Chapter 63

1352 Words

Maya I sat at the table while I read the paperwork that Nate had brought. If I’d signed with him, Nate would have become Axel’s father, he would have brought his last name, and half the custody would have gone to him and half to me. No one could ever challenge anything because it was a full-blown adoption. But all this made me doubt. When did he have it all prepared? Everything that was happening over the last few days seemed very sudden, but I couldn’t think that it wasn’t something that Nate had studied. I looked at Axel in the table chair. He loved Nate like crazy, and Nate loved Axel like crazy, it didn’t surprise me that he wanted to make it official, that he wanted everyone to know that Axel was his son, so it was possible that he had thought of everything for a long time. When

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