
Mark of the Lycan Queen

kickass heroine
another world

Tahlia, a young female werewolf with a mysterious birthmark, witnesses the brutal murder of her family by Lycans. In her search for her missing brother, she encounters Archibald, a powerful Lycan King seeking vengeance for his own mate's murder. Archibald discovers that Tahlia's birthmark matches that of his late mate, leading him to believe they share a connection.

Despite being held captive by Archibald, Tahlia remains defiant, determined to find her brother and uncover the truth about her family's attack. As their relationship becomes fraught with control issues, Tahlia's resilience grows, but so does Archibald’s desire for answers.

Torn between her desire for answers, revenge, and her growing feelings for Archibald, Tahlia discovers a secret that unravels the mystery of her birthmark.

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Chapter 1. Too Late
TAHLIA~ Terror it was. My heart raced as I rushed through the entrance of our pack. It was a terror that gripped me as I neared the pack, returning from the Brook, the place where I often sought solace in the evenings, a peaceful place away from our bustling residence. The serenity of the night breeze that accompanied me on my return was abruptly shattered as I entered our pack, confronted by a horrifying scene straight out of a nightmare.The once calm and harmonious environment that we called home was now marred by the scent of smoke and the menacing glow of flickering flames. Our pack had known a remarkable tranquillity, nestled in a location distant from other packs. Though many neighbouring packs were scattered across great distances, ours stood as the closest to the formidable Lycan territory. It was a sprawling town, ruled by a fierce one– The Lycan King, yet our interactions with them had always been peaceful. Never had I witnessed a Lycan crossing into our werewolf realm until this startling moment. In a state of wide-eyed horror, I beheld the distressing sight unfolding before me. A group of Lycans viciously attacked several of our own, their chilling cries mingling with the guttural growls that echoed through the air, accompanied by the sickening squelch of flesh being ripped apart. Various questions poured out of me but there was no time to linger in the shadows. Though I had only discreetly moved further, finding my way to my home when I caught sight of my parents. "Dear Goddess!...Mother–," The word barely came alive in my mouth as it got caught in my throat. "Father," I said once more...My breathing tightened as I took in the horrendous situation they were in. The scene was so heartbreaking and just as I was about to reach out to them, my mother silenced me just by the look on her face, a plea for me not to reach forward. For me to remain where I was. To remain alive. And I felt my heart crumbling. Frozen in shock and horror, I watched as they were mercilessly torn apart by the savage beasts. A beast they were! For what reason does any of us deserve this?! A wave of queasiness washes over me as I watched their lifeless bodies fall to the ground, their blood staining the soil. The pain was so severe that I felt tears run down my face– silent the place became, with only the beat of my heart sinking into me. And just then, a scream barked me out of my frozen state and my mind began to race again as I tried to make sense of the chaos around me. How could this be happening? Why were they attacking? Why? Why?!! My eyes drifted around frantically, my mind jamming as a body fell like a log of wood just a few steps from where I stood. Immediately I pried away from the spot, all wasn't lost yet, Ulric my little brother could still be out there. He has to! He was only twelve, eight years younger than me. I can't lose my entire family in one night. He is very young, the quiet type, and the chaos must be heavy on him. So, with a deep breath, I steeled myself and sprinted through the pack houses, dodging the rampaging Lycans as I ran and then I threw myself behind a wall, panting heavily. If not for the harshness of my feet on the ground and the pain I felt when I threw myself behind the wall, I might have conceded this to be a terrible dream and hoped to wake up soon. But it was real. Everything was real. Where is the goddess? "Ugh, s**t!" The word flew out of me just as my eyes ran to my best friend, Danika, running toward the woods and being chased by a Lycan. "Oh, no no no... Not her, not her..." I voiced and without thinking, I found myself instantly pushing out of my shield and dashing towards Danika's direction, although my heart was racing with much fear, I was more determined to save my best friend. She was also family. They all are. The chase to meet up was intense on my side, yet I wasn't certain how I would defeat the Lycan, but still, I refused to look back, to back down! My only focus was on reaching Danika before it was too late. I wasn't ready to watch another die before my eyes. I tried to be quick on my feet, and I drew closer, but Danika was barely managing to stay ahead of the Lycan. And like a cursed victim, my friend stumbled over a fallen log, and there the beast was, upon her in an instant. I felt my heart slip away "NO!!" The scream surged out of me as the Lycan reached for my dear friend, and without a thought, I leapt onto the Lycan's back, wrapping her arms around its neck in a tight grip. Not one of my steps was ever calculated but somehow I had managed to hold the Lycan off. "Tahlia?" Danika quivered, still sitting helplessly on the ground. "Go," I urged in between groans, my voice strained as the beast thrashed and snarled, trying to shake me off. "Go now!" I barked. But she won't listen and I don't know why. I wasn't losing anyone again. Not today. "But Tahlia—" "Run!" I yelled. "Run, Dani– Run!" but before Danika could move an inch from her frozen state, I was cast off by the Lycan. Trashing heavily against the ground. I must have lost my grip there or so. "Tahlia!" Danika screamed my name and began to rush to me but was unfortunate to get to me when the left hand of the Lycan slammed against her ear, sending her to crumple– and I almost thought for a second there she wouldn't survive the hit. "No!" I watched her crash to the ground “Dani–” the name got cut off in my throat and with the rage in me, I turned to the Lycan with a fierce growl, and in seconds I charged at it. There was only one thing in my mind as I struggled to keep my hold. TO KILL. "Run! Dani… RUN!" Danika hesitated for a beat, her eyes locking with mine before she took off into the woods. For what felt like an eternity, I held tight around the Lycan's neck. I can do it! I told myself, trying to hold on much longer for her. Or maybe it was for me. But suddenly, in a beat, I felt my claws alone thrive and instantly cut through the Lycan's throat. In a slow drop, we both fell to the ground. And for a moment there, I stood, panting and covered in sweat and blood. I had survived this battle, but how? Such a sudden shift has never occurred to me, not even when I shifted for the first time. The strength was strange. But then "Ulric?" I blinked, trying to be sure. And my heart leaped into my throat as I caught sight of him—Ulric, running into the woods and just so, I quickly sprinted after him, my muscles burning as I pushed myself to the limit. I could hear the Lycans howling in the distance, but I knew I have to catch up to Ulric before they did. Danika should be safe now. I hoped. But suddenly, a Lycan launched itself at me from out of nowhere. I had no time to react, and before I knew it, the Lycan's claws ran painfully across my back. The force of the attack was too much, and I stumbled, falling over the edge of the hill I was on. I tumbled down the rough ground, my body battered and bruised with every impact. The pain of sharp rocks and branches cutting into my skin was severe, but, yet I struggled to keep hold of my senses. Finally, with a jolt, I came to a stop at the bottom of the hill. A painful growl left me, gasping for breath as pain seared through my body– but I couldn't give up. Quickly getting to my feet, I struggled to keep running as the Lycan pursued me relentlessly through the woods. Its heavy footsteps pounded the ground behind me, getting closer and closer with every passing moment. More like it was determined to kill me, perhaps they were determined to kill everyone in our park. With each step, my heart pounded in my chest, and my breaths came in short gasps. The pain in her back felt like it was linked to my senses, and even though my legs burned with exhaustion, I refused to give up. Not even the Goddess will be able to save my wretched soul if I stopped running now. And just so, I ran and ran, and ran. And the more I run, the farther I get away from my pack, my home, my people, my friends, Danika! The goddess–Ulric! How could I leave him on his own? but then I can't turn back now. I had to keep running... had to! I knew the cliff was coming but I still chose this part, and just then I finally came upon the steep drop-off, a sheer rock face plummeting down into churning rapids below. The only way out was a daring jump and that has been my plan from the start. It was a place I know too well. With no other options left, I took a deep breath and jumped off the edge of the cliff, plummeting towards the water below. The wind rushed past my face as I fell, and for a moment, I felt weightless, free from the pain and fear that had consumed me. But the moment was fleeting, and soon I hit the water with a loud splash. The impact jolted through my body as I plunged deep into the icy water. I struggled to stay afloat as the current pulled me down, fighting to swim towards a direction. But then the muffled furious growl of the Lycan from above as it searched for me made me stay below the surface of the water. I knew it won't follow me. It wasn't easy to survive this jump considering the place was all rocky, but I was familiar with every corner of it. And no matter how difficult it was to breathe underwater, I knew I had to remain hidden until the danger had passed. However, it seemed the Lycan wasn't leaving any sooner. It waited and waited. The tension in my body mounting with every passing second. The cold water was beginning to sap my strength, and my lungs were starting to scream for air. I fought to stay still and quiet, but my body was starting to betray me. My vision began to blur, and I felt a dizzying sensation creeping over me. Although I knew that I couldn't hold out much longer, I refused to give up. I had to stay hidden until the Lycan gave up its search. But suddenly, my muscles spasmed, and I felt a bubble of air escape my lips. Panic surged through me as I struggled to regain control, but it was too late. I sucked in a lungful of water, and my body convulsed as my consciousness began to slip away.

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