Chapter three. Morgan Grey's POV

1512 Words
I was hot. Really hot. I wanted to open my eyes but my dreams of warm cherries and snow was far more alluring. But I needed to cool down. I forced my eyes open, surprised to find the room lit up by a fire. This wasn’t my room. Where the hell was I and why the hell was I so hot. Then it hit me, the crash, the walk through the snow, the pain, my mate…… I sat up straight, wincing at the slight pain in my side. It didn’t hurt as much as it did yesterday. Come to think of it, my ribs didn’t even feel broken anymore just fractured. They seemed to be healing at a fast rate, surprisingly. I looked around the room that I didn’t remember coming back into, my eyes landing on a slumped figure by the desk. I suddenly became acutely aware of what I was wearing, which weren’t my clothes. It looked like it was the girl from the pictures on the fireplace. The smell of warm cherries radiated off her driving my wolf crazy. She was my mate? That can’t be. My father was going to kill me for sure. He must be worried out of his mind by now cause I haven’t been in touch and hadn’t yet arrived home like I said I was. I was not expecting my mate to be a female. Though I should have. I have always been more attracted to the same gender to my father’s constant disapproval. There was going to be no way I could claim her and bring her home. My father would disown me and kick me out the pack. I would be stripped of my rank. I started to panic at the possibilities of being packless. I took a deep breath and waited for my heart rate to go back to normal. I looked more closely at her from where I was sitting on the bed. She was more beautiful in person. She had long golden blonde hair that lay mussed around her. She radiated heat, even from here I could feel it. I got up as quietly as I could, throwing the thick blanket off me and stretched, loving the pull of my muscles and the light pops in my spine as I twisted. That’s when I took full notice of what I was wearing. I seemed to be wearing soft pajama pants with black snoring wolves on them with a red long sleeve button up which felt so soft against my skin. They didn’t belong to me. I looked over at the sleeping girl and wondered if they were hers. I smiled at the thought as my wolf growled in approval. I turned towards the fire, getting lost in the glowing embers. I need to tell my family that I was ok. I felt so content standing there, the world becoming background noise. “having fun?” I was so lost in the warm fire that her sudden voice caused me to jump. I turned around in surprise and laughed when I saw the smile on her face. That quickly died down when she stood up and I took note of what she had on, which was hardly much. All she wore were jeans and a bra. I felt my face flush at the sight and adverted my eyes. Though they couldn’t stray away from her for long. I found that they would always come back to land on her. I watched in silence as she stood up and stretched. My wolf growled at the sight. I knew she heard me when heat flashed through her electric blue eyes. She looked down at herself then back at me, her smile growing when she caught me staring. “see something that you like?” she asked smirking. “yes.” I answered honestly not fully understanding why I just admitted that to her. She must know that she’s my mate by now. I wondered if I should bring it up or wait for her to take the lead. “I bet you’re as hungry as I am. Let me just get a shirt on, my parents should be by in a few. You can borrow some of my clothes if you want. I’m sure you know where the shower is.” I blushed, remembering that I broke into her house and snooped around. “uh yeah I do. I kind of gave myself a tour. I didn’t mean to break into your home.” I said. She stood up and made her way towards me, still shirtless I might add. “don’t even worry about it. I’m glad you came here. You were hurt and needed help and that is what my pack does, we help the injured. You were lucky that we weren’t a hostile pack. I’m guessing there are a few things we need to discuss huh. You drink coffee?” she asked turning to the closet and pulling out a black long sleeve shirt, slipping it over her head before turning back around to face me once more. “um yeah. I do.” I said a bit stunned by her. “good cause I don’t think I could trust you if you didn’t.” her words left me speechless. “um…what?” I asked a bit confused. “it’s like who the hell doesn’t drink coffee? Are you even right in the head? But seeing as you do let me go make us a cup then we can get to know each other.” She said walking out the door and down the hallway towards the kitchen. My mind was still trying to process things as I followed behind her silently. I sat down behind the breakfast bar and watched as she busied herself making coffee for the both of us. I don’t know how she knew but she seemed to know just how I liked it. She set my mug down in front of me then took the seat next to me. “thanks.” I said sipping the coffee. “my pleasure.” She replied taking a sip from her own. I could feel her staring at me as I sipped my coffee, sighing in content. “um so what’s your name?” she asked putting down her mug and giving me her full attention. “Morgan Grey, alpha omega from the Mist moon pack.” I told her draining the last of my coffee. “what’s your name?” I asked turning to face her fully. “Casey Waters, alpha beta from the shadow pack. Tell me about yourself Morgan.” She asked. She was quick with her questions. “um well there’s not much to tell. I’m 25 and my wolf came to me when I was seven. I have a little brother and older sister and we live with our father and pack on the border. I love the sea and running through the forest. My wolf is a hunter and has the biggest ego in the world. And anything else you want to know you will just have to find out.” I told her. It was nice talking to someone. “tell me about you Casey.” I loved the way her name fell from my lips and the effect it seemed to have on her, causing her to shiver slightly.“well I grew up here. My wolf came to me when I was 9. I’ve had more injuries than probably anyone in the pack. I have a younger brother who lives with my parents until he turns 21. I’m currently 24. My wolf is a guardian and is extremely protective. I love when the first snow falls and when the rainstorms begin……” she trailed off staring into my eyes. “you are so beautiful.” She said causing me to blush. She shook her head and got up taking both of our mugs with her “I’m sorry I tend to say things that just pop into my head.” She said as she placed the mugs in the sink. I got up quietly and walked up behind her. “um Casey…. there is something you must know about me…” I said. My heart was racing. She stared out of the frosted window at the swaying trees. I grabbed her waist and turned her around to face me. She was so beautiful it was sinful. My eyes traveled from her eyes to her lips and back again. We stared at each other for a heartbeat before the door banged open, “um are we interrupting anything?” a voice called out causing us to jump away from each other as if we just got shocked. I felt myself groan and realized when Casey burst out laughing that it was loud. I blushed at the realization. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately. I turned away from her and looked at the five people now walking into the house as if it was the most normal thing in the world. It blew my mind. This never happened in my pack. Everyone was so formal compared to everyone here. I mean you had to be invited into someone’s home in my pack. Here you just seem to knock and walk in.
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