Chapter 2. A wolf’s head

1968 Words
TAHLIA~ I felt the shimmering rays of the day sun dance against my closed eyelids, slowly coaxing me back to consciousness. As my senses stirred, the sharp pain in my back immediately roared to life as if they were invoked by the mere sense of me coming back to life, reminding me of the brutal attack I had endured. “It wasn't a dream then,” I thought, groaning, feeling the ache intensify with each breath I took. My eyes pried open and I found myself lying on the shore of the Emberfall brook, my body drenched and my clothes clinging uncomfortably to my skin. Gingerly, I propped myself up on my elbows, wincing at the pain that shot through me. The memories of the harrowing events of the previous night flooded back into my mind. It all happened. Everything. But I wasn't sure how I had managed to survive without drowning. As I struggled to sit upright, my eyes travelled to my surroundings– I haven't gotten this far before, but since it was still the brook, I wasn't too far from home. Grimacing, I reached a hand to my back, wincing as I felt the tender skin where the Lycan's claws had cut through me. The wounds were deep, but the bleeding seemed to have subsided. I knew I had to tend to them soon, but my immediate priority was finding my little brother. Summoning all my strength, I pushed myself up, my body protesting every movement. I needed to search for Ulric and ensure his well-being. And the only place my mind was screaming was to return to our pack and see what was left of it, and hope to find him there. With unsteady legs, I began to steer the area, following the riverbank. I scanned the surroundings, desperately searching for the right path to follow. After what felt like an eternity of walking, my weary eyes caught sight of a small figure huddled beneath a tree up ahead. My heart skipped a beat as I took in the familiar form. Relief surged through me, momentarily easing the pain radiating from my back. I quickened my pace, though my steps faltered under the strain on my body. But then I halted. “Why would he be shifting away?” The thought came through my mind at the odd behaviour. “Ulric," I breathed, my voice hoarse but filled with love and concern. "It's me, Tahlia. Are you alright?” I listen but he didn't make a move “Don’t be afraid, it's me, Tahlia” Slowly, he emerged from behind the tree, but to my dismay, he wasn't Ulric. He was Arlo, Ulric’s playmate, and a year younger. “Arlo?” Arlo's eyes were filled with fear and confusion as he cautiously stepped forward. "Tahlia? What happened? Where's Ulric?" he asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty. My heart fell as I realised Ulric was still missing. "I don't know, Arlo," I replied, my voice quivering. "We got separated during the attack. Have you seen him?" Arlo shook his head, his young face contorted with worry. "I haven't seen him since last night. We were hiding together, but then everything went chaotic, and I lost sight of him." A surge of guilt washed over me. As the older sister, it was my responsibility to protect Ulric, and I had failed. But now was not the time for self-blame; I needed to stay focused and find him. Together, Arlo and I turned away from the brook and headed back towards our pack home. With every step, my heart grew heavier, dreading what we might find. As we neared the familiar community where our home once stood, a wave of devastation crashed over me. Many of the pack dwellings were reduced to ashes, a mere shadow of the sanctuary they once were. The once vibrant colours of our home were now replaced with charred remains and smouldering debris. It was a heartbreaking sight, a reminder of the horrors that had unfolded. Amidst the destruction, a few survivors were scattered about, their faces etched with grief. Some were tending to the injured, offering comfort and aid, while others were solemnly carrying the lifeless bodies to a designated place for final rites. The air was heavy with sorrow. I approached one of the survivors, a middle-aged woman with tear-streaked cheeks and a staunch expression. "Excuse me," I called out, my voice trembling with a mix of desperation and hope. "Have you seen my little brother, Ulric? We got separated during the attack." The woman's eyes softened with empathy as she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. I don't need that look from anyone! "I'm so sorry for your loss," she said, her voice filled with compassion. "I haven't seen any other children apart from the ones who managed to make it here. But don't lose hope. There are still search parties along with Alpha out looking for survivors." That might have comforted me, but it didn't. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over, but I blinked them back, refusing to succumb to despair. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice choking with emotion. I spent the next few hours assisting the survivors, offering a helping hand wherever we could. We helped carry supplies, comforted those in need, and provided a listening ear to those who needed to share their stories. Amidst the chaos and pain, a sense of unity and strength emerged. We were all survivors, linked by our shared tragedy and determination to rebuild. But my eyes never departed from the front entry of our home— Waiting–Hoping–Praying that the next person to walk back was Ulric. As the day wore on, a search party returned with news of a few more survivors found in the outskirts of the pack. There was a glimmer of hope in their eyes as they shared their findings. Perhaps Ulric was among them, waiting to be reunited. "Tahlia, you need to get your wound treated," The mother to our Luna urged, her voice laced with urgency. "It could get infected if not attended to immediately." I hesitated for a moment, torn between my desire to find Ulric and the realisation that I needed medical attention. But I understood the importance of taking care of myself in order to be strong for my brother. With a nod of agreement, I reluctantly agreed. She guided me to a relatively safe area away from the chaos, where a makeshift medical station had been set up. She tore a piece of cloth from her garment and carefully cleaned the wound on my back, wincing as she witnessed the extent of the damage. The pain was severe, but I held on. "The cut is deep," she said, her voice filled with concern. "It may leave a sizable scar. But we need to make sure it doesn't get infected. Hold on, this might hurt a bit." As she began to clean the wound more thoroughly, I couldn't help but let out a soft whimper of pain. The stinging sensation intensified, causing tears to well up in my eyes. But I gritted my teeth and endured, knowing that this was necessary for my own well-being. After cleaning the wound, she applied a bandage to provide some protection. "There, that should help prevent any infection," she said, her voice gentle yet firm. "But please, take it easy and let your body heal.” I nodded, but just then, a few of the search parties returned with some survivors, causing my attention to shift to them. My heart leaped with anticipation as I rushed forward. I scanned the faces of the weary individuals being led back, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ulric among them. But with each passing person, my hope dwindled. Ulric was not among the survivors. Desperation filled my chest as I realised that time was slipping away. My little brother was still out there, and I had no idea if he was safe or if he needed help. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him too. As my eyes travelled around, I noticed the Alpha talking to our Luna and then he started walking up to me. He approached me with a sombre expression, his eyes filled with empathy. "I'm sorry, Tahlia," he said softly, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "He wasn't among the survivors we found. But we will keep searching.” A chill gripped me, threatening to pull me under. I nodded toughly, maybe once or more, I couldn't tell. The weight of my own injuries and the pain of losing my whole family were magnified by the uncertainty surrounding Ulric. As the Alpha continued to speak, his words became muffled in my ears, as if a veil had been placed between us. The world around me seemed to blur, and I struggled to focus on his voice. Despair threatened to consume me, weighing heavily on my wounded body and weary soul. But amidst the foggy haze, I faintly heard a snippet of the Alpha's words. "...seen Ulric...direction of the Verdant Hill." My heart skipped a beat, and I blinked at his words. The words echoed in my mind, driving me to regain my composure. The hill in question is more our pack boundary, which meant he might not even be within our boundaries, and was the direction of the Lycan’s territory. How could he have gone in that direction of all places?! “Did you say someone saw Ulric heading toward Verdant Hill?" I asked, my voice trembling, much likely of anticipation and fear. The Alpha nodded, his eyes filled with sympathy. "Yes, one of the young lads reported seeing a young boy matching Ulric's description heading in that direction. We cannot be certain, but it's worth investigating. I already organised a search party in that direction, he might not be the only one.” I couldn't sit still any longer. The mention of Ulric potentially being seen near Verdant Hill ignited a restless energy within me. The urgency to find him overwhelmed my senses, drowning out the Alpha's words. Without thinking, I slipped away from the Alpha and the concerned gazes of those around me. Ignoring their calls, I dashed through the underbrush, my heart pounding in my chest. The pain from my wound became a distant sensation, an afterthought. With every stride I took through the dense woods, I got closer and closer to the hill. "Ulric!" I called out, my voice echoing through the trees. "Ulric, where are you?" The only response was the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds. My heart sank, fearing that I had lost him within the vast expanse of the forest. But I couldn't afford to give in to despair. I continued to run, my pace quickening as I drew nearer to the Verdant Hill. As I approached the looming presence of the Hill, my senses sharpened, attuned to any sign of Ulric's presence. The stillness of the forest heightened my anticipation, as if the very trees held their breath in anticipation of our reunion. My voice grew more desperate, echoing through the surrounding trees. "Ulric, please! I'm here! Come to me!" Silence enveloped me, broken only by the sound of my laboured breaths. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, threatening to extinguish the flicker of hope that had driven me this far. I climbed the slope of the Verdant Hill, my legs aching and my body yearning for rest. But then, as I shifted the sole of my sandal, I felt something lodged beneath it. With a quick glance downward, there it was—Ulric's necklace. A simple silver pendant, engraved with our family crest—a wolf's head.
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