Chapter 16

3308 Words

Maya I woke up with the sun filtering through the window and tickled my eyes, bothering me. My head was throbbing, and I didn’t even know how I got into bed. I stretched with my eyes still closed and felt my body hurts everywhere. Oh god. All my muscles hurt, including those I didn’t know existed. My phone started ringing all the time, making my head throb even more. I turned around and opened my eyes, my view were a little foggy and my head whirled furiously. I looked on the floor and found my cell phone ringing non-stop. I grabbed it and answered. "Yes," I said hoarse. My mouth was kneaded, and my throat was dry, my voice was hoarse as if I had cried out for hours. God what the hell had happened? "Sheppar!" Jess cried to the other side of the line, almost breaking my eardrums.

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