¤Chapter 30¤

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Laughing she looked down at his phone. "See you tomorrow." She read out loud. "What are you going to do with her tomorrow exactly?" She asked looking up at him. "Elley it's not what you think-" "Not what I think!" She exclaimed tossing his phone at him. "Yeah right you're texting your 'best friend' at one a.m. is totally normal." She rolled her eyes. "You see why I tried to quickly text her back." "What's that supposed to mean?" She snapped angrily. "You over react a lot." He growled. "I over react?!" She pointed at herself angrily. "You know damn well I don't like Jolene and yet you decide to text her back at this hour!" She now pointed at him. "She's been my friend ever since I was a kid Elley." He tried to reason with her. "She's more like a sister to me." Eleanor scoffed. "A sister that texts you this late?" Her brow arched. She waited for him to say something but he didn't. Shaking her head she scratched the top of her brow. "You know what... Gabriel was right." She nodded to herself. "You are blind to see what kind of person she is." With that said she spun around and took her phone from her counter. As she began to make her way out Roman grabbed her arm before she walked pass him. "Where are you going?" His eyes searched her face for any emotions. "I lost my appetite." She said through gritted teeth before forcefully pulling her arm out his grasp. Roman looked at the island seeing that it was seat for the both of them. He huffed running his hand down his face. He knew they were both hot heads in this relationship and with them both being hot heads he knew things would be difficult to solve faster. He felt his phone vibrate in his hand. Looking at the caller he immediately rejected it before taking a seat on the stole. "Fučk... how am I going to solve this." He muttered. "Apologise to her." A voice said making him look up. There stood Rose as she got a bottle of water. "Woman always apologise if the man apologises first even if she's the one who's wrong." She stated with a small smile. "Why is that?" He asked confused. "It's just how we are." She shrugged. "Here." She pushed a tub of Ben&Jerry's up to him. "Take it to her as a peace offering and I'll clean up here." She grinned. Roman looked down at the tub before taking it in his grasp. "Thank you Rose." He stated greatful. Rose nodded before Roman went upstairs. Roman knocked on the door but received silence in return. He knocked once again but received a 'go away' from her. Even if she told him to leave her alone he slowly opened the door and stepped inside. As he closed the door behind him he noticed her sitting at the windowsill looking out into the yard. "I told you to go away." She whispered. Due to the silence that flouted around them he was able to hear her as he walked up to her. He sat across her watching her as she looked out into the yard. "Elley..." he called her but she didn't look at him. "Elley..." this time he took her hand in his. She looked at him with no emotion at all making if difficult for Roman to see what she's feeling."Elley I'm sorry." He apologised. He noticed her facial expression change. It softened and he felt her hand hold his. "I'm sorry for over reacting too." She apologised. That actually worked? He thought as he smiled at her. He tugged st her for her to come close. She crawled over to him and sat on his lap. He held up the tub of ice cream. "Peace offering." Her smile grew even more before she kissed his cheek. She took the tub from him and opened it. "Where are the spoons?" She asked him. "I only brought one." He stated. She nodded before taking a spoon full into her mouth. She then held up the spoon of ice cream at his lips. Roman grinned before opening his mouth allowing her to feed him the ice cream. She smiled before pecking his lips a couple times then putting a spoon of ice cream in her own mouth. I still can't believe that apologising shït worked... ~¤~ Maria opened the door after she had been knocking for nearly five minutes. She looked over to the bed to find it empty. Her eyes slowly began to scan the room until her eyes landed on the couple on the windowsill fast asleep. She stepped in without making a sound and walked over to them. She observed them for a moment. Eleanor laid between his legs, arms around his waist and head rested on his chest with a faint smile. Roman leaned against the frame, hands wrapped around her small body and one leg dangling over the edge with a peaceful look on his face. Soon the door opened and Gabriel ready to say something but closed his mouth when Maria gestured for him to keep quiet by placing her finger on her lips. She pointed at the two of them making him walk closer.Gabriel smirked and quickly took a picture of them. "I haven't seen Mr. Bianchi this happy or relaxed in ages." Maria whispered to him. "Yeah..." Gabriel agreed looking at them. But soon all the peace had come crashing down when the door slammed open and in strutted Jolene. "Where the hell is Roman?" She asked. Roman'a eyes opened coming to view with everyone glaring at the peace wrecker. He felt Eleanor shift a little before she yawned and her eyes fluttered open. "What's everyone staring at?" She asked not bothering to sit up. "Roman you said you'd see me today at noon and its already five pm." She exclaimed. "Well isn't that a shame?" Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Care to explain what's all of this is?" Gabriel asked Roman in a teasing manner. Roman rubbed his eyes checking his phone only to see the battery had died. "Maria go charge my phone." He held it out to her. She nodded taking it then leaving out the room. "We were sharing a tub of ice cream and joking around until nine am before we fall asleep." Eleanor let out a breath as she sat up straight. "You two are cute but Roman and I have things to discuss." Gabriel chuckled. "I'll be in my office in an hour." He stated swinging his legs over the edge. "What the hell are you still doing her Jolene?" Eleanor asked her. "I'm waiting for Roman." She stated with an eye roll. "Like he said, he'll be in his office within the hour, so don't let the door hit you on your way out." She shooed her out. Jolene glared at her before she spun around and stormed out. Eleanor rolled her eyes standing up. "I'll leave you two to talk." She murmured. She walked into the bathroom and started to fill the bath tub with warm water and bubbles. She stripped off her clothes and got into the tub slowly allowing her skin to adjust to the warmth of the water. Once she settled in the tub she leaned her head against the back of the tub. "I don't remember inviting you into the bathroom." Eleanor spoke. "I invited myself." Roman simply replied stepping into the shower. Eleanor opened her one eye to see his backside facing her. She looked at his back muscles as they flexed with each movement he made. Her eyes travelled down to his ašs, and like she said before it was plump. "You're staring." She heard him say. Her eyes snapped up to see he was looking over his shoulder with a smirk plastered on his face. Eleanor simply closed her eye and leaned back. "So my parents are coming over." He stated. "Mhm..." She hummed letting him know she was listening. "They don't know that you live with me and they wouldn't approve of you being here." He stated. "So what do you exactly suggest?" She hummed. "I've already bought you a home not too far from me or the hospital." He said. "Oh really and how long ago was this?" She asked him. "The day my father came into town." She felt his hands on her shoulders. He began to massage them making her moan in bliss. "So you're basically kicking me out." She said. "When you put it that way you make it seem as if I'm a bad person." Roman chuckled as he continued to massage her. She let out a small laugh."You aren't a good person Roman."
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