Chapter 41

2609 Words

Maya I woke up with a warm body behind mine. I sighed when soft lips landed on my neck and shivered all over my body as a hand slipped under the shirt I was wearing as pajamas. Nate passed his tongue under my ear and I stretched out groaning when Nate grabbed one of my breasts with his hand while the other one slowly crept under the fabric of my panties. I put my fingers between his soft locks and pushed my butt against him, feeling him hard against my thigh. "Good morning," I said sleepily as I was rubbing my butt against his hard d**k. "Mmmh" he replies by storming my neck with kisses. He brushed my clit with my thumb and I groaned moving my head and giving him even more access to my neck which he took to nibble and suck the skin. He put two fingers on the humidity between my legs b

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