Chapter Nine

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IÑIGO’S POV ----- I reached down to have dinner. It was somehow very challenging, treading away from my mate, but I had to be in custody of myself. I sat on the lead chair at the table, joining the rest of them. “Alpha,” Gabriella greeted me and I nodded at her. The rest of everyone just gave me small nods and smiles. Diego was on my left and then Gabriella sat next to him. Nicolas was on my right side, followed by Sofia. “You’re finally here,” Sofia commented, and I offered her a look. She won’t let go of any opportunity to tease me. She must be the one who must be relishing this circumstance the most. Me - Sof, cut it. I warned her on the mind-link and she chuckled. I glared at her and showed her teeth. “Well, how was your day, honey?” Sofia shifted her attention from me to her lovely mate. He huffed, dramatically. “With our lion in the den, it’s hard to hunt,” Nicolas answered, and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Diego joined in, too. Gabriella was quite silent as she didn’t understand what it meant. "He just means that it is difficult without Alpha," Diego explained to Gabriella and she then smiled. I could see and feel the genuine happiness her face showed once she was included in the circle. “Nico, have some shame. You are the Beta, the Royal one at that.” I commented and he shook his head. “In here, it doesn’t feel like it. All I feel is like I’m your slave.” Nicolas teased, and I offered him a challenging look. “Is that so?” I questioned him and his face morphed into a frightening face. Everyone knew it was anything but that. “You saw that, babe? He is always here scaring people.” He displayed, hiding his face in Sofia’s neck. I kicked him from under the table and he groaned. “You! Get your PDA at your house, not here!” I warned him and he narrowed his eyes at me. “You just wait until it’s your turn.” He warned me and I just shrugged. Sofia noticed that it had got a bit closer to my mate's topic, so she huffed, gaining attention. “Is it dinner or a soap opera?” Sofia scolded both of us and we cleared our throats. She then served us food and Gabriella helped. I gave Nicolas a look while he had a serious expression on his face. “Did something happen, Nico?” I asked him and he shook his head. My forehead crunched at his response, but he still looked a bit nervous about it. “There is something that I’ve done and I hope you will support it,” Nicolas expressed, and I then understood his internal turmoil. “Nico, whatever you do is something I’ll always support. Why are you so worried?” I conveyed to him and he shook his head. There was definitely something huge that he had done. “Just have dinner, first,” I advised him because I knew we should do this talk rather privately and he nodded. “Dio, is there something bothering you, too, now?” I asked him as I saw him struggling with himself, too. “Yes, there is. When are you getting those transfer papers? I can’t control this pull!” He whined and the entire table fell in laughter while Gabriella blushed hard. Surely, I had a very interesting family. ----- Once done with dinner, the three of us moved to my study. Nicolas had something important to discuss and, at the same time, Diego had something to convey to me. “Speak,” I ordered both of them, and they nodded to each other. “Let me go first,” Diego said, and I nodded at him. “I’ve been observing the border and everything appears to be normal now. I’ve inspected the incidents and have found some clues which seem to be to our benefit.” Diego informed me and I gave him a questioning look. “From what I noticed, the previous three bodies were found on the East side whereas our Luna was found on the South side. This could be a hint that those bodies and our Luna didn’t have any connection at all. Also, those bodies had various marks on the bodies, whereas our Luna was hit but not with such marks on the body. Again, it shows it’s distinguishable.” Diego explained and showed me the proof. Nonetheless, he was right. I had failed to see this since I was so stunned to discover my mate but I was impressed by his calculations on the situation. “You’ve done good work, Dio.” I praised him and he smiled. “You would’ve done the same if you had not been so mesmerized by your mate’s presence. I only thought about what you would do and did it. Thanks for teaching me well.” He professed. He teased and praised me all at once, and I couldn’t refute any of his statements. “Very well. Your mouth is working fine, too.” I commented and he cleared his throat. “I’m impressed by your inspection. I’ll do a detailed study on it before coming to any opinion or forming any conclusion. In the meantime, ask the packs on the Eastern border if they have been finding anything of such a kind. At the same time, I have a little questioning on the Southern side, too.” I instructed him and he nodded. “Remember, keep this all under wraps and no one should know a thing about it,” I warned him and he nodded. “You go to the packs and have a conversation. It might take a few days for you to complete all of them.” I described it to him and he made a glum face. “I know. It just feels too burdening leaving my mate behind to go out.” He confessed and I chuckled. I knew his small brain would only think as such. “Take her with you and make it seem like you’re visiting your mate. I received her transfer papers in the evening.” I told him and his face lit up and he squealed, hugging me tightly. Nicolas just laughed at his reaction. “You are the best Alpha King ever!” He screeched in my ear and blasted my cheek with kisses. “We both have found our mates, already, Dio!” I reminded him and he paused. I took a tissue and wiped my face clean when he only made a happy-apologetic face. “She is now a part of our pack. I just have to admit her in, but that has to wait until the full moon. You can mark her or whatever you both wish to do.” I proclaimed to him and he nodded frantically. “Now, Nico,” I indicated, and he handed me the papers. I took the papers with a questioning face. “What about these peace treaty agreement papers?” I asked him as I read the files’ cover page. “Well, I have made a few modifications to it and added clauses. There is one clause that I added in and I ought to have your opinion on it.” He explained and I hummed. I left the agreement terms because I knew what was in there and I would read it later. I focused on the added clause, trying to locate it and discover what it was. There were indeed a lot more clauses added to the new treaty. They did seem beneficial for the packs. I finally found a clause and instantly knew that Nicolas was talking about this clause itself. ‘Accepting of same-s*x mates – As mates are an unchangeable blessing from the Moon Goddess, we should abide by her choice. Given that many cases have been found regarding same-s*x mates being found. Such couples should be accepted into our community with open arms. Anyone going against this will be severely punished.’ The clause read. “This clause…?” I trailed off and he nodded. “Only when you found a male as your mate, did this come to my mind. I researched and found out that many people found same-s*x people as mates. Those people either committed suicide, were killed or had to leave their packs and settle in the city because of the unacceptance of such relationships in our community. I realized that we should take a step ahead and try to help them. Also, since you are in this, it is really necessary and the community will question you about it, but you can stand through this, unlike the regular pack people.” Nicolas illustrated all of it without looking at me even once. “Nico, you’ve done a good job.” I praised him and he let out a shaky breath. He surely had taken this step but we both knew the number of objections that were going to be raised about this. “It terrifies me to think of a further response. I know you’d accept this but I don’t know how you can hold on further with the hindrance of others.” Nicolas expressed, and I could understand his point. “You know if I agree with anything, I’ll fight anything for it. And in this case, it also involves my mate, making it even more significant for me. For the benefit of our people, we must move ahead with what’s going on rather than sticking to our traditional methods.” I educated him and he nodded. “You don’t have to agonize about this anymore, Nico. I will handle this ahead.” I comforted him and he nodded. He sniffled a little. “I just want you both to be safe. When I read about how the community went crazy to kill them, I felt haunted knowing this could harm you, too. As your Beta, I would never let any such harm come to you.” Nicolas confessed his fear and I understood it. We had both lost our parents at an early age and it was we who supported each other. We were a family and we’d protect each other at all costs. “Nico, you sure fret a lot. Don’t you know me? Do I appear that weak to you?” I questioned him and he scoffed. “You may be strong or weak. I don’t care. You are my family. I am concerned about everything that you are involved with.” He opened his heart in front of me and I smiled. Diego just jumped on Nicolas, hugging him like a Koala. “You both are my family, too,” Diego conveyed, and I shook my head. “I don’t seem to have much space for a hug,” I commented, but Nicolas went ahead and pulled me in. It was a very uncomfortable position, but surely, I felt the warmth of this family again. “I heard you guys and I had to make an appearance.” We heard a voice and turned to see Sofia at the door. She came in and joined the hug. Without her, our family wouldn’t have been complete anyway. “Talk about suffocating.” I teased and she scoffed. When we pulled away, Diego was still stuck to Nicolas. He was the baby we had all taken care of, so he sometimes behaved like a spoiled little brat. “Care to get off my mate, Dio?” Sofia asked and Diego got down with a pout. Sofia s*****d his ass and he groaned, looking at her. “I’m not a child anymore, Sof!” Diego whined and we both chuckled, looking at him. “I’m a child, can I get a hit, please?” Nicolas batted his eyelashes at Sofia and she smirked. They knew how to test my patience, too. “Get lost from my house first,” I warned them. “As if we want you to be our intruder. Come on, hon.” Sofia muttered and jumped on Nicolas. He wrapped his arms around her back, holding her well. “Bye, fam!” She yelled and they both left my study. “I should go, too. I will leave early in the morning. Miss me.” He informed me and cooed before leaving the room. I only huffed looking at the crazy family I had. Smiling at their outlandish habits, I picked up the file Nicolas had presented to me. I needed to study it and reassess it to make it into a stronger clause. I knew the opposition was tough, and so was the clause. I was going to make this happen, for my mate and all the others who have been struggling with these unfair practices. Me - Eliphas, did you hear that? We are once again going to war with our community. I conveyed to him on the mind-link. He seemed proud of me and it made me happy. Eliphas - I heard it, Iñigo. We can fight this. But before that, I have to know. Did you accept our mate? Do you want to do this for him? Eliphas asked and I sighed. Me - I have accepted him, wholeheartedly, Eliphas. But my condition remains the same. Dio’s words gave me a little confidence that my mate could be innocent after all, but it’s still a maybe. In any case, this matter should’ve been noticed earlier. I have to do it for the people who are struggling with this. I informed him. Eliphas - Only when we found a male mate, did we realize that this was possible, too. And we’re taking action when we know about it. It’s not wrong in any sense. If we would've ignored this now, then we would’ve been wrong. Eliphas explained and I agreed with him. Since light was shed on this matter, I was not going to let it go. Me - Let’s do this well. I encouraged him, and he agreed. Eliphas - In this happy moment, can you let me out for a while? I need a run, please. He expressed it and I chuckled. Me - As you wish, my wolf. I apprised him and kept the file on the desk before removing my dress and jumping out the window, changing into my pitch-black wolf. ----- When I returned after my run, I felt relieved and refreshed. I was determined to seek justice for people who were incapable of fighting for their own. I had the power and I wouldn’t be oppressed, so I would take a stand and make it possible. I read the file and marked a few points where a few changes were required. As I read those clauses, I felt Nicolas’s hard work. He worked hard to find new implementations that were required for us to move forward in our life with the current generation. I was going to put his efforts into action and let things fall into their rightful places. I would make it happen no matter who would oppose it. As I felt time pass by, I decided to go and rest. I went ahead and kept the files on their shelves. I had to clean my table well before I left my study. I sauntered back to my room and my mate’s scent hit me. My smile only widened in response. I took confident steps and walked to the bed. I laid down on the bed and smiled, peeking at my mate. Since he had arrived in my life, it surely had turned upside down, in every way. Because of him, I was focusing on such an important issue. I just wanted him to wake up and clear my doubts. Also, I couldn’t wait to get to know him. I was anticipating him waking up a lot more than I thought I would. The ‘Alpha King’ in me was giving up in front of the ‘mate’ inside me. I just didn’t know if I was right to follow the ‘mate’ inside me. But I was going to follow it anyway.
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