuming with rage. But why? He had always shown an unkind attitude towards me, so how did he all of a sudden become so possessive? “Come with me now, Freyja.” he said as he turned to walk away. Oh wow! Did he just call me by my name? I stepped away from Nathan without thinking and followed him. For the rest of the party, he didn't take his eyes off me and never left my side. What had happened between him and his mistress? Although he didn't take his eyes off me and never left my side, his features were still etched with irritation. I couldn't help but ask him, my voice trembling as I asked softly, "Nikolai, what happened? Are you okay?" He glanced at me, his eyes holding a mixture of frustration and vulnerability. For a brief moment, his guard seemed to lower as he replied, "It doesn't concern you at all, Freya. It was a minor interruption, but I'm not even going to dwell on it, and it will pass. This night is far from over." Despite his usual cold response, I sensed the turmoil that went deeper than his facade. I wanted to believe him, to trust that this unexpected disturbance would pass, but I couldn't help feeling that something significant had occurred, something that could impact our future together. As the night wore on, I tried to push aside my worries and immerse myself in the celebration. This was meant to be one of the happiest days in a woman's life, a day when we celebrated our love and commitment. But the shadow of uncertainty cast a shadow over the festivities. Deep down, I couldn't escape the sadness that welled up within me. I longed for the day when Nikolai would share his feelings openly when he would tell me things without having to ask. Where he would smile at me lovingly when there were no secrets or unexpected interruptions. When there's no unkindness in his words and his irritation for me would die off. But for now, I could only hope that whatever had transpired outside can be resolved, and that would allow us to move forward as husband and wife.
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