Chapter 14: Our Story

1971 Words
Kesiray's POV Solaris was naked underneath me, at my disposal to do what I wanted. I was enjoying watching him close his eyes and moan while I moved my hips in circles over his hard di*k, teasing him. Nothing was hotter than knowing I could make this god of a man moan in pleasure. "Kesi, I want you," he groaned, taking hold of my hips and lifting me up. Helping, his c*ck slid inside of me, filling me and satisfying the intense pulsing of my aching core. Bouncing up and down, the pleasure ran through me, making me tighten my walls with my movements. Solaris sat up, moving back so the headboard could prop him up. He held me tightly, helping me move up and down. The blue in his eyes was swirling with gold, something I hadn't noticed our first time. "I love you," I breathed, Solaris clutching the back of my neck, kissing down my chest. "I love you," he said, thrusting his hips up, increasing the speed. "Yes, baby, just like that." "Fu*k, Solaris," I groaned, throwing my head back when he reached between our bodies to run his finger over my cl*t. This time was different than our first time in the woods, which had been gentle, slow, and new. Tonight was more hungry, sensual, and needing. We were panting; the sound of our bodies intertwining, combined with our moans, filled the room. Sweat was forming on Solaris' forehead, evidence of how hard we were going. His hands were tangled in my hair, pulling to expose myself to him. "Don't stop," he growled. Bouncing up and down, Solaris grunted, burying his head into my cleavage while he came. I called out, crashing over the edge at the same time. Solaris held me tightly, keeping me in place with him still inside of me. “How did I land myself such a hot mate?” I said, pressing my forehead to his. “I could ask myself the same thing,” Solaris replied. He kissed my mark before helping me climb off, but he didn’t let me go. He pulled me against his chest and held me tight. “We should probably try to get a little sleep,” I told him. “I guess it doesn’t hurt to try, but I’m pretty wide awake,” Solaris said. Wrapped in the warm comfort of his embrace, I closed my eyes and tried not to think about what was happening. Staying in our little world for just a few more hours was something I wanted to hold on to. I must have been able to fall asleep because when I opened my eyes, the large duvet was over me, but Solaris wasn’t in bed. Turning, I scanned the room for him and saw him in the sitting area with a book in hand. “What time is it?” I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. “It’s a little after twelve,” he responded, closing his book and sitting beside me on the bed. “Did you sleep?” I questioned, noticing his hair looked freshly washed and styled. “No, and I didn’t want to keep you up, so I went and took a shower before reading for a little while,” he replied. “Are we supposed to meet with Alpha Bastan soon?” I questioned. “I’m not sure; no one’s come to get us yet. Savion said he hasn’t spoken to anyone either,” Solaris told me. Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on our door. Pulling the covers closer around me, Solaris got up to answer it. A small woman stood in the doorway, avoiding eye contact with Solaris. "Mr. Icarus, Alpha Bastan has requested to speak with you now if you're ready," she squeaked. "Yes, but could you give us five minutes?" Solaris asked, looking over at me, still naked in bed. "Of course," she said, backing away from the door. Solaris closed it, and I climbed out of bed, going into my bag to find something to wear. I hadn't paid too much attention to what I had thrown inside. Managing to find a light blue sundress, I pulled it on along with a pair of sandals that I saw at the bottom of the bag. We opened the door to find Savion outside, attempting to flirt with the young woman who had come to get us. Her cheeks looked bright red and flushed as Savion towered over her, cracking joke after joke, waiting for her to laugh. "Savion," Solaris said, a warning in the undertone of his voice. "If you please follow me, I'll take you to Alpha Bastan's office," the woman said, barely above a whisper. While we walked, I sensed that Solaris and Savion were having a private conversation that no one could hear. I'd learned in school that, like werewolves, phoenixes could mind link, something I had always been jealous of. Sure, faires had their ways of communicating with one another, but sending a message via element was a lot different than speaking to someone directly in their mind. The woman took us to the top floor, stopping at a large door at the end of a long hallway. She knocked three times, waiting for an answer. "Come in," Bastan called. The woman opened the door, and we followed her inside. Bastan's office wasn't decorated like our guest room but was modern like the rest of the pack house. However, the furniture was much darker than downstairs, primarily black or dark grey. Bastan was behind a large black desk, glasses on, while he typed on his computer. Luna Kivela and Beta Armin were sitting in chairs on either side of him. Kivela had beautiful long honey blonde hair, bangs framed her forehead, falling just above her stunning green eyes, which would give any earth fairy a run for their money. She had a rounder face with full cheeps and full lips. She gave me a kind and soft impression as if Bastan was the hard one, but she offered more comfort and understanding. Armin had shaggy light brown hair that looked unkept, falling all around his face. I could see the light grey eyes under his hair, and the smile on his more triangular face made me think we were safe here. "Alpha, our guests, as requested," the woman said, not looking up from the floor. "Thank you, Orentia," Bastan replied, taking off his glasses and setting them down. Orentia bowed her head lower, if that was at all possible, before shuffling from the room. "Please, have a seat." Bastan motioned to three comfortable-looking chairs in front of his desk. We each sat while he surveyed us with his hands folded together, thumbs pressed to his lips. "I hope your accommodations were to your liking. "Yes," I replied. "Our room is beautiful." "Good, and I trust you rested as best you could," Bastan said. "We tried our best," Solaris added. "Now, I'm very interested in hearing your whole story. Would you please tell me how you found yourselves near the centaur territory, let alone our territory," Bastan asked, leaning back in his chair. "Well, to paint the picture, we have to take you back to the war between fairies and phoenixes," Solaris began. "Yes, even over here, we've heard of the war between your two species for centuries," Bastan told us. "Of course, we have our own battles to fight, so we mainly stay away from all that." "Right, but because of this war, friendships between our two kinds are unheard of and forbidden," Solaris said. "But that didn't stop Solaris and me from forming a fast friendship when we were ten," I added, looking at Solaris, who smiled. "We kept it hidden for a while, but eventually, my sister found out and told my parents." "You can imagine how furious they were," Solaris said. "They forced us apart and kept us locked up for years until we'd all but forgotten each other, at least that's what they thought." "The phoenix began attacking us a few days ago; I'm not sure why," I said, giving Solaris a confused look. "I'm not either; my father was never very good at sharing his inner thoughts with anyone," Solaris said. "Either way, Solaris and I met again, and that's when we realized we were mates," I told Bastan. "Kesi wasn't sure if she wanted to be with me, but after some time, she realized what we had was special; our bond was a gift," Solaris replied. "We had planned to run away to be together because we knew we could never be together under the current circumstances," I told him. "I think my parents know what happened, and my father changed plans and told me I was supposed to take over our clan instead of my older brother. That can't happen until I'm mated and marked, so my father and mother were going to plan a mating ball for me to take a chosen mate. I knew I would never let that happen, so I left last night. I went into the fairy lands and found Kesi; luckily, she came with me," Solaris said, taking my hand. "I see," Bastan said, contemplating. "And you?" he asked, looking to Savion. "I'm just here for the adventure," Savion laughed. "Solaris is my only friend in our clan now that my aunt passed, and when he told me he was leaving, I knew I had to go with him. We've been friends for years." "I'd say excellent friends to give up one's life and comfort to journey into the unknown," Bastan said. "It's clear that you have run away to follow love in a place where love might be hard to find. I'm sure you've heard horrible stories about our pack in that regard, but I want to assure you that things have changed since I took over six months ago. You will be safe here, and we will give you refuge for as long as needed. However, I will not put my pack in danger or involve myself in your war. Should your families come looking for you, I expect you to do everything possible to avoid conflict. Our pack might have changed their minds on killing, but we won't hesitate to get involved to keep our members safe." I gulped, and Solaris squeezed my hand, Bastan's words sinking in. "We understand," Solaris told him. "We thank you for your hospitality but don't plan to stay here long. Our next move is to cross the dragon realm to the free land on the other side." "That's a long way to go to avoid your families," Luna Kivela said. "I'll do whatever it takes to be with my mate," Solaris declared proudly. "Make sure you hold on to that," she replied. How she looked at us made me wonder if she knew something we didn't. Some werewolves, like any other supernatural creatures, possessed gifts. Did she have the gift to see into the future? Were there more struggles ahead for Solaris and me? I wanted to ask her what she meant and question her about what would come, but Bastan stood up. "Come, we'll give you a tour. Let me know if there is anything else you need. I'm sure leaving so quickly left you little time to pack much," Bastan commented. "While you're here, you are honorary pack members. That means you will be respected and cared for. All I ask in return is that you follow pack rules." "Which we will happily explain to you," Kivela said, standing by the door, waiting for Bastan to open it. On this warm day, they took us out and showed us where we would call home, at least for a little while.
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