Chapter 13: Marking

1682 Words
Solaris' POV Alpha Bastan turned and walked back into the woods. I looked at Savion, who shrugged, picking up our bags since I had dropped mine when I dove to rescue Kesi. "Do you think we can trust them?" I asked Savion, taking a few steps and following Bastan. "I don't know. They did save us, but I wouldn't put my guard down just yet," Savion replied. "I think I'm okay to walk," Kesi said, still curled up in my arms where she seemed so small. "Not a chance," I said, holding her closer if possible. "I'm enjoying having you this close." Kesi smiled and rested her head on my chest. I knew we were being followed by more than just Bastan; the sound of paws softly hitting the ground was all around us. Phoenix didn't have as good sense as wolves, but they weren't as bad as humans. Breaking through the trees, we came to their pack. They had brought us to what appeared to be their pack house. A large stone castle loomed in the distance, giant and intimidating, just like the Alpha. Many windows were glowing with bright yellow light, and people stood on the front porch as others walked in and out the door. The castle appeared three stories high and stretched for days left and right. Some stones looked newer, not as weathered, which meant they had made some additions as the pack grew. "Welcome to Midnight Stone," Bastan said, smiling at us. "You three can sleep in the pack house today. We always have guest rooms ready to go." "Thank you; we appreciate it," I told him. Walking inside, it was clear the inside wasn’t nearly as old as the outside. Fresh, light hardwood floors ran through the front entranceway, leading into different rooms with modern grey and white furniture. Setting Kesiray on her feet, I took her hand. Some people were walking around, but it seemed like most of the pack was still sleeping at this time of the morning. "Your rooms are on this floor," Bastan told us. "I’ll send someone to get you later today so we can talk." Bastan took us to our rooms, placing Kesi and me in one and Savion in the room next door. "See you all soon." Bastan left, and I closed the door quickly behind him. Kesi and I were relieved, knowing we had successfully left our families and were out of harm's way. "Even though it wasn't what we were expecting," Kesi said, sitting on the edge of the large four-poster king-sized bed. "At least we're safe." "I just hope it stays that way," I commented, sitting beside her. The room we had been given was sizable, probably as large as my entire house, which wasn't that big considering. There was a large bay window where I could see the sun rising above the trees. One open door across the room led into a bathroom. The room was decorated with burgundy furniture and velvet curtains, giving the allure of an old castle you might find in England during the 1600s. An oversized couch, small bookshelf, and armchair created a cozy sitting area. Being here for a few days might not be so bad after all. "Do you think Alpha Bastan is different than his father, as he said?" Kesi asked. "I'm not sure; it's hard to read him, but the fact that he didn't kill us on sight or let the centaurs have us is a good sign," I told her. "So, what exactly happened yesterday?" Kesi asked. "You said your dad was going to force you to take a chosen mate?" "The next leader must be mated to take over our clan. Like I told you, my dad wants me to take over instead of Ryse. I thought I'd have more time to convince him otherwise, but yesterday, he told me he was planning a mating ball, and I would need to pick a mate that night. From how he acted, I think he knows I've been seeing you again," I explained. "I guess there wasn't much time to think then," Kesi said, leaning her head on my shoulder. "No, I knew I couldn't take a chosen mate, but I would never tell them why because they would hunt you down, which they might still try to do. Leaving last night was the only thing I could think to do to keep our bond alive and keep you safe," I said. "What are our parents going to think?" Kesi wondered. "I don't know. Maybe they'll know exactly what happened and come looking for us. Either way, once we're marked, there isn't much they can do about it," I said. "At least now that we're out, they can't lock us up again." Maybe Kesi and I could have marked each other in the woods the other day, but if our parents saw, they would lock us away for good this time and probably wage war on one another. At least if we were gone, and they eventually found us, it would be too late, and war would be pointless since we were already together. "What about Savion? I was surprised there was someone with you," Kesi said. "I didn't plan to bring anyone, but he came to me. I told him I was leaving, not the true reason, and he told me he wanted to come with me. He and I have been friends since he moved here when we were twelve after his parents died. He was living with his aunt, but she recently passed, too. He said he wouldn't have any ties to the pack if I left, and I know he thinks the same as I do when it comes to how our kind views other creatures, mostly fairies," I told her. "I'm happy you have someone with you. I'm sure my friend Gwena would have come if I asked, but her mate isn't home right now, and she can't just up and leave," Kesi told me. "Maybe once we're marked and everyone's had some time to cool off, we can go back," I thought. "Will you mark me now?" she whispered. "Are you sure?" I asked, knowing how exhausted she was from flying. "Yes," she confirmed, grabbing my face and pulling it to hers, capturing my lips. Climbing on top of her, I pushed her back so her head was on one of the large fluffy pillows. "This will only hurt for a second," I reassured her. Kesi nodded and watched as I extended my talons, turning her head to the side. Quickly and purposefully, I sank my two large talons into the soft skin of her neck, right above her collarbone. Kesi cried out when I broke the skin, blood trickling from the wound. Pulling my claws from her neck, I licked the wound closed, watching the new layer of light pink skin form. "Are you okay?" "I'm alright," she told me. Kesi reached up and touched her new mark. The two talon punctures wove into the outline of a phoenix, and an SI connected the two marks. "How do fairies mark their mates?" I asked. "Like this," she said, pushing off the bed to flip us so she was straddling me. Kesi kissed me hard, moving from my lips to my jawline. She started sucking on my neck, where I would soon bare her mark, making me moan. That pleasure was short-lived, and a burning sensation replaced her warm tongue. Kesi had her hand on my neck; it was glowing green and felt like something was burrowing into it. Yelling out, Kesi kissed my cheek, and the pain vanished as quickly as it had come. She removed her hand, kissing what must have been my new mark. "What the he** was that?" I asked, touching where she marked me. I could feel it was now raised, bumpy, and circular. "Sorry, earth fairies mark by tendrils burrowing into their mate's skin," she told me. "They settle just under the skin's surface and form the mark. That's nothing compared to how fire fairies do it." "Well, now that we've gotten that taken care of, should we finish the mating process?" I asked, flipping us again so Kesi was pinned underneath me. "Didn't we already do that?" she asked with a sensual smile. "Yes, but this will make it official," I told her, leaning down to press my lips to hers. Kesi moaned, and the sweet, gentle sound lit a fire inside of me, desire burning in my veins to be inside my mate. Her scent was intoxicating, and mixed with the smell of her arousal, my d*ck was at full attention, throbbing to be freed. Kesi seemed to have regained some of her strength and powers because she flipped us again much easier than I expected. She might have been small, but she had strength. She smiled before pulling her top off, her breasts fully exposed since she had thrown something on without a bra. I grabbed them and massaged each, leaning up to take one of her ni**les in my mouth. Kesi gasped, holding the back of my head while grinding her hips into the bulge in my pants. "Solaris, I need you inside me," she groaned. Releading her now hard ni**le, she unbutton my jeans, lifting herself to pull them down to my knees. I didn't waste time waiting for her to take off her pants. Instead, I elongated my talons and ripped her jeans from her body, throwing the shredded scraps on the floor. Again, she had no underwear on, and the only thing I could concentrate on was her dripping wet pu**y grinding against me. Maybe we should have been resting, especially after flying for so long and all the anxiety that had been caused, but sleep was the last thing on my mind. At that moment, I only wanted to be with my mate, loving one another and forgetting about the situation we seemed to find ourselves in, even if it was only for a little while.
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