Chapter 48

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“How disgusting” a voice coming from a pillar of flames.   “Satan, what are you doing here?” “Done playing already?” Asmodeus said as she looks back.   “Oh, my what happened to you?” “Don’t tell me that mortal” Asmodeus teased.   “It’s not what you think.” “That mortal you’re pertaining to has a fragment of the ancient seven” Satan informed.   “I see.” “Tell me Satan why did you leave your post?” “Can’t handle Gabriel?” Asmodeus mocked.   “Looks who’s talking” Satan said.   “It’s all in the past.” “Why did you come here?” Asmodeus said.   “Don’t worry He gave me permission to summon Calderas.” “Now heal me” Satan ordered   “So, Aaron was a huge threat after all.” “If you haven’t come on time who knows what might happen” Asmodeus said as she cast a healing spell on Satan.   “Hey, stop tormenting that mortal.” “Just end his life already” Satan said as he looks at Solomon.   “You’re no fun, I am still playing with him can’t you see” Asmodeus said as she cast a spell on Solomon.   Then Asmodeus noticed a throwing dagger head straight at her. She manages to catch it and immediately point it towards Solomon.   “One step closer and I’ll cut his head off” Asmodeus threatened.   The ground then startled to rumble then suddenly Maximus burst out from the ground. Asmodeus dodges the attack then she threw the dagger. Mark was there to block the attack.   “Oh, it’s just you two” Asmodeus said, and she seems bored.   “You take that hideous one on the right while I take care of her.” “I want to see that demon’s face” Mark whispered to Maximus.   “No! I’ll take her” Solomon said then divine lightning unshackled him.   Solomon then starts to levitate, and his divine aura grew rages.   “That aura!” Satan shouted as he charges in   Solomon glared at Satan then divine lightning struck the demon down. Solomon then advances.   “Interesting” Asmodeus seems amused.   “Ice Prison” Asmodeus casted   A dome made of ice then traps Asmodeus and Solomon inside   “Shall we begin?” Asmodeus asked.   With no hesitation Solomon started firing lightning bolts towards Asmodeus   “Even with divine aura you can’t match my power.” “Even if you try harder you can’t defeat me” Asmodeus claimed as she advances.   Solomon’s attacks seem have no effect on her.   Solomon then raises his staff and started chanting but with lightning-fast speed Asmodeus strikes him down. Chains started to pin him down once more, but he continues chanting. Asmodeus then starts to zap the life out of Solomon but still he is persistent in casting his spell.   “I am asking you this once again.” “Just offer your soul to me and I shall give you all of your earthy desires.” “Just say yes!” Asmodeus said as she stomps on Solomon’s hand slowly turning it into ice.   Then something strong impacted the barrier   “Do you think with that much strength you can breach through my barrier?” “Even how many times you try you won’t come close on puncturing the inner walls.” “Even if you attack it from the inside or outside.” “But I’ll play along miracles do happen from time to time” Asmodeus said.   With a snap of her finger the chains were broken, and the ice melted. Asmodeus then created a throne for her to seat on   “Be my guest” Asmodeus said as if she is challenging Solomon to break her barrier.   The barrier continues rumbling. Then Solomon fired a lightning bolt towards Asmodeus, but ice magic easily blocked it.   “Just focus your power in penetrating the barrier.” “If you manage to c***k it, I’ll withdraw the invasion, mark my word” Asmodeus said.   “This demon is one though cookie” Mark said.   “Tell me about it” Maximus agreed.   Maximus then hurls boulders to distract Satan, Mark on the other hand move closer to land the killing blow. As soon as he entered striking range, he made his move.   “Do you think that simple distraction would be enough” Satan said as grabs hold Mark.   Satan manages to hold Mark’s arm and immediately pull him in and slam him to the ground, but a bullet stopped Satan. Mark immediately falls back while Maximus cover for him.   “Thanks Jane” Mark said as he made his escape.   “How’s your hand?” Maximus asked.   “Not good, I think it’s fractured” Mark informed.   “Retreat now so you can be treated.” “I’ll buy you time. Now go!” Maximus said.   Mark did not waste a second.   “Anyone who’s hearing this message and still able to fight please proceed the city’s east gate we need back-up.” “Maximus needs your help” Mark said using a special communication technique “Anyone who’s hearing this message and still able to fight please proceed the city’s east gate we need back-up.” “Maximus needs your help” Mark said using a special communication technique.   “I just receive a message from Mark, and he is asking for back-up” an injured assassin said.   “Marksmen that can fight close combat move!” Jane ordered.   “Roxxy, Eve I am counting on you” Jane said.   Roxxy and Eve lead the marksmen to the battlefield together with an earth mage and two assassins.   “This demon is all beat up but still it has the strength to fight.” “How strong is he?” Maximus said to himself.   “Hey, you, what skills do you have?” “Can you amuse me?” Satan asked.   “See for yourself” Maximus said.   Satan charges in   “Satan, right?” “What is it you’re fighting for?” Maximus asked.   “I fight to conquer” Satan said then he burst into flames.   The healing ice melted so Satan’s flames were extinguished. Maximus giggled that triggered Satan’s fury.   “That’s it! No one laughs at me and gets away with it” “Prepare to die!” Satan said.   Maximus barely keep up of Satan’s speed and strength.   “One wrong move and my limbs will be reaped apart.” “I landed several fatal blows already but he’s still standing.” “This demon is on a higher level compared to the ones I faced earlier” Maximus said to himself.   The two continued to clash, dodging and blocking every hit.   “Max gets down!” someone shouted.   Maximus lost his focus, so Satan landed a devastating blow in the chest. Maximus dropped to the ground.   “Fire!” the signal was raised, and all marksmen fired at will.   The mage used his power to drag Maximus out of the battlefield. As soon as Maximus is on the open the two assassins carried him back to the city.   
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