Chapter four Casey Waters POV

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I wondered what Morgan had to tell me. I didn’t want to interrupt her so I continued looking out the frost covered window. Well I was until she grabbed my waist and turned me around to look at her. She looked troubled and conflicted, like she wanted to tell me but knew that it was bad. When the hell did I become so good at reading her features? I watched in silence as her eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips and back again, waiting for her to make the first move. As she leaned down the front door banged open. “um are we interrupting anything?” a voice called out causing Morgan and I to pull apart as if we just got shocked. ‘I could die right now.’ I thought to myself. “hey mother, father. I was expecting you guys later. This is Morgan. Morgan meet my family. Coffee?” I asked as Morgan made her way to greet them. “ah yes please and good morning dove. I see your mate is up. About time miss. I’m Casey’s father William and this is my wonderful wife Tessa and our son Jackson and these are Casey’s best friends Benjamin and Jessica” My father introduced, hand outstretched and a wide smile on his face. I watched as Morgan smiled back and shook his hand. I could tell it was real. It looked almost as if she wasn’t used to this kind of behavior in a pack but embraced it with everything. I wondered what her pack was like. I’ve always kind of assumed that the good packs were like us, welcoming and open to everyone, especially the members. But by Morgan’s reaction I would guess not. “I’m Morgan Grey. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” She replied before getting pulled into a hug by my mother. “from the Mist Moon pack?” Jax asked her. “um yes how did you know?” she asked him. “oh…. Um I’m really smart I guess.” he said blushing slightly. I laughed at the sight of him. “my brothers’ mate is part of your pack.” I informed her. “oh who?” she asked surprised turning to look at me. “Adam Grey your brother.” I told her. “wow.” She said turning back around to face Jax again. “Wasn’t expecting that. Well that’s cool. I wish you the best Jackson. My brother can be… difficult at the best of times.” She told him giving him a small smile. “oh, don’t I know it.” He replied smiling It made me happy that they were all getting along well already. My family meant the world to me and to see that my mate likes them means a great deal more. “I should start making coffee” I said. “I’ve got the food.” Jackson said. “I will help!” Benji said walking to the kitchen with Jax just behind him. “we will take the couch and get to know each other. Shout if you need help dear.” My mother said leading my father, Jess and Morgan to the sofas. “So, Morgan how are you feeling? It looked like you took quiet a hit last night.” William asked, his arm wrapping around my mother’s shoulders as if it was second nature. “uh yeah. I got caught up in the storm and my plane went down. I was lucky to have found this place to be honest. I thought I was going to die. Bless Artemis that I didn’t.” she said. “yes indeed. I’m sure our healer has done good work in getting you better again.” “uh yeah I think.” “you from here?” Jess asked. “I live on the border with my father, brother and sister.” “oh. And your mother darling?” “she died when I was seven.” Was all she said. I could hear the hurt in her voice and wondered what happened that night and weather it had something to do with her getting her wolf so young. I wondered why she never said anything before. I finished making the coffees and brought them over to everyone, leaving the last two for Jax and Benji. I placed them on the coffee table and sat next to Morgan. She looked over at me and offered me a small smile. I smiled back and she seemed to relax a bit. “I’mterribly sorry about your mother dear.” My mother said. “and what do you do for a living?” “oh, I just finished my third tour in Iraq and I’m planning to join the force. My father thinks it’s a good idea so that I can track down the rouge wolves and stop them without letting the humans know about us.” “that’s fascinating. I’m sure it was rough over there. My husband and I run the hospital in the city. Jax helps after school when he can. But he’s a busy boy.” She said. “that’s really cool.” Morgan said. “what about you Jess? What do you do?” “oh, I do fashion editing and styling. Benji works on the force with his father and I’m sure that Cas told you that she’s and architect.” Jess said. She was really open sometimes and usually couldn’t shut up but she seemed to be quieter today. Maybe she’s getting a feel of Morgan. “that’s cool. It seems to suit you. I would be really excited to be working with Benji though.” “you’re from the Mist Moon pack?” “uh yes I am. Why do you ask?” “now’s not the time for that Jessica.” My father scolded. Morgan looked over at me questioningly but said nothing. “I can smell that breakfast is ready. Why don’t we all make our way to the table huh?” it wasn’t really a question. We all followed my father’s lead and sat down, Jax and Benji laying the dishes out in front of us. We each grabbed a plate and loaded them with eggs, sausages, bacon, toast and mushrooms. There was a strange tension in the room but it didn’t last long as Benji and Jax cracked jokes causing conversation to start up again. Two hours later everyone was done eating and had to head out for work, except Morgan and me. I said goodbye to everyone as they made their way out the front door, planning to catch up with them for lunch. I made my way to the sink to wash up as Morgan curled up on the couch and watched the fire burn. There were so many things I wanted to know but didn’t know how to ask. I finished quickly, seeing that Morgan was still in the same position I had left her in half an hour ago. I made her some hot cocoa and handed it to her. “oh, thank you.” She said surprised but happy. “I’m going to hop in the shower really quick then I think we should go shopping for a few things if you are up to it. The doc should be here in an hour or so.” I told her. “yeah ok.” She simply replied and turned to watch the flames once more. I could practically see the wheels turning in her head. I made my way down the hall to the bathroom and closed the door.
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